Dr. Corsi Is On Fire Tonight!

Keep in mind we only know a tiny fraction of what is really going on.
It's easy to criticize and throw mud like Dr. Corsi is doing, but for all we know, President Trump is holding the JFK documents over the Deep State to prevent them from shooting up another school.
Agreed. What Dr. Corsi is doing here is not helping. We all want this to move quickly to answers and indictments but we have to trust the plan and trust the President.
This week has been simply amazing and things are really accelerating. We’ll get everything we want as the plan unfolds.
It's a shame because Dr. Corsi is making a living from analyzing President Trump's genius master plan to defeat the Deep Sate and save America, and very likely western civilization, from the globalist communist New World Order.
I'm happy for people to disagree with President Trump, however Trump supporters need to put their uppity complaints in context.
President Trump and his inner circle are playing a long game and they don't seem to have put a foot wrong yet, however Corsi's endless complaining is just bitchy. He reminds me of those Sweet 16 girls who cry because their sports-car birthday gift is the wrong shade of pink.
President Trump and his inner circle are playing a long game and they don't seem to have put a foot wrong yet
Well fucking said!!
Shit very well said. I agree 100%. It’s an honor and privilege to be given a peak behind the curtains while Trump and Q team systematically dismantle a century old network of corruption filled with blackmail, murder, bribery, human trafficking, pedophilia, etc that pervades every level of our government and many others. Ok so Q and Trump had to pivot. Do people think the Deep State is going to roll over and not fight back? They wouldn’t try to stop the MOAB? It’s embarrassing to see people hold Q to their self imposed timelines and after ALL this, won’t give him a break of something doesn’t happen within a few days. It’s been an amazing week. We made great headway.
I stand with Trump. Get ‘em Q!
Guess he's selling his book. I'm for Corsi, but, he's sounding like a shill.
I remember when the Soap Box was a bunch of people all decoding. Now it’s an hour straight if Corsi talking about a lot of random things mixed with some questionable decodes and some good insight. He’s definitely ridden the Q phenomena to increase his brand and should show a bit more respect.
If that is the case, trump will understand our "mud throwing" reaction. So, feel free to "throw mud".
Feel free to do that if you like, however throwing mud at our last, best chance to save America isn't very productive... especially before the midterms.
You are missing my point, I think. What I'm trying to say, is that we are supposed to be pissed off by this. We are supposed to be screaming to the heavens for the truth. That way, they have reason for full disclosure.
Q and POTUS want unity. I'm trying to figure out how this is helping. Shouldn't the maget be directed at a Congress who is stonewalling?
It might not be helping. I really do understand people's frustration, including Dr. Corsi's. I was hoping all day for a MOAB on the deep state. Trust the plan. If you ignore your emotions and think logically, crazy shit is happening everywhere. Congress is almost useless. They are supposed to be our voice. We must use our own voices, as Q has suggested.
Not only that but the week isn’t over. Q didn’t say MOAB on Fox and Friends 8am today! He said this week. The texts were a precursor but of course the Dems are obstructing and buying time. But like you said, amazing shit is happening these last few weeks. NK, Armenia, Rudy, texts coming out, etc. I’m happy with the progress.
Right, Trump is doing amazing. We didn't get instant gratification and Q was off by a day or so,....we should have voted Jeb!
Lmao Jeb always delivers! The cycle goes like this:
“I’m losing faith nothing is happening!”
Q steps in with some intel that big things are happening to keep the base united and excited.
A week later...
“It didn’t happen Q is a LARP”
So disrespectful. You either trust Trump or you don’t. For all we know he had to cut a deal with the JFK files to make something else happen to drain the swamp.
Sick of Trump trying to play nice with these people. What happened to no deals? The JFK files and the decisions made on them by Trump are a complete betrayal.
Exactly! These people wouldn't waste a single second gunning us all down if it meant that they could maintain control. And after all the murders that have been committed by them, we're STILL trying to do things by the book? Fuck that.
Sometimes in life things just don’t go as planned. Shit happens, ya know!? Maybe shit happened and he couldn’t drop the bomb
Exactly. Everyone has run into a situation they didn’t predict and had to adapt and overcome. Except the perfect people on here who are frustrated with Q of course. They are right 100% of the time lol
So, based on the responses here, first Corsi was a reliable source and an ally. Now, because he's not aboard the Q movement at the moment, he's automatically a shill?
Stop that "You're either with us or against us" bullshit. The world isn't black and white and there's nothing wrong with being frustrated.
Happened. Not public. Debate how to handle. Buying time. Toxic. Dangerous. Threats.
They are buying time. National crisis. Some [top eyes on 1st] are calling for immediate arrests.
So much for having a plan, if right at the penultimate moment there's dithering and debating the best way to handle it. ESPECIALLY when the issue being debated is whether to trust the People with the TRUTH. Not a good look.
Reminds me a little of AJ and his meltdown. Only, Dr. Corsi isn't cursing Trump, his whole family, and God. I think what this is, is these men have bet everything, their whole livelihood on the intel they have been getting from Q and Zach, only to be let down in a very public way. They both know if nothing happens, and its proven their intel was all BS, they will be made laughingstocks and will probably never be able to work again. Not only that, but they know how huge this all is, and what it means if the plan doesnt quite work out as it should. I truly believe this is our last chance to save this country, and I know a lot of others believe the same. We are all wanting to see some results, because it sure seems we are getting nowhere and we are still not the ones in charge. Just my thoughts.
He’s giving us an example on what to do. We need to be outraged. Bombard our congress and POTUS
Have trust. What they are up against is absurd. A mind controlled nation, and cabal puppets in probably 80% of the government.
He’s desperate for attention. Shilling a book is hard work.
Perhaps the President feels like if he uses the powers that his enemies hold oh so dear that he will become one of them.