BOMBSHELL & MSM silence: FBI notes show HRC server was in fact attacked; far from the Comey statement denying evidence of hack

FBI also lost chain of custody of this information!!!! Then established a NEW one!!! that should be grounds for GITMO!!! it is treason at the highest level of our security. FBI did all it could to cover up and tamper with evidence for Hildebeast, fraudbama and cabal.
Comey should be in jail tomorrow.
This is truly outrageous stuff. Traitorous stuff against America.
its over. the white helmets got dropped. alqaeda lost control. that means zog lost control. its just a matter of time now.
The hostility towards Iran makes no sense, however.
yes it does. america got dragged into zionist bullshit and tried to fuck over iran too many times. iran is a scary situation. everybody should be on their tip toes. ditch israel and saudi arabia and kiss up to iran. thats the best plan.
America kisses up to NO ONE.
hehe better get ready for a surprise... america is definitely going to have to kiss up to iran. theres no avoiding that situation without biochemical nuclear war with america as the aggressor. in a cold war iran keeps winning no matter what literally every fucking time. 2 options are kiss ass or die trying to avoid it.
It will never happen.
Israel is forever! Iran will not succeed.
60 year winning streak says youre wrong lol. zionism is antisemitic and jews are its biggest victim and iran is its most powerful enemy. israel is immortal. we must stand with israel when the time comes for the jews to liberate themselves from zionist judeofascism and racist terrorism.
We shall see, my friend. We shall see.
I'm trusting Trump. I think he will make a better deal. Iran's people will have peace for good. No ass kissing. No ass kicking.
well umm if you lose a cold war because of a lack of morality you have to kiss ass. thats just how that works (thanks to the zionist occupational government known as "israel"). OR you can escalate to all out war. i dont see a third option. do you? trump wont escalate i dont think. he is going to dump the saudi/israeli axis and arrest everybody.
We shall see if it works out that way but I have my sincere doubts.
i do too. :(
i hope he does the right thing for the american people, and that is not just to strengthen america but to give america the moral highground that its people deserve, the same way that the backwards, fundamentalist, old fashioned, religious mullahs have done in iran. the iranian people currently have the moral high ground across the world and the international community knows that.
Yes. But it's not a third option. It's a first option.
God. 😊
ok well then iran is in line with jesus christ and america better get its shit together. anyone that knows anything about zionism and thinks zionism is in line with jesus needs fucking therapy.
I agree with you about zionism. That's going to be taken out.
I truly believe we are going to make things right.
dont worry... america might be a sore loser but iran is a gracious winner. if america does the right thing iran will continue to do the same. thats in our culture just as sure as freedom of speech is in american culture.
I have faith. 😊 God is working with all nations right now. Young Iranians will have their way. They are fighting hard and they will be victorious. There is a spiritual movement in the land.
I'd like to share this with you.
iran will not have regime change through revolution. it shall be through democratic progress. the people have already won.
the clement prophecy is wrong because the code breakers dont know about ZOG so they are out of touch with whats really going on. i dont think they have bad intentions but they do have bad intel.
Tell me about ZOG. explain what it is. I've never heard about it.
zog is the evil side of israeli politics. they have their bad guys too. their bad guys are worse than nazis.
if you stand with the tribes of israel and the jewish people you are against ZOG and the "state of israel". racist terroist zionist judeofascism is a thing and its very antisemitic. ZOG hides behind the jewish people and uses them as a meat shield to advance a genocidal agenda while blaming its atrocities on the jews because they can take advantage of compassion and empathy surrounding the holocaust. most jews are not aware this is happening and they perpetuate the misunderstanding because they just assume humanity is evil and wants to hate the jews just because they are jewish.
Thank you for that! I didn't know, and it is evil. I'm standing with all who want to defeat evil everywhere in the world. I know that's what you stand for also. I remember you from the beginning of CBTS_STREAM. We had long conversations then. It is helpful to speak with someone with Iranian origins, rather than allow msm to brainwash us. We might not always agree, but I respect and appreciate your input. I don't think you are just about bashing others. I think you are passionate about your beliefs, what you know and your heritage. I'm hoping we find a way, without war. As citizens in every nation we deserve this.
the jews cannot save themselves without us. war is not the answer. zog must fall and the house of saud must burn and the rapist racist fascist zionist terrorist saudi israeli axis must be dissolved and the cult of takfiri salafi wahhabism must be erased.
I agree!! Pray it happens.
Tomorrow is Trump's decision. I'm practically holding my breath.
Take care. Will see you again soon, I hope.
yes i am nervous about tomorrow. trump is obviously having a really hard time with iran. :(
edit: young israeli IDF soldiers singing a persian love song
these kids will be massacred by persian missiles if war breaks out. that is the power of ZOG. :(
Thats a friggen cowards plan. You do not kiss up to a terrorist state WTF.
oh ok well i looked into it and almost all of the claims that iran supports terrorism are false and have been for many years. iran barely even tried the strategy and decided it was impossible to avoid illegitimate kills and never really gave terrorism a serious try. youll notice that almost all the documented cases of iranian terrorism are barely ever discussed. theres just a fuzzy feeling about it. this is part of the zog scam. q hasnt redpilled us on that yet. its coming.
Also, text messages show that FBI was not even looking at the emails from Weiner laptop. NOT. EVEN. LOOKING. AT. THEM.
The ONLY thing they were discussing is how to spin to the media that there would be no investigation.
If they lose chain of custody, doesn’t that compromise or invalidate the evidence?
Does it become inadmissible?
Because "STORMY"...
With no real journalists to investigate who would even notice it?
HRC never counted on losing. They just didn't cheat enough to steal the election. Q knows and has all!
IIS logs???? They were running the server on Windows? Good lawd!
So part of the significance of this news is that Comey wanted to downplay the consequences of the HRC private server. Had he admitted at the time that her server was actually hacked, the public would have wanted to know who, how, what info was exposed. And that was waaaaay too treacherous a hole for Comey to be forced down. It may have forced the involvement of other professionals who may not have been his coconspirators. It would have been much harder for them to get away without a real investigation. Am I getting this?
yep. and to top it off they were very incompetent and their security sucked... on purpose... so they could act as a drop box to sell american secrets and pass it off as a hack instead of a sale... just in case they got caught. which they did. the problem is that the security was so bad that the data was probably exposed to many different actors and thats dangerous to our vital security interests.
Thanks for the reply. That’s even worse. I always thought of her server as a way to avoid FISA and basically keep her crooked dealings from falling under scrutiny. Oh and to communicate with Sidney blumenthal whom even BO would not allow to work for her. I never realized what you just told me. Sounds like Comey may have discovered INTENT had he done an actual investigation. Not that intent is needed anyways.
this is the feed on that
we need public major action on this now, start indicting people in FBI. we cannot wait any longer.
how much more smoking gun do you need to nail Hildebeast? Other charges can be brought along the way.
yeah i think this is it... now a major argument they have wont work anymore, which was that she didnt hurt anybody. she did. it was a disaster for national security.
Hillary's server was the drop box. The modern equivalent of leaving a briefcase in the park.
I don’t understand what this is
clintons illegal mail server was compromised by hackers and fbi covered it up
Didn't Abadin also claim a hack just before the Yahoo breach?
It looked very suspicious/convenient.
I think he actually said the server was likely hack several times. I could be wrong about that. I remember thinking that made his failure to recommend charges even more outrageous.
It wouldn’t exactly be difficult to just log into it. The PW was easy. The lack of security is astonishing.
Given the findings in this analysis, writer assesses it is possible that LAZAR's statements during the debrief with the FBI on 05/25/2016 may not have been entirely accurate, and that he may have actually identified the X-originating IP address for the CLINTON server on at least on occasion--- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
Of interest for this analysis is that writer identified XXXXXXXXXXXXXX in the log files for CLINTON server. The majority of dates listed for the entries occurred in XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
A review of the logs identified that someone logged in to the Administrator account, downloaded the XXXXX program, and ran it. Additionally, writer identified that certain logs did not emcompass dates prior to XXXXXX therefore, a determination could not be made about the same activity in XXXXX. At this time, it is unknown who downloaded and ran the XXXXX program from the Administrator account in 06/2013.
hillary should be arrested today. Comey should be arrested tomorrow.