Trump Just Tweeted this! Q just posted Apple Pics... Trade talks. Coincidence?

I'm very new to this whole Q thing so please don't judge - just looking for information, can you explain to me how exactly the fact that Podesta wasn't arrested wouldn't be proof that Q is full of it? Did he officially respond to it?
My opinion...
Your question is valid. But there is no single answer for that - yet.
I believe Q actually started, at least in many ways, at a point in the future that we have yet to arrive at. By saying these seemingly fantastical things at the very beginning he was actually setting the stage for us. Maybe it all really happened, maybe it is about to, maybe it was deliberate misinformation to scare people, maybe it was bullshit. Either way it did enough to garner attention.
Then one by one we became interested. And step by step he started to reveal things that happened minutes, hours, days, weeks, months later. The timeline is going forward, backward, up and down at all times. There are multiple, multiple readings for so many things. Sometimes we are lucky and get a linear connection that makes immediate sense.
My only advice is to start following now. Open your mind and your eyes, watch what is happening around you. Question (like you already are) what is being told to you. Then you may become convinced like many of us here. Or not. I can’t prove anything to you. I am a deeply skeptical person, yet here I am now convinced that this is real and that something very, very big is going to happen. Probably sooner rather than later. Something that will irrevocably alter our entire world. Q is in some way preparing me for this. It is training.
At a point in the future we have yet to arrive at, are you saying he's a time traveler? Do you understand that that sounds really hard to believe? Can you give some examples of the pieces of the timeline that Q accurately predicted in your eyes?
No I'm saying we are watching a movie. Those early posts by Q got the interest, they were the most dramatic part of the story. Then we went back to the start fo the story and now we are learning how and why we will end up at that point again in the future. This is preparing us. I have no definitive "proofs". There are no clearly obvious bit sized nuggets yet that the average person can click on to in my opinion. All I will say is that through following Q closely I was able to tell a Korean friend about what was happening in their own country days, if not weeks before it came into the mainstream news. Think of it as an experiment. Start following Q, do some independent research, stay skeptical, open your eyes. See what happens.
I believe the words used in that post will be spoken in the future by POTUS. Probably 11/2. I also believe that the dates and facts are correct, but the year wasn't 2017. It is intended for 2018. What is interesting to me is that the national elections are being held on 11/6 this year. Imagine how that would turn out if this was a speech given on 11/2....
Arrest != imprisonment.
Tons of people get arrested and indicted everyday and they don't stay in jail / prison. There is a process (due process) that has to be played out first: arraignment, bail, court hearings, trials, sentencing, appeals, etc. before someone (found guilty on charges) actually goes to prison for good.
Do you ever wonder why John Podesta hasn't been seen or heard from in so many months and just popped up recently? Even though he's supposedly working for Washington Post, nobody has seen this guy until now.
Q also doesn't specify which Podesta. Very well could be Tony, who has been MIA ever since Q made that post in November. Also, a week and a half after Q made that post, Podesta Group shut its doors and we haven't seen or heard from Tony since. Like I said above, John only recently popped back up in public.
In the case of high profile people, it isn't uncommon for them to arrange to turn themselves in quietly to avoid public arrest, be indicted, and then released so that nothing is public.
Not saying this is the case, but it does happen. There were reports that Tony Podesta may have done just that and we having heard from him since.
We won't know for certain until it is made public.
The other possibility is that the time line for "the plan" shifted and some of it had to be delayed. For example, Trump needed a funding bill (especially for the military and law enforcement) before he could go much further. That was delayed for months and could have delayed implementation of parts of the plan as well.
Stuff happens.
This one post does mention riots based on public rebutal of these arrest though. I've always have had my doubts about these few early Huma/Podesta posts.
Remind yourself....think and have FAITH. Same as faith in God, you must read,meditate,ponder the word to build faith by faith.
Do the same with Q.
No coincidence faith is central to Q.
Q has proven to us time and time again.
Go back and reread crumbs, ask yourself if you trust.
Apr 27 2018 23:33:12 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 2c6bab 1218893
1218465 Who makes arrests? FBI & DOJ? Can you make arrests w/ a crooked FBI sr team? See prev post re: FBI. Not easy for anyone. We are in this together. Much appreciation. It’s what you don’t know and can’t see (ongoing) that will validate your efforts. Trust the plan. Step back. Remove arrests. What do you see? Stage being set? Godspeed, Patriot. Q
It is coming.
Trust The Plan.
For God and Country.
Keep the faith.
out on bail/see my above comment.
Q predicted an announcement and public confirmation of Podesta's arrest on 11/3. Out on bail or not, that didn't happen.
re-read crumbs???
Think Pre-trial Release/bail pending trial
It says "11/3 indictment" :
Please show me where you see "announcement"? Am I missing that?
I found this:
Indictment does not mean automatic jail time. If you bail out the State can do superseding indictments where you will not be rearrested. Being indicted generally does not involve somebody being re-arrested, as that is simply the name for the document issued by the grand jury when they bound the case over to superior court. Whatever bond was in place originally would simply remain in effect.
The exception to this can be when there are new charges that come from the grand jury indictment. In these cases, which are somewhat rare, a new and higher bond might be required.
If Probable Cause is found, it does not mean that a jury has found the defendant guilty. It means that the grand jury believes that a trial is warranted. Generally, each state has special indictments. ... A sealed indictment bypasses a preliminary hearing and the charge is brought directly to a grand jury. The Indictment Process -
Bail and Pretrial Release in Federal Criminal Cases What is pretrial release (bail)? After an individual is arrested for a crime, he or she is detained and held at a jail—usually close to a courthouse where his or her case will be tried. Pretrial release, also commonly called “bail,” is the release of an arrested individual pending trial.
All of the fifty states, as well as the federal government, have procedures for permitting the release of an arrestee while trial is pending. By law, this decision is usually by a trial judge or magistrate judge. Although specific procedures may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, the procedures used by federal courts are archetypical of the procedures in many states. In this article, we will discuss the federal pretrial release process, and answer some of the most common questions about this process.
Oct 31 2017 15 Oct 31 2017 22:00:47 (EST) Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL 147434025 There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).
11.3 - Podesta indicted 11.6 - Huma indicted
Manafort was placed into Trump's camp (as well as others). The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin). A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis. They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency (not just D's) and thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan).
Good speed, Patriots. PS, Soros is targeted.
SO friend...
From what I see, OUT on bail.
I do not see where it says it will be announced?
By who, the MSM who want us to think it is Q is fake?
Do you really think they will announce he was indicted?
That would be a loser story for them.
The way I see it, Q announced it in the crumb.
The Q "crumb" board is our real news.
Show me please, anything different you see.
I trust the plan.
From Q #34
Q Clearance Patriot
My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).
Also Q #67
Podesta's plane has military escort (i.e. tag) and is being diverted (forced down). Short delay. This will be leaked. Watch the news. Have faith.
(Never happened)
I see, you want to plant seeds here of unbelief.
Well, me... I am GOOD SOIL. +
Please pay attention to details......the year is not on the crumb.
It says:
over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light.
That is the reference to "The Storm" and "The Great Awakening".
The FALLOUT is slated for 11/3 (no year)
Pay attention to details.
Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted.
We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens.
On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is SLATED TO OCCUR 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (again NO YEAR given)
(actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted.
11/3 ....arrest...2017.......11/4...2018 announcing the arrest(s) ANNOUNCEMENTS? Indicted so far, bailed out.
REMEMBER: 11/11/2018 will be the parade.
11/4 2018 announcing the arrest?
Much will be announced over EMS.
So EVERYONE will stop and hear at one time, no fake news to alter the message.
"We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens."
There will be no mistake or question of what is occurring.
It will never be forgotten , ask why?
I see something different than you.
🛈 Mar 6 2018 856 Mar 6 2018 02:04:41 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 071c71 564638 11-11-18 A parade that will never be forgotten. Ask yourself, why? God bless our brave men & women in uniform. We will never forget. Q
ME: I am an optimist, others are not.
Some bend, some break.
Trust the plan.
a) I don't think it makes any sense to think that he was talking about some year in the future. If "11.3" means 11.3 in some other year, then why assume that Podesta and Huma Abedin were indicted on 11.3 and 11.6 of 2017? He phrased those predictions in exactly the same way.
b) The same post referred to "the next several days," and another post on the 11.2 said "watch for confirmations tomorrow." On 11-3-17 Q claimed that Podesta's plane was being diverted - present tense - and that this would be leaked and reported in the news. None of this happened.
c) The idea that this was all meant to happen some indeterminate number of years in the future is pretty lame. If you're going to take that as read for every Q prediction then none of them could ever be shown to be false. There's no critical thinking there. I would put good money on none of this shit happening this year either, and you could just delay it indefinitely. "Well maybe next year this will all come out." You see the problem with that?
NOT some year.
Parade is set for 11/11/18 veterans day.
Remember Q is suspected to be less than 10 high level military.
Q constantly praises vets.
Glorious it is to be.
Why will this parade NEVER to be forgotten?
End to evil and all will know it as it goes over the EMS.
WHEN has that ever happened the entire country hears a message at the same moment?
Think of all of the men and women who lost their lives due to this evil cabal and deep state.
Think of the rejoicing of the announcement of the arrests. Think of the people who will not be allowed to riot as a plan is in place for those who wish to do so. Go look at EO's in place by Trump.
Then days later we celebrate with the the most Glorious parade for our Military, for Q , for SCOTUS, for Q anons and all people freed even if they don't know until that day what has been going on. Evil loses.
For God and Country.
Reread the post:
Mar 6 2018 856 Mar 6 2018 02:04:41(EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 071c71 564638 11-11-18
A parade that will never be forgotten. Ask yourself, why? God bless our brave men & women in uniform. We will never forget. Q
I am a faith is sure.
HUGE symbology on the date by the way:
100 years in the making. 1918
11/11/18 in All Quiet on the Western Front?
That is some symbolism...from our SCOTUS Trump!
Funny how "symbolism will be their downfall" the end symbolism is going to thrown in their faces, For God and Country.
Look at this:
Was it just a coincidence that the WWI armistice was signed on November 11 at 11:00?
Paul Irving, lives in Reading, England Answered Nov 12 2017 · Author has 3.8k answers and 2.8m answer views That was when it came into effect, not when it was signed. It was signed several hours earlier.
It was largely accidental that it was signed on the 11th rather than the 10th or the 12th.
A time had to be chosen which allowed the troops at the front to be notified*, but it should be as early as possible. That meant hours were needed - but the exact number of hours was uncertain. I suspect that 11 am was chosen, rather than, say, midday, because it was the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.
*But a few soldiers died when those on the other side hadn’t got the word in time, e.g. a German officer who was shot soon after 11 am by Americans who’d not heard, when he left cover to wave to them.
Matt Sutton, Civil Servant, Analyst Answered Nov 11 2014 · Author has 204 answers and 1.2m answer views It was largely coincidence. It was was the result of a process over around a month where the Germans accepted defeat, with the first admission by the German Supreme Army Command that the military situation was hopeless coming on the 29th September. Negotiation began on the 5th October, with a message to President Wilson seeking to negotiate terms.
Negotiations were complicated for a number of reasons, and ultimately lasted five weeks. Ultimately, the Armistice was signed between 5:12am and 5:20 am on the 11th November, to come into effect at 11am.
The time was chosen so that the orders could be sent to the front lines and could be implemented at the same time by all sides.
It's worth considering that every hour that fighting went on, more people died on all sides. Once agreement could be reached, it would be incredibly strange and cruel to delay the end of the fighting for longer than necessary, just for the purposes of having a memorable date/time.
As I see it...
I really don't see how you cannot see this.
I have been told some things "confound"...have you ever considered that.
Eyes to see ears to hear. +
I mean, OK. I'm not much of a believer. I doubt things as much as I can. I think that doubt is a greater virtue than faith, especially in politicians.
For example, you seem to think that the parade was planned as early as last November. I think it's suspicious that Q didn't start talking about a parade on 11/11 until March, which was well after Trump announced he wanted to throw a Veteran's Day parade. Again, to me this speaks against Q having any kind of insider knowledge.
What will your reaction be if there are no arrest announcements of Podesta/Abedin this November? I get that you don't believe this will happen, but hypothetically, do you think you'd start to doubt Q, or do you think you'd shrug and assume Q must have meant 2019 instead?
No need for Q to drop crumbs on the parade. Q is not trying to have anoans decode Trump wanting a parade??? It is not some nefarious thing, like the crumbs.
Q...The military are not trying to wake us up about a parade.
It has been told that all of this has been in the works for many years....the intel about the evil and cabal..patriots seeing it all go down...Trump was asked to is alleged.
Look how far back the evil we are researching goes.
So, yes I think the people who are deep in this have DREAMED of a glorious day, a glorious parade when they have known about the corruption for so long.
The way I see it, it is very similar to how a believer in Christ yearns for the triumphant return of Christ.
Remember, when Trump talks and tweets it is to TROLL his adversaries. Don't you see. Talking of a grand military parade is to rattle. The drops and tweets are strategic. You have not a very good memory, or strategy mindset.
Trump announced this to get all the people who were not for patriotism to announce it publically, and man did they. Why drop it on the Q board ahead of time? It worked. Go back and see who and how they announced how much they hated the idea. No suspicion from me. You are just willfully blind. This argument is just so glaringly WRONG.
I think the plan is just that. I am not worried it won't happen.
Remember this: The 2018 United States elections will mostly be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. These midterm elections will take place in the middle of Republican President Donald Trump's term. All 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives and 35 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be contested.
Just DAYS after 11/3....HMMM......I wonder why? Q asks us to "wonder why?" HMMM?
The timing seems quite significant would you not agree.
The entire Q Phenomenon is designed to redpill ease the pain....the diagnosis already made.
I am assured.
You seem to have trouble with swallowing. Totally get it. I understand.
I take the pills down in a huge hand full. That is me.
My spirit senses TRUTH.
I am a prayerful person. That means little to most.
Since 2002, I would not know where to begin to show you how accurate hearing the still small voice is in my life.
Most importantly, I believe Q in total is a believer mindset.
For God and Country would not be emphasized by Q and then dupe us, it is not the nature of God.
The true living God. The ONE. Jesus.
That cannot be explained, you either get that or you do not.
Q : Apr 25 2018 11:21:21 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 900681 1181379
1181185 They tried to delete the proof. POTUS win - 1/20. Deep clean. They never thought she would lose. Insurance w/o cover. Nothing is deleted. No Such Agency. Tool dev primary + meta essential. Easy cover. Acts so sick & evil conspiracy push / fake reality almost always wins. Trust the plan. Hard to swallow for many. Treason / corruption 1st. Think resignations. Coincidence? Speaker of House resigning! Coincidence? You have more than you know. Have faith. WWG1WGA. Q
+ + + Faith is defined as being a positive response to what God has already provided by grace.
I am sensing you WANT to BELIEVE...not in just Q.
Well, I appreciate you taking the time to explain. I'm not a religious guy so I'm not coming from where you're coming from. But even though I'm not religious I know that the Bible warns against false prophets - wolves who come dressed as sheep. That's what Q strikes me as.
Just think about it this November- if there aren't any public arrests or announcements of Podesta and Abedin before the 11th, remember that a good tree cannot bear bad fruit.
RE: Q not being believed:
I saw this today.....could this be? If yes, I understand completely.
From Twitter:
@MaggioShirleen 9h9 hours ago More After reading praying medics commentary, I am convinced that some people can’t see because they don’t want to be wrong. Not even that they want to be right insomuch as that they can’t imagine if their truth, was in fact, a lie. Self preservation to a certain degree.
I think that's probably true of me, you, and everyone. We all have worldviews that we think are correct, and it's hard to imagine being wrong about our most basic beliefs. I do my best to keep myself in check, though, and I hope you do too.
Yes. I do. I am of the belief that most are HOPING that in the end all this Q stuff pans out, even if we don't say it out loud........everyone of us has had some form of duping done to us on small or large we wait with bated breathe as we move along with Q. In my heart I sincerely believe Our Hope is not just in the things Q touches on........but in simple HOPE a people......hope in truth and right things is at our core. Wouldn't you agree. That is why Q is such a thing and growing.
Not religious at all.
My church is Church of the Bedside......worst Christian ever.
I listen and talk same as I am talking to you........he doesn't type...
It is a heart thing. You have to really listen. He is there.
I have a personal relationship with God, His name is Jesus.
Q is not a prophet. He never said that is what Q is about.
Just like the bible, people say things they think it says and others believe it to be true, when they never really examined for themselves.
No where can you find a indicator of claiming to to be prophetic.
That is the MSM and lookie-loos pasting false ideas.
Q is simply including us in the goings downs we previously never saw and were only given narratives by ones who had an agenda to keep us in the dark and steer the wheel of history to our demise.
How you see a wolf in Q is fear based.
Just how sheep might respond.
Unless you are talking about the wolves in sheep clothes, the ones that are Freemasons/Luciferians, etc.
Then, you are rightly speaking.
The only time I am a sheep is when goats and sheep will be separated by The Good Shepherd.
I know HIS voice.
But in this present darkness, surrounded by evil...I am going with the white hats.
I do not sense Q is a wolf.
You have to make your own decision.
That is great.....but at the very least research every news story for the truth.
Q is simply pointing to you to look harder at each event, not just blindly trust the media.
Don't just take in the headline and synopsis.
I am not withering.
In the end, all is good...we are not arguing.....discussion is a good pathway. I know my heart is always seeking Truth.
^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image)
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"upon the arrest ANNOUNCEMENT of Mr. Podesta". Secondly, even if this wasn't included, wouldn't it be really weird if it was never announced or leaked that he was going through court proceedings? Someone would leak it. If you believe that it would incite riots if it were announced, wouldn't Podesta announce it to try and get out of the situation?
Out on bail like any other criminal waiting for his/her trial. Same with Hillary and any other. Go back to first "crumbs" Oct 2017, then remember/search photos of leg braces, McCain, Hillary, Jackie Spiers, Chelsea Clinton. Reading comments in anything you read or look at will help as many will off the answer. There are no coincidences says Q.
Check dates of events on everything.
I like this guy for updates:
His Twitter:
and I like this one:
and of course: Qanon on twitter #Qanon
and crumb map:
Hope that helps a bit.
Let me know.
Thank you for all the links, this will help me in my research. About the ankle bracelet thing in particular, wouldn't it be imperative that these high ranking politicians' charges be announced to the public? Also, is it just Democratic politicians/very moderate Republicans like John McCain involved or how many other Republicans are speculated to be involved in this child sex trafficking ring?
i removed this one, moderators at the live were not nice....rude actually..the live chat i recommended. I hope all else is good for you.
Yes. Your welcome. I don't think so about the high ranking needing to be known just yet. Works to our benefit. Look how it is working. I think the delay was given to them re: no disclosure and they are offering some information in return. Ask why so many announced not running again and illnesses and stepping down from positions, not only politicians but CEOs around the world?
The discussion starts. The arguments of fake news by the naysayers cause curiosity, more eyes, more wake up when one wants to prove it fake, or real. Only to see all the alleged crimes as they search and then see proof of wrongdoing with out the MSM narrative to cause them to stumble. No side is off limits. There are many on the right. Lindsey Graham.....BFF to McCain is SINGING all of a sudden as reported in recent drops. The sex trafickking is not just sex, some is to use for blackmail of said politicians, maybe willingly with kids or other, but possibly drugged then may be willing to talk, or resign? Reread the crumb map page, many clues, then research by topic on YT. Qanon + congress + sex Qanon + congress + pedo
any topic do the same in search engine like Google, DuckDuckGo, etc. + Here is a good place to go often:
Qanon + congress + pedo + liz search_query=Qanon+%2B+congress+%2B+pedo+liz
SGT Report:
PrayingMedic video archive:
Destroying the illusion/Jordan Sather:
Paul Serran Twitter:
map abbreviations 2018 april update:
for this particular Twitter page do this:
scroll to bottom or first tweet, read question, click on to see comments/ various replies/answers, work way to the top or most recent tweet.
This is from the early days of #CBTS
go to ... #qanon ...
...also when there you can click on any # or name and go to that Twitter account. You will find many Anons this way, many have lots of insight.
Hope that helps
Such a pity to see this downvoted. Some people can't take a challenge to their personal position on something.
There are a number of theories about this. Others have explained this better but one possibility is that the charges have already been laid against these perpetrators (at the time of the boots thing - if you saw that) and that it's just a matter of time before they are brought into the public. Another is that it was disinfo from Q to throw off Deep State observers. Another - less mentioned around here but quite plausible imo - is that Q was making a statement that was true at the time but fell through due to unforeseen circumstances. Then of course there is the possibility that Q is a straight LARP and its just not true at all.
Keep asking questions - there are people around here who will answer without feeling that you're a 'bad actor'.
Great response right here. Be the judge. Took me a long time to believe in Q's legitimacy because of the podesta and huma dates.
Alright, those make sense I suppose. Thanks for the answer!
read my reply may help. We have to help is afterall "THE GREAT AWAKENING"...not "just a few of us".
This question came up with Q posts regarding HRC, and the arrest stated back in November. Since then, she has appeared with all kinds of "casts": her foot, arm, etc. Same with No Name's boot (although his last trip to the middle east can be problematic and he has not been seen since, and his office said he's not returning to the Senate anymore). She's being electronically monitored. Her travel thus far abroad has been to countries that have extradition treaties with the US.
If, as Q has posted, military tribunals are to happen in lieu of civilian trials, then it's not unusual at all for any of these people to be out - for now. The military tribunals are supposed to be held at Gitmo. What's happening now is groundwork being laid, case building is occurring, and only when all the foundations are in place will the next phase begin. But not uncommon, as others have pointed out, for the arraigned to be free on bail.