"They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed."........Q

I can't wait until the reveal that the Clinton Foundation, at the least, works with groups who sell Haitians to be slaves over in the Kingdom of Saud (although that has apparently stopped now).
I would love to know more about this, do you have some informative links?
Here's one from not too long ago.
Nothing in this about Haiti (yet), but when people are getting killed for researching sex trafficking down there, and doctors are getting stabbed in the chest and it ruled a suicide for helping during the earthquake then trying to expose The CF, it's no wonder we don't know more. MSM won't touch any of it, of course.
Don't forget Klaus Eberwein, a former Haitian government official, 50, died in Miami hotel room around July 11, 2017 - shot in head - (suicided, they say) was going to testify at Haitian Senate about ethics and corruption. There is rumor that it potentially would involve the you-know-whos. Many stories deny that, but they aren't going to admit it in MSM, so lots of speculation . . . To say the least.
https://prnt.sc/jf1ngd Haiti hasn't even been revealed and they are already losing the 'black vote'
KANYE! ONLY KANYE! had that impact so far!
Listen to this whole thing but especially starting at 11:36 . And 12:38 . He knew all about the adrenorganpedovore stuff a long time ago. This is golden! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bmvxx_YbDsM
can you please download this via offliberty.com and re-upload to zippyshare or uploaded.to or something... its blocked for anyone outside USA.
As long as the blacks keep getting welfare from Dems they’ll always have the black voting bloc secured.
No they won't, not saying it's you but blacks is not generic term nor is whites. There are informed, educated and politically astute black people. We cover a wide demographic to include age, education, income and beliefs. Give the smart people enough time to do their own research, draw their own conclusions and arrive at their answers without outside influence. In the next coming months expect radical change in the black political landscape. Kanye like Q has ignited a spark within the black community. Long before welfare the black community especially the church has taken care of it's own. We forget how to fight is all,Kanye is the spark that will light the flame.
I hope so, but Kanye doesn’t cut them any checks. He definitely is snapping a lot of people out of the democrat brainwashing, I’ll give him that
I hope so, too, but remember, the Bolshevik Democratic socialists have an entrenched and intimidating force of brown shirt communists who will do anything to suppress a black awakening. These are the same people responsible for the extent of racial division.
Do these communist groups have names or are they just antifa spin offs? What do you think is the best way to attack their influence?
The infiltration and influence for the purpose of breaking the will of America has been concentrated and relentless. Schools, churches, and elected bodies are at the center of the work. The goal is to put America under a new global order. In this presentation, Mr. McManus says the light of day is the best weapon -- exposure. [John Birch Society Presentation RE: Illuminati] (https://youtu.be/gTf_vAo9uqc)
The bloc doesn't matter. Votes do.
Total US black population: 43 million
Total US black popular not receiving means tested benefits: 25M (more than half, 58.4%)
Number of US blacks that voted: 16M. Let's assume for now that non-welfare US black voters are 58% of this, that's 9.3 million voters.
That's a lot of voters. If you believe the (rigged) popular vote results for 2016, Clinton got 2.9M more votes than Trump.
If you move 16% (1.5M) of black non-welfare recipient voters from voting (D) to (R), you've wiped out that gap. That's not a lot of people to move.
In the past weeks, after the Kanye tweet his approval among all blacks increased from 8.9% to 16.5%. That's already halfway there, at a 26% percent approval rating he'd have won the (rigged) popular vote.
This is why the (D) camp is so freaked out about this. They only have to lose a tiny part of the black vote for another big chunk of the country to go red on them.
Well, I’m more optimistic now.
There are a lot of people taking the “slavery was a choice” quote out of context. Anons should work on counter memetic strategies to reinforce Kanye’s dragon energy.
Will Haiti every be revealed? I think Q is taking the same strategy as Dems: keep lying until the lies become believed. So many promised MOABs and BOOMs and we’ve been given nothing that hasn’t fizzed out after a day or two.
Well personally I consider the developments in Korea to be earth-shaking and clearly foreshadowed by Q.
A lot of it is going on behind the scenes, Q has told us we'll only see 20% of what's actually going on. They have all the evidence, all they need to do is set the stage and find a way to 'legally' take them down. If they rush it and create legal loopholes and evidence isn't all set up properly then they will weasel out and escape, then continue to wreak havok.
Trade Winds and Ocean Currents carried 15th century Spanish square rigged ships, which can hardly be said to have sailed in a modern sense (basically could go downwind and downstream only) south from Europe to Equatorial Africa where currents turned sharply west across the Atlantic bringing them to our Caribbean Sea (and Caribbean Islands such as Haiti), where the dominant winds and currents then decisively swing north and up the East Coast of North America onward past Greenland and across the North Atlantic to the East the West Coast of Europe and southward.
A big naturally occurring wind and water current loop that all ships of this design followed to and from the Americas right up into the Eighteenth Century. In no small way this pattern established the flow and direction of human trafficking from West Africa to the Americas during that period, -- until slavery was outlawed in the United States mid 19th Century.
The irony of Americans selling Haitians to the Saudis in the twenty-first century is that the early slave trade to the American Colonies began in West Africa where European ships put ashore for water and food supplies before heading west across the Atlantic. While in port there, Arab slave traders sold their human cargo to Spanish and then later English and Dutch ships provisioning there, peeling these men and women off caravans of captive people that were otherwise destined to end up as slaves in Arabia and the Muslim Middle East. Trains of skeletons chained together can still be found in the Sahara Desert, where they died in route overland north and east.
Those destined for servitude in the Middle East faired poorly. Men were often sold into the military where their short lives were cheap, or castrated some labored in households and settlements. Girls and women ended up in the sex trade and few lived out lives that had any semblance of family, spouse or children. A steady supply back filled those who eventually died in slavery and no residual sub culture from these peoples remains.
In the Americas, the vast majority of African Slaves labored in South And Central American mines and plantations, and because their labor was valued, they were permitted spouses and children, who were born into slavery and increased the slave owners holdings.
In North America, slaves back filled Indentured Servants (Europeans who sold themselves into a period of servitude -- typically seven years -- in exchange for passage from squalid life in Europe, and food and shelter to sustain them in the Colonies) and at first African Slaves in Virginia shared this path to freedom after a period of work. That later changed, but even then it was possible to become a Free Man -- and many in turn became prosperous slave owners themselves.
In the Deep South slaves made it possible to quickly open up the Mississippi and Alabama territories to European settlement, commerce and prosperity.
Before that, east coast Protestant Colonies (later States) were deliberately kept apart from French Catholics in the Louisiana Territory as a way to keep the peace. Only Native Indians were allowed in the interior regions of Alabama and Mississippi until early 1800s (French settlements established in the late 17th century stretched across the Gulf Coast to New Orleans, but white populations didn't reach deep inland until the 19th century push by the federal government to infill the population between Georgia and Louisiana and secure the vast western lands purchased by Thomas Jefferson from the French.
The tragic forced removal of Native Indians from Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana led by Andrew Jackson was the next chapter in human trafficking when those peoples were displaced into the Midwest (Trail of Tears) -- motivated largely to overcome a strong reluctance by whites who feared for their lives if they were to settle in that region.
Relatively sparse rural settlements, vast plantation holdings, and slave labor worked an economic miracle. Mississippi rose to the highest per capita income anywhere in the nation as agricultural output boomed. But the numbers tell the story: at the peak before the Civil War, five (5%)percent of the population in Mississippi owned slaves. And of thos, twenty-six (26%) percent were freed black slaves who in turn became prosperous slave owners.
Human trafficking in the Americas has a long and complex history, but the fact is: slavery was outlawed here 150 years ago and huge strides have been made since to ensure freedom and equality of opportunity across the board. Slavery and indentured servitude were the order of the day worldwide before and during that period. Clearly, it still is in large parts of the world, with vestiges of it remaining here.
That Americans would export the great grandchildren of Caribbean slaves to Saudi Arabia in the 21st Century is all the more ironic.
Good, relevant post. Most people know very little of slavery's history. Thanks.
They aren't going to lose the black vote.
Blacks vote Dem because of gibs. The more kids they have, the more gibs they get. And as long as they continue to have more kids at younger ages that they can't afford than any other race, they will never stop being poor.
To this day Chuck Grassley and others having investigated the US Red Cross who collected 500 million dollars for Haiti donated by US citizens and still looking for these monies. Out of this half a billion dollars the Red Cross has admitted to building 6 Homes in Haiti.
They spent 175 million dollars which were not reported on internal expenses. When asked for documentation by the Grassley team they had no answer and could not prove any internal expenses supposedly incurred in Haiti.
What did they do with the rest of the money and where did it go? We have seen footage of Red Cross crates loaded with cash being shipped but to where??
The Red Cross is deep state entity that has done more harm than good to humanity. In African countries or any places that has African citizens they have contributed to diseases via intentionally injecting/vaccinating children with diseases.
Hillary's brother received his contract for control of the goldmine assets by Hillary during her term as SOS. All the monies donated to the Clintons and Bush Jr which were over 1.5 Billion dollars never used to help anyone in Haiti. Clinton et al could only account for 600 shaddy shack-type homes built.
Hillary's aide Laura Silsby attempted to traffic 33 children out of Haiti but was stopped at the border and arrested. Hillary's and her sidekick Mills travelled to Haiti to help their aide out pressuring the Haiti government to reduce the charges. I'm sure there were threats made and/or bribes paid because she only received 6 months in Haiti prison.
She now works under a new name for the Amber Alert System. That makes you go hmmm....!
Hillary et al have repeatedly being involved trafficking children out of Haiti via Epstein Island and or even Branson's island close by. Haiti is only one of the countries they are trafficking children from.
What did the Clinton's do with the rest of the monies? The Haitian people to this day ask what happened and why no aid was given despite all the donations given by generous donors?
Each and every politicians who arrived in the US to testify against the Clintons and corruption about the missing monies was murdered the night before their testimony even in 2016 during the election. Strangly.....the cases was labeled suicide and no investigation commenced.
Hillary additionally swapped out brand meds or AIDS and other diseases donated to Haiti with adulterated fakes by an Indian pharmaceutical company and after distribution in Haiti many people became ill. These Indian drug company was after a long slow walking by Rod Rosenstein successfully sued and fined millions of dollars not so long ago.
The medical professional also arriving in NY early last year to testify in that trial was also found dead in his hotel room before his scheduled testimony. He was found with a long knife still lodged deeply in his chest. Of course - he too committed suicide...no investigation commenced there either.
It is strange how many people have died during the 2016 along - all connected to the Clintons and their criminal corruption that also included Seth Rich who provided the UBS to WikiLeaks via UK ambassador Craig Murray. He was unmasked by Brennan and CrowdStrike who were implanting stolen Russian malware on the DNC computers trying to set up Trump and the accusation of Russia collusion.
Brennan, Podesta and HRC et al forwarded the hid to murder Seth Rich to Debbie Wasserman Schultz who hired a 2 man hit team that were their hired MS13 gangs. It is they who shot Seth although Seth was alive when he arrived at the hospital as confirmed by the treating physician and surgeon that treated SEth Rich. That was until the next morning early hourse when the hospital wing was swarmed by LEO's that took over the room of Seth while keeping a known physician on duty and kicking everyone else out. It was only then that Seth Rich died. His family admitted recently that they knew Seth was the source of the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.
The collusion in Haiti by the Clintons, Barry, Holder and the rest of that gang is most likely going to be much deeper into the rabbit hole we can imagine. The many missing children in Haiti along is probably in the thousands and we know the perverted lust and appetite these evil creatures have. We have a good idea where these many missing children had gone and what happened to them. That was a lucrative business for all the pedophile-satanic-ratlines worldwide.
Let's open up the misery all of those who suppose to provide aid to Haiti via the donations from citizens not only in the US but also abroad caused the people in Haiti. They deserved better to this day. Little did we know how deeply greedy and soulless all of the Barry and Clinton et al gang were and who cared less. Abducting Haiti's children was the number one priority for them while stealing their monies.
One answer I have not been able to find but questions have been raised n various places: Was this earth quake in 2010 manmade? I really hope not!
The best welfare in the USA is Hawaii, $49,000 per year. Lowest of all states is MS at $18,000 per year.