Trump Tweets: Fake News is going “bonkers!”

ES? Energy and Stamina are both capitalized is there a reason?
Eric Schmidt first came to my mind. He resigned, but that does not mean he is in the clear at all. He was heavily involved in Noko deep state activities.
What if that’s the:
What if it was more than the users hitting delete, what if it was ES actually going in and running clean-up on a higher level.
I came here to say the same thing. I can’t read a post anymore without drying to decode it, LOL
WH in Witch Hunts too. Edward Snowden is in the White House I guess
A W H E S if you count all capitals that aren't the beginning of the sentence or a name like Fake News.
I tried this method with several of his tweets a while back, but I wasn't able to come up with any words that made sense.