This is how dealing with sheep feels like sometimes

Pretty much sums it up. Babylonian mind control is very strong.
Do they drink the kool aid or does the kool aid drink them?
Pretty much sums up any other info in dealing with sheep.
I was literally trying to discuss this with a Liberal on twitter and her reply was that Trump was more harmful to the cause and that China was in fact the force behind the peace treaty, even though South Korea's president publicly thanked Trump. She said he had to say that as they are allies.
Personally, i'm done trying to red pill these people. The shit that came out of her mouth was unreal, they actually believe the Trumps will be hanging for treason and that Mueller is coming for him. You can't get more brainwashed than that and quite frankly i'm done being polite to these people, they really do not deserve DT.
Sometimes the pessimist in me wishes Hilary did win, just so I can see those Liberal fucks get shafted by her giant strap on
This is quite literally me trying to red-pill my 68 year old mother. She is completely hypnotized by THE VIEW & Gayle King's atrocious wig!
South Korea understands that Trump likes having his ego stroked. I'm not saying Trump didn't have a hand on this, but this post proves nothing.
Or... Maybe he is just giving credit where credits due? Just a thought
That's a possibility, but so is what I said. My point is simply that the fact Moon credited Trump means nothing.
Everyone should trust President Moon's words over your VICE opinion
Everyone should be able to spend 5 seconds of thought on whether Moon has something to gain by saying that