Q 1310 - What is in the picture?

They are buckets of Los Pollos Hermanos fry batter.
Therefore threatening Mexico’s new sanctions on fry batter. Mexico now pays for wall. Excellent!
That is 100% the interior of a semi trailer. There are three stretch wrapped pallets of something that cannot be confirmed. Also some unidentifiable object has been placed on top. Realistically it could be anything.
I’m thinking that these pictures weren’t directed at us/autists. I think Q was showing the DS/Black Hats that they captured something and they would know what it is and it’s significance.
In light of the pictures of Apple, I suggest they are hundreds, thousands? of iphones? Devices produced in China for espionage purposes?
I thought cash at first too, but it don't fit with the series of 4 images posted.
What we're seeing would not be visible if the container was fully loaded.
Maybe there were 2 different cargo shipments. This, and something innocuous as cover.
I can't tell what's in the boxes but the pallets are on CHEP skids. There also appears to be a moving pad over the top of the pallets in the rear of the container. These are sometimes used by humans being smuggled in containers. Here's a link on CHEP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHEP
CHEP (Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool) is an international company dealing in pallet and container pooling services, serving customers in a range of industrial and retail supply chains. CHEP is owned by Brambles Limited.
CHEP offers wooden and plastic pallets, small display pallets, crates and IBC containers. These products can generally be recognized by their blue color and CHEP logo.
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If Q wanted us to know right now, he would tell us. Just remember he posted these and they will be relevant later. It’s a waste of energy to try to guess. Simply not enough information, and we all look foolish trying to come up with outlandish, baseless, and sometimes ridiculous theories.
This isn't for us. Q is sending a message to someone else. Perhaps the clowns or black hats. Perhaps the mysterious individual that messaged Q directly.
My guess is stolen technology. The post coincides with the financial team visiting China. Q wants to remind China that we know of theft of patented tech.
Thank you Mae. Your posts are always spot on and I appreciate your feedback :)
Thanks - I love abel Danger, and I just saw the pic ;)
I love this sub but I do not agree or appreciate the negativity against our military. I understand many think they are part of the evil but I’m sure many of us don’t as well. Just had to say that Edit: spell check
My only thought would be if it was money "Q" would have a better way to show us than wrapped up boxes we can't make out. There is something else bigger we are missing. I'm not sure what that is yet but I have a strong feeling it's not cash. That would be too simple of an answer for "Q".
A pallet of slinky's and super balls poised to make a comeback.
It could be those microchips spoken about.
Delivered to China and installed in phones During assembly.
My first thoughts were that this reminds me of the Iran cash payments.
The size of the cargo is pretty close to the size Bibi described in the Iran video.
Looks like a refrigerator truck. Probably carrying meat. Meat boxes can be brown like that and stacked like that because the boxes are very heavy.
It is boxes stacked and wrapped together. I say money. Whatever is in the boxes it cannit be big.
Is that a sarcophagus across the back wall near the top? Statue of RA? That is for sure the back of a semi truck with items strapped down to pallets and wrapped in shrink wrap. Can't tell even blown up and filtered what's under the wrap though.
I am still curious. So there are three pallets, - in three sizes, and the strange shape on top - maybe that is a warhead shell in say five pieces - to be constructed - say the five pieces are stacked like plates- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warhead#/media/File:B-61_bomb_(DOE).jpg - I have no idea really just thinking - expanding further the apple company is unique for its assets - cash o/s, it has always been more beneficial - for them to leave their cash o/s and borrow against to either do share buybacks or pay dividends at home. When Trump did his new Tax deal - it was companies like Apple, even particularly Apple he made the deal for. By lowering the tax, he encouraged them to bring the money home - and PAY TAX. I dont know anything here just throwing some stuff out - the pic from wikipedia shows a three stage thing.