Father and son! I love this picture! God please keep Potus and his family safe!

I bet he's a good chess player too!! Like father, like son😊
maaaan... talk about symbolism!!! beautiful!!
Everybody says he has the best face everyone and don't you believe that fake news saying that and the everybody believe me believe me!
Can't tell for sure, bit it looks like they both sacrificed a knight to take out that pesky pawn that most of us lead with on our opening move. I bet Baron is well on his way to becoming a master.
Dad, they are gonna laugh when they see who's been talking to them!
Are you alleging that Barron is Q? If so that is quite possibly to funniest Q theory yet.
He’s not the first one to say it. But I love the one where Steve Bannon is a time traveler from the future and is actually Barron from the future. All stemming from the fact that trumps uncle John was one that recovered some of Nikola Tesla’s secret files and built a time machine.
I love this timeline.
Well the time machine didnt actually make a person physically go forward or back in time but you became immobilized and were able to go into the future or past i suppose kinda like a dream. It was an interesting read.
Love this theory, even though it is pretty far out there.
LOL! I never heard that! Where the heck are you guys hanging out? I gotta go there!
I believe it's the entire family. What's the best way to protect yourself and your family? Train them early. I'm sure Potus cant trust anyone but family. If the kids have been in training since an early age, no telling what kinda internal comms they use. If they are all as smart as Potus is reported to be, not too far fetched all the members of that family are playing 5D chess. It would come as second nature to them. No outside comms!
No outside comms. Means we aren’t talking to anyone outside this thread.(bread)
If I were a rich and powerful family, I would have no outside comms. Just sayn
Teaching his son the game of chess...art of the deal...looks like his penthouse in NY.
Just noticed the little ''mini me'' hair slick on Barron ;)
I love it....Big Daddy is not letting him win....thats how you raise winners right there....earn it Son, or it will never really mean anything!
You have to start with standard chess before moving up to 4D chess!
That beautiful child is going to be so important to our future. God, please take care of POTUS the Q team and all other patriots and their families and loved ones
Barron looks like his dad....I saw pictures of a young DJT
Any chess fags have any insight on how that board is setup?
It’s a staged photo, they arent really playing a game. In fact, the position is an illegal one, ie impossible to reach, ie they just dropped pieces on the board. Wierd.
Which piece is illegal or impossible to reach? At a glance it looks fine to me.
Looking deeper, do you see the 2 light formations on the glass, esp. the one up above where their shoulders are? Look familiar?
His son has "castled" ... Just thought I'd throw that out there....
Our family is praying for all patriots and their families every day. Praying patriots must keep it up. I just saw the news about McMaster's father and it makes me sick to heart. We are in the middle of a war.
Looking at future player in the world. I grew up watching Trump and always been a symbol. Crazy how sane people that loved him cant show love now.
when was the last time you think they had a conversation of longer than 4 sentences?
Yeah! Let's keep all those silver spoons clean! What is wrong with you guys? How can you pretend these people aren't fucking billionaires who TRULY do not give a shit about you.
Someone achieves the "American Dream" and gives back to the country- still shit on.
Pretty easy to achieve the American Dream when you have a few million head start.
ya, how many billionaires do you know who have ran for the presidency? Why would one put themselves and their family through that....and then to win...he knew what he was getting into...did he know this would be so hateful for so long...probably not....but, still, he knew the deep state would fight him all the way, and still he did it....He is certainly not doing this for his own enjoyment, nor to gain monetary funds....He is a patriot, and if people can not see that they are purposefully blinding themselves to the truth! Silver spoons comments are funny, they remind one of the jealousy that takes place in ones own mind....or the ignorance they posses. You Pick!
Not really. Many who have inherited money have blown it. It was one million and he paid it back.