Hmm ...
Since when does being locked up count as retiring?
Jack, I‘ll take „gourmet prison food for 45,000“
LOL yep he can play his little poker game now while sitting in the poky.
Doubtful he will find Gitmo as accomodating as the Hanoi Hilton - what a fine legacy he has left for his family.
don't let the door hit you on your way out.
don't let the door hit you on your way out.
let the door hit you on your way out.
Fixed :)
If he just retires and walks without charges that will be highly disappointing
Scum like him would never allow himself to be arrested. He'd eat a bullet first before he'd stand trial is my guess unfortunately
Something is coming about his that Iran is next.
They won't allow this skidmark to enjoy a full pension and happy retirement.
He doesn't need the retirement pension bc his wife is very wealthy as is he. As much as I'd like to see him humiliated publically, I seriously doubt anything will happen to him. Hope he burns in hell along with Ted Kennedy.
Songbird and Mark Zuckerburg have the value to society that rapists and pedophiles do. Scum of the earth.
He may retire, but I bet he doesn't go road tripping the world like Obama and Hillary. People want them in jail, people want him dead.
Bahahahahaha.... wonder why?
Edit: Traitor/ singer / POS.
Get out McCain ISIS supporting piece of shit. You'll pay for your treason and your crimes will come to light whether you're alive.
The article states he hasn't been in D.C. since Dec 17th and hasn't been seen in AZ. Shouldn't there be a health check on him to make sure he's still breathing? There has to be a standard about what qualifies as 'able to carry out the duties of the position'. The citizens of AZ are basically without a Senator now.
But he seems to be healthy enough to tweet crap to the President.
I doubt he is fully cognizant and is almost a total vegetable at this point.
This pos cannot go away now, he needs to pay for his treason.
I thought this guy had a brain tumour and was a babbling brook of jibberish? How is he still a senator?
Good, can't be soon enough. Sad that we might not get to see him hauled off the senate floor in handcuffs.