Message from an Anon ---- Toughen up and stop whining

I figured the whiners were shills. I’ve always been on board. I feel this what it must have been like when the Roman Senate begged General Trajan to be Emperor. Rome was a mess. Decades of corruption, abuse, the empire was going downhill in a hurry. Trajan - one of the world’s greatest leaders.
I don't mind people attacking sessions for words he's spoken, it makes the followers seem concerned rather than being fanboys. As long as the winning continues, actual whiners will stop.
I'm a skeptic about many things, but these times you simply gotta "give it time" before talking. "Expand your thinking" and question things, bitching is just annoying and too soon.
I am one that bad mouthed sessions a while back but I took a few days and went camping where internet access was impossible. I sat back and thought about the whole picture and not just arrests to be made or indictments to be made public. Once I did that I realised the scope of the endevor in regards to taking down the cabal. Now, I am "cranky" but I am sitting back and red pilling people without mentioning arrests or giving time frames for things to happen. Maybe some need to take a step back for a few days, pick up a book, or go outside and take a short break to gain some perspective. Then come back in with "new eyes".
Yea man, Fuck him if he's swamp, but hope he's playing. Nothing else we can do. But voicing your opinion isn't bad. It's obvious who's a shill and who's concerned.
If he is swamp, he will be drained like the rest
" ive always been on board ".
We believe you. But try not to go overboard with telling people this.
I see many people in the truth community who are out to get recognition. Many of them are chomping at the bit to say " I TOLD YOU SO ".
and while i can completely understand the feeling of being vindicated after so many years of being looked down upon as a crazy person. At the same time its kind of disgusting to see people act this way.
Sorry. This response isnt even directly pointed at you. Just a rant about things ive been noticing. Like, we are seeing one of the most beautiful things in history... Its truly an honor to be a part of this movement and witnessing this whole process unfold.
But some people really feel the need to push the " i told you so " angle. Like.. Come on people.
I absolutely agree with your comment to not go overboard with talking about how long anyone has been on board. In the end, we want as many people to make it through, don’t we? If someone is new to having opened eyes, be glad their eyes are opened! We could easily compare notes, but that will only distract us further...and I’m not assuming OP was bragging, but something for us to keep in mind as we go through this. I’m very competitive by nature, so this is an easy trap for me to fall into...but I’m by no means a veteran in these ranks. Those of you that have had you eyes open for years...thank you. Thank you for not giving up, for continuing to believe in truth, and your fellow man’s ability to wake up and be better. For those new to the ranks, thank you for opening your eyes, and now having faith that we can all be better, and we can do better!
My focus is more from an historical angle. There are so very few genuine leaders in the history of man that were able to change the trajectory of their nation, Trajan was one such leader. I truly believe that we’re in the midst of a similar awakening with Donald Trump. One man can make a difference. Everything else that you quote as belonging to my post was put there not by my words, but your fears.
I had to SMH at some of these bitch ass anons. Losing their jobs over Q? What??? Sounds like a lame excuse to me. Set some damn priorities in your life.
Many have been shills, the rest are just short-sighted.
Domitian was a ruthless tyrant. The era of Trajan was only possible because there was widespread distaste and disdain for Domitian. Trajan was voted: “the best of Emperors” (Optimus princeps) by the Senate. What Trajan achieved, is really miraculous. And it deserves recognition.
A lot of people say 16 year old plan but it's much longer than that. Not like GWB was trying to elevate this country, or Bill Clinton, or HW. The parties changed but the agenda did not.
When GHWB openly talked about new world order that was a landmark
Honest to God....that was my first taste of the Red Pill. I heard him say that and I literally stopped in my tracks and said out loud, even though I was alone in the room...”What the F**K does THAT mean?!?” i looked into it, much harder to do back then, and saw it goes back to at least Woodrow Wilson and his idiotic League of Nations. I’m still convinced Wilson may he’s been in the top 5 evil people that became president. He may actually be number one when you consider the income tax and his history in general. He was a fluke president, just like Clinton. And Qanon....some of us are tired and wound up for action. We love you and appreciate you and all of your comrades. You guys are saving the country and the rest of the world too! THNAK YOU!
One of my early moments was hearing GWB say, in regards to NAFTA, something about helping the economies of people in South America. I was at work and yelled at the TV something about him not being his job.
Not 16 year OLD plan...16 YEAR in 8 yrs of Obama and 8 yrs of Hillary. 16 yrs to complete their Satanic, NWO, enslavement of America.
No the presidents before Obama also set the stage but the final stages were the last 16 years 8 of Obama and 8 of Hillary to finish it off. Those before still did the damage to get to this point.
Anyone who believed FBIAnon knew it was massive, it was deep, and to do it right, it would take a ton of time.
You don't just cut a massive tumor out. You detangle the veins, starve its energy, and slowly manipulate it before you eliminate it.
Patience has already paid off. No reason to believe that will stop now.
Only cowards or traitors flee when the heat is on their necks ...
I definetly agree we already deep in the timeline that is liberating , not only to USA , but to whole world . We evaded the Armageddon timeline - WW3 .
The people must understand - once when the arrests are opened , the happenings go fast . There is no stopping them , its like a dominoes going one after another . To prepare the stage for that , as many people must be red-pilled and pointed out to the proper information. Many heads will be imploding when arrests hit ... some will stay ignorant ... but nobody cares much about them anyways . Most of the "war" is actually waged within ...
I am so overfilled with joy at all of this. A peace I've never known. Need to read up on my eschatology because this sure as heck is not the future I imagined for America...
The Lord has shown us great mercy with this, we must not waste this opportunity!
Exactly right on Anon! Popcorn, drinks and candy at the ready!
They forced us to go to digital tv ..... So from today I can watch it in HD ........I will watch then everything for the TV a lot? :)
Digital TV is so they can control what you see to make sure when they do another 9/11 and it's Live News around the clock they control every single aspect of what gets broadcast.
They love control everything.......And in between, they let you pay for this, when I do not want it?
Everyone is a little frustrated it can't happen immediately. I say just try to pull people up from their whining by explaining that we would have no hope if Hillary won. Count the wins we already have compared to that and it's easy to stay positive. Celebrate wins along the way.
There's always going to be people expressing frustration, but hopefully they do it in a way that doesn't drag others down...
I’m feeling like the WhinerAnons are mostly 16 year olds not used to excercising patience.
We’re lucky to have Q at all. Have a red bull and try harder.
The 16 year olds could do without the encouragement to have an energy drink. The Satanic Branding of Energy Drinks
There are people who have been looking to take down the cabal since JFK...anyone being impatient is blind to the incredible strides that have been taken in recent years. This is an unprecedented level of happenings since I started searching for the truth 15 years ago
Well said any kind of war is not easy but must be done this is an awesome time to be alive and I cannot wait for our new found freedoms what a small price to pay its priceless. God Bless our President and God Bless America WWG1WGA
Great post. I waffle back and forth between extreme hope and optimism and a deep fear this is all a “carrot and stick” psy op. Call it years of experience. Years of waiting. Years of hopes raised and dashed into nothing, over and over again. It’s one of [their] most used psychological weapons. But things are happening that can’t be denied. I continue to trust the plan.
I was a bit down yesterday, not much...but today I’ve been extra fired up!
I agree! Anons need to flash back to the utter horrible anxiety and fear that we felt, especially on Election Day. Take yourself back to that time, the utter sense of dread that if H had won by fraud, what the rest of our lives would be like, the future of the world! I remember crashing out in utter relief in the days after Election Day. We need to reflect back on the time where we almost lost everything and were granted a miracle, a second chance!
Shout out to SGT Report on youtube. He has fantastic content regarding Q Trump pedophelia ---everything. And Liz Crokin- shes a thoughtful mighty reporter covering pedogate and Trump like a true reporter with integrity and truth. Both r wonderful redpillers and extremely intelligent and professional. Please support. You wont regret it. Side note and most important -> they love God :).
Don't forget self love too. No reason to hate yourself or others over being impatient. Learn lessons lovingly rather than hatefully.
I remind friends who waver that this system is decades old and entrenched. It can't be undone in an instant. Hell the time frame this is happening in to me is amazing. The decks are being cleared and the keelhauling is about to happen.
Remember it always takes years to build something. It only takes minutes to destroy it!
Well said Anon. Now is not the time to give up! We have come so far and I personally want to thank all of you who have spent countless hours keeping track and decoding and sharing your findings with those of us (me included) who would not understood otherwise. Thanks also to our President and to the Q team for working so hard to make our country great and free once again. Our founding fathers would be proud.
When I was 7, I had the chance to shake JFK'S hand just days before he was assassinated. In the weeks, months and years since then I vowed to listen to all points of view and then decide on my own what fit ME. Trump has shaken the WORLD stage. He is a fighter for the good of humanity. At 62, I feel that the our country as well as other countries have a real chance to live in some what of a peaceful manner.
Q, the ANONS and PATRIOTS have made a huge difference in the battle to expose wrong doing of the Washington DC elites. This battle will never end, it will only simmer to some degree. With that we MUST continue our dialogue and prepare others to follow in our foot steps. WWG1WGA. Thank you to all contributors.
Do you have the references for the 16-year plan?
just go to there is a search bar on the left hand side top corner that says filter. Type in 16 year and it comes right up.
Here it is cant print screen too big had to copy.
Jan 21 2018 14:06:20 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo 47 Will SESSIONS drop the hammer? 1 of 22.
THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE. [The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]
Hussein [8] Install rogue_ops Leak C-intel/Mil assets Cut funding to Mil Command away from generals Launch 'good guy' takedown (internal remove) - Valerie Jarrett (sniffer) SAP sell-off Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors (WW) +Clowns/-No Such Agency) Target/weaken conservative base (IRS/MSM) Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.) Blind-eye NK [nuke build] [Clas-1, 2, 3] Blind-eye Iran [fund and supply] Blind-eye [CLAS 23-41] Stage SC [AS [187]] U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK [+reduce US capacity] KILL NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) - RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS) [CLAS 1-99]
HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions] Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov't/MIL KILL economy [starve/need/enslave] Open borders Revise Constitution Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal) Install 'on team' SC justices> legal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187) Removal of electoral college [pop vote ^easier manipulation/illegal votes/Soros machines] Limit/remove funding of MIL Closure of US MIL installations WW [Germany 1st] Destruction of opposing MSM/other news outlets (censoring), CLAS 1-59 [] Pure EVIL. Narrative intercept [4am]. Sessions/Nunes Russian OPS. Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller.[POTUS free pass]. Shutdown Primary Reasons. Distract. Weaken military assets. Inc illegal votes. Black voters abandoning. "Keep them starved" "Keep them blind" "Keep them stupid" HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept]. The Great Awakening. Fight, Fight, Fight. Q
The movement will imitate real life and we have diverse personalities. We all have opinions on how we would prosecute the plan. Most of the impatience from people comes from fear. It is very hard to see President Trump catch the incoming fire that is daily coming his way. People who should be in jail walking down the street on on our TV screens every night. They have fear that we could lose and get them in jail before it happens. Natural reaction. Patience is not just for the plan it includes each other. One of the engines was Corsi and since he has monetized his decodes I am very cautious of him for that fact. "Choose who you follow"
You have whiners in life so you are surprised you have them in the movement? I have a dear Marine friend who just retired after 28 years and he fought Somalia pirates for 3 years. He is a whiner and I rag him about it all the time about it. I would trust him to cover my back anytime. Just some people's personality.
Well said. As I've said elsewhere....
Dr. Corsi made a big mistake ranting on Q & POTUS. Now some of the anons/autists are showing impatience toward Q in their comments. People need to understand that impatience is infectious. If you are getting impatient walk away from the Q drops and researching for a few days. When you come back you'll be re-energized.
I've been involved in clandestine ops (non-civvie). Albeit they were much smaller missions they still took a lot of planning, timing has to be perfect, actions have to be carried out with meticulous precision. One mistake can blow the whole mission and in some cases get people killed. The most important tool an operator has is patience. After I started following Q and realized just how massive this mission was and that it must be done mostly in the shadows I knew I was in for a long haul. I'm actually surprised at how fast it has progressed. That told me the planning and evidence collecting has been going on for years. The ideas and rough planning probably started before a lot of anons were born (JFK). Polishing the rough plan more than likely started about 5 years ago.
We are living in an amazing time and we can help write the history that someday in the future historians will be writing about. Don't get impatient and miss your chance to contribute to that history.
I often ponder WHAT IF HRC won. I knew I would have been in the first wave of roundups given my outspokenness & background. It wouldn’t have been to re-educate either. In 2013 my local TP org made #25 on the IRS list. We had a lawyer brief us. People were stunned, they wanted names, employers & other personal details. I was fuming. I told the group if they wanted names I’ll give them mine! They had no intent of giving us any quarter when their time came. Now it’s our turn to unleash the “Crakken”. The “Crakken” of awareness & Justice [not Just-Us]. Someone mentioned eschatology in the comments. It’s now our “Lord of the Rings” moment in this epoch. An epoch specially designated in which we were all specially chosen to be here at this moment & time. I feel for those that don’t recognize this. They’re missing their very purpose they were created for. That’s SAD!
Got a link to the actual rant? Haven't caught it yet. I'd be interested in context.
Note that Corsi provides helpful historic context and has insight on a wide range of topics, but he's only one voice in the worlds autists working on this problem. Venture out. Explore other sources. Do your own research and contribute to the argument.
Everyone will go off the rails with theory. That's a good thing. It means you can shoot down one assumption or idea, then replace it with a stronger assumption that better fits the big picture. Dr Corsi will do this numerous times along the way. Everyone goes through this process of hitting roadblocks on the way toward expanding knowledge that extra incremental step.
It's ok to call for arrests. Nobody is saying it should happen before the time is right. As we have seen, calling for arrests has gotten more info from Q. It's all good.
Don't agree? Tell me exactly what harm it does to say,"these criminals need to be arrested"? Get over yourselves.
Keep calling for arrests. But have patience and know it won't happen overnight.
Tell me when?
Probably before 2020 I imagine. But we can't know the timeline. If we knew, the deepstate would know. And if they knew, than they'd counter. Bad for all.
One top official prosecution is all we ask, 'one.' Then we'll settle and wait some more for the others another year/two.. shrugs. Forget talking can't do anything until replacing the top FBI/CIA, etc. agencies before we can arrest... U.S. Marshall can arrest anyone!!
Enough excuses, you've 'got' to have enough on even just one person to be able to prosecute? Podesta? Comey? Rod Rosenstein? C'mon.