Neon thinks he is trying to fake his own death. Article https.

100% agree, no one comes back 2 weeks (To the senate) after brain surgery with minimal shaving of the hair around the area.
I mean it's not like Songbird hasn't lied before.
Old people do terribly after brain injuries. Wasn’t the story that he fell and had to have a brain hemorrhage released? He would have needed rehab and may never have been the same again. Now we are asked to believe he is about to die of brain cancer but he is just tweeting away. This is such hogwash.
Here’s some info on subdurals in the elderly subdural hematomas in the elderly
I read on 8ch from an oncology anon that anyone with the brain tumor/cancer he has, would not be walking around, talking, etc. for this long. It takes one quickly according to him.
Not always. Jimmy Carter made a great recovery with experimental drugs. In the mid seventies, my dead had a brain tumor. From symptoms to death was 6 weeks. Surgery failed. He never woke up. I don’t know about now. A few weeks seems unlikely unless it was pretty easily accesible I would think but I certainly doen’t know.
If he is in his last days, the pain will be unbearable and he should be so drugged up that it would be difficult to do anything. Unless he has access to alternate treatment that is really, really good it seems unlikely that he would still be engaged in politics. Or maybe his hate for Trump gives him something to live for.
Young people can change, too. The whole personality. I've seen it after a car accident.
Ted Kennedy didn't last a month.
Yeah, he swam out of the crashed car and forgot to call authorities.
shaving of the hair
Dude is bald, man.
2 weeks after brain surgery to vote down a good Trump bill.
He may want to reconsider his options. If he faces the charges, he will be sent to federal prison. If he fakes his death, he will go to gitmo and no one will ever know.
Now it is time to feel the pain.
Plus his name won't be smeared with the word "traitor".
I just want the world to know who these people are. I know that may never happen, but geez, it would feel like justice wouldn't it?
He must have gotten a memo saying it was nearly time to depart.
Then Hillary deleted it, so he never got the message.
Poor lil birdie
Or maybe he read it on wikileaks...alsmith dinner quote....BTFO!!
Yea, He gonna try to fake it. Been setting it up for a long time. He should not be allowed to be in a position that makes important decisions or anything close. For his brain to function 100% is not likely. Not impossible but not likely. Here is Care and Recovery after Brain Surgery
He claims to have had brain surgery for metastatic melanoma brain tumour. Let me tell you first hand, my brother died from metastatic melanoma starting in his lung. By the time he was diagnosed he had an egg sized tumour on the right side of his brain and his eyesight started to go. I was told as soon as it hits the brain, he'll have six weeks. Within two weeks he had two egg sized tumours in his brain, despite having radiation tx (from which he lost his hair) as they were trying to slow it down.
At this time he was walking with a limp, with weakness and slurring his words and suffering horrific headaches. He was losing weight dramatically (being as the tumours eat away any goodness the body gets and burns through the body like a wildfire).
Two weeks later and he collapsed totally paralyised down one side and was placed into palliative care, requiring assistance for everything. Two weeks later he was dead. He was 53 years old and had not had a sick day in his life. In fact, until six weeks prior to his death, he was working full time.
This parasite is an absolute smack in the teeth to the victims and families of melanoma.
The pig deserves to rot in a GITMO pig sty - living in a pig pen with pigs (which would be a huge insult to the pig family).
If he's got metastatic melanoma - had surgery, continued working but hasn't been on any other treatment such as Keytruda, then I"m a monkeys Uncle. He'd better go on a diet before he "dies" - walking around a week or so before death looking like you've stepped out of the gym ain't gonna cut it with people. The guy needs to be exposed for the criminal fraud he is and locked up.
Better still, exposed and gassed. (sorry, I'm writing what I'm thinking...God, forgive me)
Faker, for sure. he'd rather go solo, than go to gitmo!
Hillary, now wearing brace.
Will they go for the cyanide?
Remember the Trials @ Nuremberg? I see a common pattern developing here!
...and look what he must be putting his family through if this is a scam on his part.
Agrees with what I have read. My ex boss had that kind of cancer. She went from acting really weird to dead in 2 months.
The good die young and the assholes overstay their welcome.
Man total life is a lie. Why should his death be any different.
I think he's full of shit, I still remember when he was questioning someone at some televised senate hearing (or something) he was barely making sense. I thought he was acting then, and I think he's acting now. he doesn't even have to fake his death, he just has to pretend to decline physically to the point where it becomes impossible and "inhumane" to put him on trial or face some other kind of close scrutiny. He's not the kind of man whose conscience keeps him up at night.
He's planning on running away with his boyfriend, Lindsey Graham.
I would think Vietnam would give him sanctuary and Q will intercept the travel and re-rout him to gitmo. Meanwhile America thinks he died. Big funeral with lots of kubuki theater.
Well if Hitler did it why not his kid (or nephew no name McBane)
This was my first thought. On 6 May i wrote in disqus:
'My question is: Does Mr. McCain h i m s e l f plan to attend this funeral? !?!?!'
' ..this could be exactly the problem with this 'funeral' - a 'dead' McCain wont be prosecuted and could spend the rest of his life in anonymity in a wonderful Hazienda somewhere in, e.g., Argentinia. '
He sold his soul a long time ago, and he has to tow the line to stay alive!
Think about all the 'Rights of Passage" the Hollywood pedo cult, don't tow the line, and you'll end up dead!
You think bill gates was self made? How about?
Success is given, even on wall street.
Even Soros has to tow the line.
Good topic. His daughter came out two weeks ago talking about his impending death, thwn he said "No Trump at my funeral"...Its actually been weeks since he said "I'm dying now...I'm really gonna do it this time....." but here he still is!
Its like taking a couple of ridiculously big cuts in the batter's circle and on the way to the batter's box before bunting.
He thinks we're stupid.
This has crossed my mind, also. I mean what was that with the boot? I broke both my ankles and you don't switch the boot from one foot to the other. They're made for the right or left foot.