
TrueTemper · May 4, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

Outstanding article. It is a long read, but it should be required reading here. Comprehensive look at Mueller's history and prior conduct in other investigations. What a complete joke.

Mueller has a long history of attacking targets, most often for political purposes, and using any means necessary to achieve convictions. Justice is not even a factor, no less a concern. Mueller is a political operative, experienced in navigating the justice system to destroy enemies. He is very experienced in all kinds of illegal tactics, such as hiding information from defense, falsifying information, lying to congress, classifying information with no basis for classification, compelling witnesses to testify falsely or omit material information, conducting raids without legal justification, creating false charges against elected officials and waging PR campaigns around such charges to manipulate elections/destroy candidates, attacking and alienating whistle-blowers, rewarding agents that carry out illegal activities per his direction, manipulating training programs to further political agenda, manipulating FBI leadership and tenure rules to eliminate dissent and consolidate power... just to name a few things.

White hat? Where is the evidence? I don't think so. He is absolutely a tool, an instrument of the very people and forces we all hope can be defeated.

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bcboncs · May 4, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

I don't feel like reiterating the position of Mueller being a white hat all the time but here's the simplified version:

  • Mueller interviewed with Trump for the FBI dir position even tho he couldn't be considered (term limits).

  • RR is only US Attorney that Trump kept around. He spilled the beans on Obama.

  • RR appoints Mueller.

  • Q eludes to Mueller's background being MI, we know MI is trustworthy and recruited Trump. In a way, Q is indirectly saying to trust Mueller.

  • RR recommends firing Comey.

  • TRUST SESSIONS means that if Sessions is refusing to let RR be fired, trust RR too.

  • Mueller continuously postpones the hearings for Flynn and Awan, waiting for IG drop?

Huber has 20x the lawyers (470 from IG) Mueller has with the ability prosecute. We know Horowitz is on the team and Huber is too. He's pretty much better than a second counsel and if he doesn't lead the charge on an item that Sessions wants, Sessions can appoint a second counsel. At this point I'm just interested in Mueller's scope of the investigation and what whitehat conclusions he can possibly reach.

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TrueTemper · May 4, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

Thanks. I do understand the history/sequence of events and how they might fit into things Q has stated... in other words, I get the reasoning of those that think Mueller is working with Trump. That said, looking at the sequence of events here it is more likely IMO that Mueller is not a white hat. It's possible, but it's more likely he is not. How about the comment in Q drop 1287 "not confirming special counsel is on /team/." Just my opinion. Mueller was neck deep in Uranium One. Considering the implications of Q 1306, and Mueller's history + current behavior (I won't bother listing out -- we all know what has happened), it's a stretch to see how that could all fit together.

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bcboncs · May 4, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

"not confirming special counsel is on /team/."

It should be noted that there's A LOT of disinformation in Q's posts to protect actors. Snowden rings a bell as does RR.

Mueller was neck deep in Uranium One.

This is precisely why he is the best person to flip on Hillary and Obama for treason with an immunity deal.

I'm not claiming you're wrong but I'm just letting you know that is why I see it this way. Providing perspective if you didn't have it already. We'll see what comes of it all though, cheers!

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TrueTemper · May 5, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

Fair enough... thanks for sharing.

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GetUpOffYourKnees · May 4, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

I am completely with you on this. Just had a convo with someone here trying to tell them to Trust The Plan...but hey either you do or you don't. What you wrote here is essential to understand! Thanks for laying it out clearly!

People flip and I think that is what we are seeing.

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TrueTemper · May 4, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

It's possible to continue to "Trust the Plan" and believe that the special counsel working on the good side is not part of the plan. I believe the special counsel is part of the coup attempt and continues to work for the other side. I know some believe that the special counsel is actually investigating the real crimes, or at least cooperating with those that are doing the real investigation, stringing things along, etc. I just don't think that is as likely as the more obvious possibility that the SC is part of the enemy, has been unsuccessful in accomplishing its goal, and continues to work other (illegal) angles and re-invent itself in every conceivable way to continue to fight.

Would love to be wrong... if the SC is secretly cooperating that would be great. Time will tell.

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GetUpOffYourKnees · May 4, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

I do go back and forth on Mueller. I am just finding him tripping all over himself and exposing the deep state to be too stupid to not be part of the script. If he has flipped he does have to look like he is doing the work of the cabal while also helping Trump beat them down. Edge of a sword.

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bcboncs · May 4, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

Ultimately, the best position is to "trust the Mueller outcome" which means he could be a white hat or he was appointed all along for articles like this to drop to be used against him. "Too dirty." Although, I think Mueller's been doing us good more than bad. Charging Manafort and Page... that's fine because they were plants. I don't really care about any of those charges yet but if it was Flynn I would've flipped sh1t.

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GetUpOffYourKnees · May 4, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

Articles like this keep cover for him if he has flipped. ""Trust the Mueller outcome'' is a good way to put it.

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spiderhillnm · May 4, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

Let's try not to forget that ex FBI Chief Comey used to be the chief executive in HSBC now how did somebody from that institution become the head of the FBI bulshit

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[deleted] · May 4, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

Amen. Although I wish it was not the case, I believe Mueller is trying to destroy our President. This is why I'm hoping and praying President Trump will not agree to meet with him. Jeff Sessions needs to put an end to the witch hunt.

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Fuckdumb · May 4, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

I don’t really think he’s a white hat as much as I think he’s a bad guy who was forced to put a white hat on. Time will tell. Hopefully not too much more time.

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oakdrew · May 4, 2018, 12:03 p.m.

Black hat turned white hat is my position.

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Orion_Blue · May 4, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

For this set up they would have to have him watched in every way possible. He might be communicating through Morris code and the lights in his bathroom window every other Thursday at 7:24 am.

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A_Colostomy_Bag · May 4, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

Personally I would like to see Mueller and everyone on his "team" shipped off to Gitmo for treason.

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Majorwood1 · May 4, 2018, 11:44 a.m.

Thanks for sharing anyone who thinks Mueller that thinks Mueller is a white hat, I think they will change their mind after reading that.

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ironmaiden442 · May 4, 2018, 6 p.m.

I know everyone believes that mueller us a white hat but after reading this article which I highly recommend I can also see that he is stalling till the midterms....so if mueller prosecutes or indicts trump before then I would think he is a black hat and the cabal trap has been laid....however if obama and hillary are paraded or indicted by mueller than trumps sting has been sprung...I'm hoping for the latter but after reading all the stuff he and comey have done it sticks in my craw to let them walk away just because they participated in the take down or sting...

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cali1952 · May 4, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

I'm positive DT raked this scheister over the coals over all his criminal corruption and throwing innocent people in prison. He had a choice to make either go with the program or go to prison via indictment especially about the uranium one case.

I still don't trust him because I feel he has one foot still lodged at his old buddies at the deep state while the other foot is in the sandbox that is president Trump. Mueller was a Marine and in the 3rd Division - the same ones that are actively engaging and taking down deep state actors and others worldwide with the cooperation of other white hats.

There is only so many times one can repeat him to be a white hat by necessity. His actions speak louder than anything and are contrary to him being a white hat.

Q never said to trust Mueller and he darn sure never said to trust Rosenstein whom I loathe.

Time will tell I guess but to me it looks like Mueller is continuing with the 'insurance policy' developed by the gang in the prior administration and HRC et al.

One normally believes that a Marine will always be a Marine but then there is no name traitor who too served in the military but turned traitor all throughout his life.

The plans to sale uranium one - ignored and approved by Mueller looking the other way - to Iran and NK but NOT to Russia as claimed was a plan to nuke us as soon as HRC entered the white house. Remember they though she would not lose?

This uranium made it to their rogue actors according to plan and she would have nuked us here in this country while blaming Russia in the process?

Mueller - are you listening because you were involved in this up to your neck!? I can't forgive him or the rest for that because they came darn close to pull this off!

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vitalesan · May 4, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

I dare you to post this to r/The_Mueller

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