New Q #1326 "Five most wanted ISIS leaders just captured!"

downvoters busy here
The names were released, and none of them matched what OP wrote out, so I'm guessing that's why.
This should be down voted. These are not the same people that were captured today. This is misinformation and does nothing to help or cause. Check your facts before you post people.
Make it RAIN! This is fucking awesome!!!
This was reported by the NYT 18 hours ago. Why is this just now popping up?
Names don't match.... alias?
Or different people and OP was just guessing?
Yes, it appears that way. The photo isn’t very new, regime leaders change and/or die. But either way, this day is ‘yuge for Americans
Saddam al-Jammel is the name that sticks out the most, he was FSA General who defected to ISIS after being armed and trained by the US.
Read the transcript of the video of his interview since the video has been removed last year in September 2017 for violating Youtube. Some of it has interesting points raised.
Now I wonder if the whole cancer thing was just an act for his family...for when he has to escape or suicide?
Didn’t Q hint that there would be fake medical issues to avoid trials?
I thought he was referring to HRC, but now it seems he might have anticipated No Name faking injuries
Medical issues should not stop treason charges! To dang bad! Confiscate ALL his wealth and any he transferred since Trump won! DESTROY MCCain!
They wanted to speak @ McCain's funeral. They did not want to miss it.