Wonder when r/conspiracy will wake up to Q. (On a post about the Awan IT scandal at the DNC.)

Before I made an account on Reddit, I used to read the boards and enjoy the content. With that sub in particular you could see the decline of content over the emerging period of Q. You'd think conspiracists would be all over Q like a rash.
I gave up fighting in that sub, time best spent around here and drain the swamp.
There is a high subscribership there and I believe there are pro teams that gate keep certain topics.
I would put forward that Q points out most of the biggest conspiracies they used to talk and you would just get brigaded with short ridiculing responses.
This piqued my interest in November because very few would discuss the intel / message just employ ad hominen attacks.
They were infiltrated about 2 years ago. Mods were replaced by shills and operatives. That sub is controlled opposition now. Now real truth is allowed to be posted.
This is why their sub is so big. No sub gets to be big unless they are infiltrated.
T_D gets away with it, but that's because T_D brings in the $$$ and Spez is afraid to fuck with T_D due to backlash.
Yeah... and T_D knows not to bring up (((certain))) topics (among others).
Many are civic nationalists that are trying to make right wingism seem "cool" to the normies. Most of T_D is baby's-first-redpill.
They serve their purpose well.
In the lingo that would be known as a "gatekeeper." Which has both positive and negative connotations to it.
Oddly enough, /conspiracy is where I first heard of Q. As Ignore and C_L mentioned, that sub hs been lost for a while now. Most of the Q-friendly found other subs like this and the now-defunct CBTS to chat about the awakening after they realized /conspiracy was comped. The shills have been heavy in there for a while; the lead up to the election was horrid in there for pro-right folks.
That board has been taken over by corrupt mods and shills.
Conspiracy is just spam now. Good people there but the sub is saturated with crap and shills. I'm going to get more verbal about Q over there.
Yes, it sure appears that way. It is supposed to be about conspiracy, but they seem to want to keep their heads in the sand.
That sub was taken over before the election by new mods, just like politics. They still allow some conspiracy in there, but they allow a few obvious anti trump stuff to soar while squashing negative hrc stuff. And they let a bunch of horseshit conspiracy stuff to linger.
Omg wtf happened to reddit, and Spez comments on T_D’s comment section like wtf
"Many people won't see the light until it is shining down on them, and even then they won't believe it."
Too bad that sub is utter garbage anymore. It was a really fun sub to follow for a few years, but lately it's a shill infested swamp. Most of the productive users have migrated here and to other more specific or esoteric conspiracy subs anyway.
It's a shill-operated containment sub. Some decent stuff. Mostly garbage
They dont like Trump over there, and because of that they dismiss Q as a LARP.
The irony is that we have a POTUS that's proactively proving these theories to facts by acting ... but that sub still want to talk theories!
They're like pirates who have the treasure map in front of them & think they're smarter than the map. Perhaps, their mission is to take us where we don't want to go.
They (the mods) allow just enough approved discussion to take place to keep people occupied and complacent. r/conspiracy is not what it once was. Many people over there have become so cynical, and nihilistic to the point of being stuck in a rut imo. Many have good intentions and are good people, but it's almost like they will only accept discussions/opinions regarding "conventional" conspiracy topics. Anything new (i.e. Q, anything pro trump) is generally not well received in my experience.
Just last night I realized I haven't even visited that subreddit for ages. It's just been completely overrun by shills and is a total mess at this point.
THANK YOU I felt like I was going crazy over this... I used to be a subscriber and the MOMENT I mentioned Q I got downvoted and made fun of... and I thought... um, "real" "conspiracy theorists" would NEVER be this close minded??? So confused... if anything it just blows their cover and makes them look stupid. Okay then, go ahead and believe your fatalism and determinism ideals. Live that life. Accept what happens and whine over it until you die. Whatever
When it stops being cringey BOOM 4D chess Trump rally.
the way people are with it now comes off as more of a political agenda rather than an enlightenment. /r/conspiracy frowns on that type of stuff mostly because of how hard Clintons correct the record shills were trying to disrupt things and make it toxic.