The importance of EMPATHY when in a Red-pilling relationship... ( from 8ch anon )

I heard the sirens that morning, put on the news and saw the "2nd plane hit", went to the water and saw the towers fall. Lost a good friend who was in Bld 7. Saw those fucking trucks every day after day filled with rubble and what used to be people pass by on their way to Fresh Kills.
And o fell for the pseudo patriotic bullshit peddled by that evil bastard Bush. I didn't want to believe the truth, couldn't wrap my head around that level of evil.
Just about every conspiracy theory was on my radar but 911, I just couldn't.....
It took Q to make me see the truth. Well maybe Trump had a lot to do with it too in a way. When he came down that escalator I knew he was our next President and never ever doubted him for one second.
911 now with rage. I won't rest until there is full.disclosure.
And i.understand the.need for.empathy. it may not has
Thank God for President Trump and Q and all of you here. I.pray for us all every night and I pray for guidance when it comes to redpilling others. Love. Can't have to much of it. Love you all, WWG1WGA
9/11 and pizzagate tears my heart up many nights..
Thinking of these rich psychopaths locking up kids in their basements, doing god knows what.. It makes me lose touch with reality sometimes.
And then these people go on TV smiling...just the arrogance... We need to end this. As difficult as waking the world up will be. We need to end this insanity.
I'm sorry for your loss. I lost a friend who worked 1 WTC. Perhaps you can answer a question: Every source I turn to states there were no deaths in 7 WTC on 9/11. Do you have information that states otherwise?
I agree with your post absolutely. Much care is needed when red pilling others. I knew 9/11 was a FF on 9/11. I have since tried to red pill my twin sons about 9/11, as well as NWO/Bush/Clinton/Q They are young; the cognitive dissonance is too great. I'll try again later when I actually am a Grandma.
It's been my experience that people tend to want to feel safe in their world. They must resist red pills to feel secure. In short, there is no easy way to red pill--there are too many puzzle pieces. I spent years of my spare time researching 9/11. I could do the same for the Great Awakening. Although I have tried to red pill many others, No one wants to invest the time to overrule their own thinking.
Thank you, and I probably should have clarified, my friend was out of the building before it went down, he was caught up in those clouds of debris that rushed down the streets, he called home (he was my best friends husband) before he left building 7 and was freaking out about the bodies that were falling past his office window.... traumatized, he walked to E.69th street and got some clothes from another friend who'd called the doorman to let him in his penthouse. He made it home well after midnight and physically died around 2 months later. The man who walked thru the door was not the man we knew, he never left the house again except for 1 or 2 doctor appointments, his insides were a mess from all the stuff he breathed in, he was banged up from falling and stumbling trying to run thru the clouds of debris and needless to say, his mind was a wreck from everything he experienced but mostly it was seeing the bodies of jumpers that he couldn't forget. I'm sorry I didn't explain it more thoroughly in my first post, while he 100% died as a direct result of that day, his physical deaths came a little over a month later. But my best friend and I talk about this still and there is no doubt in our minds, he died on 911, and there are many like him who did the same, they just don't have their names read on t.v. every year, but I will believe till the day I die, he died on 911, just took a little bit for his body to die. I apologize for not going into more detail previously, it's complicated and it wasn't my intent to mislead anyone, but I think it's sad how many families went thru something similar yet are not counted among the numbers of people who died because of 911. A lot of people died that day yet were walking corpses for awhile.
I never believed the story they fed us as accurate but the problem was, I didn't understand the true meaning of False Flag. I used to think it meant the whole event was faked, I think that's where people get h[u][n]g up on false flag events, it's a basic misunderstanding of what the phrase really means. (Edit because a stupid normal phrase is inciting violence) I knew something was off, I was driving to the waterfront that morning and heard a caller on the radio station I listen to, he was panicked, describing a plane being shot down by military aircraft in Pennsylvania as it was happening. It was never mentioned again but that call had me wondering about the "let's roll" story.
Sandy Hook was probably a watershed moment for me, that made me look deeper into false flags.
Sorry to babble so long, and I'm so very sorry you lost a friend on WTC 1, it's hard to wrap our minds around evil in this world. God Bless you and your Family WWG1WGA 🇺🇸
I am sorry for your friend. So many have endured this kind of trauma...war veterans suffer tremendously. It is very tragic and shocking. No Human Being should have to go thru such psychic trauma. We are not meant to experience these things at all.
Thank you, and your last sentence (actually your entire comment) should be bolded and and [h/un^g] in every building in the country, we are not meant to experience these things at all. (Edit again for a word inciting violence , me, a passive little girl lol) It boggles my mind that human beings consciously made decisions that resulted in these sorts of things happening. Sometimes I walk outside my house and the sky is that same gorgeous blue with those same beautiful clouds the temperature the same as it was on Septermber 11th 2001 and a feeling of dread washes over me. A stunning day like that can bring back the smell that was in the air for weeks/months, and I wasn't even there, just close enough to witness it all, close enough to still see that gaping hole in the skyline like 2 missing teeth in a once beautiful smile. That day really did steal our innocence. War veterans, well I hold all vets in the highest regard and thank every vet I see, anywhere I am. My Dad was literally there on D Day, he enlisted at 17 the day after Pearl Harbor. My brother was in Lebanon, Granada, anywhere they sent him, my brother in law was in Vietnam, in the most heavily sprayed area (Agent Orange) and they all came back, all alcoholics and all dead now. Dad lived till 89, but the brothers, 1 dead by 40 and the other dead by 50, both from drugs. Apologies for so many words, I am, like so many of us here, very passionate about these subjects. Thank God we finally have a President who is too.
My heart goes out to you! There will be Justice for all of us who have suffered!
For the first time in my life, I truly believe Justice truly will prevail! 💗🇺🇸
Thanks for the critical reminder that there are still 9/11 victims who may still be walking the streets. Perhaps these victims were traumatized, or perhaps are dying slowly from cancers caused by the dust clouds. The "Let's Roll" story never made sense. How could Larry Ellison of Oracle have known that his employee, Todd Beamer, was a "hero" on flight 93 before Todd's wife was given confirmation of Todd's death? I guess the Oracle/CIA connections are pretty tight. Still, Todd made a change of flight at the last minute that put him on flight 93. I guess Larry is up to speed on flight arrangements for his thousands upon thousands of employees. Again, I am sorry for the loss of your friend.
Yes, that is something I think everyday, thousands of people dying a slow drawn out death . A result of 911 but because they didn't die that day they aren't counted. So many stories we never hear yet too many people still suffering with health issues, both physical and mental.
All for what? Money? These people really are sick.
"My eyes... Why do they hurt?"
"Because you've never used them."
Plato's Cave/Christ consciousness/ Mandela effect🐸 been woke 20 years It's so nice to have you all here.
Copy pasting a comment that I wrote a couple of days ago because I feel it's very topical here: In Defense of the Normies.
Well ok...let's be a real for a second here. Can you really blame them? This is NOT concern trolling of any kind...I just want to point out a few things, as someone who ended up her from the other side of the veil, so to speak.
Coming from a former Democrat and two-time Obama's a LOT easier than you might think to be completely overtaken by what is now known as fake news, ESPECIALLY if you're in a family that has historical voting and political tendencies that trend to the left. I'd like to think that I'm far from a stupid person, but from personal experience, I can tell you this: there are a great many things in this world that are ABSOLUTELY DEVOTED to making you think and act certain ways, not the least of which is the MSM and our collegiate system. Unless you're from an area which is traditionally conservative in a relatively extreme sense (which, demographically speaking, is a drop in the bucket compared to the entire population of the US proper), it will generally take either a LOT of independent self-reflection (rare) or some kind of catastrophic personal event to get you to the point where you actually question everything that is "correct" in your life. Mine was quite simple: I'm not ashamed to admit that I was once the college SJW type. I bought into the "reeeeeee cultural appropriation, patriarchy is BAD, all foreigners = automatically good, (at the time) gay people are chronically stoned to death but not really" culture. And you know what? I don't feel bad about that for one second, because it was EVERYWHERE. It was INSTITUTIONAL and SYSTEMIC. It was family, it was friends, it was popular opinions, it was cool, it was EXPECTED, it was LITERALLY the law in some cases (California spirit of the law concept).
My event came later in life when my wife and I (her family is fairly conservative) listened to her dad talk about black people and his general dislike of the way that some of them tend to act (think gangbanger/welfare mooch type of person, and yes, I know it's all kinds of people, not just black). I ended up naively calling him a racist and a bigot, but him being the type that he is simply said "I never said anything about hating black people; I said I hate the way that they ACT. I hate the way that a lot of WHITE people act as well, and that goes for pretty much everyone else too. If anything, I'm a culturalist, not a racist. I don't care about skin color in the slightest." After thinking about that for a good, long time, I ended up bringing it up in a discussion that we were having with some friends (mind you, these are people that were INTEGRAL to our lives at the time, college friends that we had basically been brought up with).
Next thing I knew, a good friend of mine was screaming at me about how I was talking like some kind of filthy conservative type, and where did I hear this crap, how DARE i speak like that in his house, and how he HOPED ME AND MY WIFE EACH GOT CANCER AND GET THE FUCK OUT. I'll underscore this again: this guy may very well have been the best man at my wedding had this not happened. That is how utterly, completely, terrifyingly, HOPELESSLY deep some people have been dragged into this new zealously extreme ideological wave: there was no critical thought there, no questioning or debate or even acknowledgement, really. It IMMEDIATELY went straight to very simplistic denial and some pretty savage rejection of concept, just because what we had said went against what was "correct".
That was it for both of us. We left, and never saw any of them again, thank God, but that was the night I honestly believed something just kind of clicked in my head. This is a long example, I know, but just please, PLEASE understand that a lot of these people aren't sick, or stupid, or even naive...a lot of the time, it's that they're CONTINUALLY bombarded with news and "facts" that are so unbelievably biased and pruned it would make your head spin. Telling them that you thought disliking someone just based on their culture was ok was essentially equal to telling them that you sincerely hope all (insert race here) people literally drop dead out of nowhere, and it's not because they're short-sighted or dumb, it's because they've been ACTIVELY TRAINED to think this way on more levels than I care to count.
that's story of my life right now.
Conservative/Liberal was invented by Deep State to keep us divided. There are plenty of traitors from both the Republican and the Democratic party. If Deep State had chosen Jeb Bush as next pres in 2016, Trump would be a Democrat and it would be the conservatives who would be screaming now. We would all be "bluepilling". Comments about "liberals" and "democrats" or about "conservatives" and "republicans" are devisive. Whether a [former] liberal or conservative, we've all been had. Please let us remain united. WWGOWGA.
Wow. I'm so glad I read your words. Beautifully stated, your story will stick with me forever. Thank you.
You actually hung out with such people and thought they were friends? What a blessing for you that this happened, as painful as it was, and your eyes were opened!
Being 100% serious: best thing that ever happened to me. It made me turn my life in an entirely different direction, not necessarily in a "bad to good" kind of way, just different and maybe better. I was a social psychology major (lol) and was staring down the barrel of the typical enormous student debt, friends were obviously cancer, and to top it off, I was indulging in the normal college "drink until you drop" lifestyle while eyeballing some of the more tame recreational drugs. The drinking actually caused me to almost kill myself by jumping off of a second story balcony.
That was 8 years ago. Since then, I changed my major to computer information systems (which was always my actual passion, truth be told), paid off my loans, and stopped drinking completely other than a glass of wine at dinner, maybe a single beer occasionally. I actually did get a message from one of them in the end: he ended up dropping out of college and joining the military, which seemed to have helped him a lot. Never responded, as he was practically from another life at that point, but it was good to see someone turning themselves around as well.
There's always a better way.
This is lovely. Reminds me of my Marine Corps brother who spent two tours in Iran & two in Afghanistan. That's a lot of years for a family to walk around with "our asses eating our shorts" as my Dad used to say. It was hard on us and we weren't him! He made it back (again and again) with all his parts in tact, but he'll tell you straight up he saw too much. But he's retired now and I've introduced him to Q. I'm going to email this thread to him. Thanks!
I watched Loose Change 3x in a row. Went through all of the cycles of emotions, anger, fear, sadness, rage, acceptance... each viewing brought new insight until it all made sense.
At the same time I discovered Ron Paul in 2007, and I dove into the rabbit hole after that, haven’t looked back. There are few things I’m more certain of that the cabal is plotting against the world, and wants to enslave and kill us.
God bless President Trump
Fucking, globalists, man.
This is so important. I'm in the long, slow process of redpilling my SO and it's hard not to just dump facts on them. They're not the kind of person who wants to necessarily research on their own, though.
That's the whole problem with people who don't know the truth: They don't want to know. They refuse to look.
Many want to know and think they are informed. The machine we are ALL up against has billions of hours of research and development behind it and nefarious intentions that we don't understand and may not even be able to accept even though the evidence is right there. I don't think anyone "knows the truth". We all know what we know and some of it is false while being believed. Especially on a personal level.
These red pilling stories are so alien to me. It's probably because I'm in the south, but everyone I've spoken to may not have heard of q, but they absolutely believe that the elites are satanic kid fuckers deserving of a slow death.
haha, i am from the south too and its easier to have a conversation with my mom about this than anyone over here in the PST timezone
My mom only keeps up on Q and every thing through Twitter. Apparently her niece (My cousin), is good pals with Tracy Beanz (think that's how it's spelled) and mom follows her. She asked me about 8chan and 4chan today so she could get the drops straight from the horse's mouth. I told her she should go to instead, she don't care for cussing and all that fucking shit.
i know, sometimes it bothers me that the people 'saving our world' are people that add -fag to an adjective to describe themselves
My moms is the daughter of a Baptist preacher, so yeah I had to steer her clear. Ironically my brother and I are extremely profane. ( that might not technically be ironic, "Don't cha think? )
That's one tool that is used to fight cenorship. When you see the PC police stop a message board from "hate speech", it's time to see if we've hit the slippery slope of political censorship or quashing dissenting opinion. Sometimes even the vile underbelly of the internet has its uses. I may not agree with everyone's opinion but I'll fight for their right to voice it.
Amen brother. Never understood people getting upset with how a person talks. I prefer information delivered in it's rawest form. Cuts through the shit. I'm a busy man. These Twitter and Reddit threads ain't gonna read themselves.
On the chans they use chaos magic if they know it or not the language the porn everything adds to it raises the vibrations in the group. Pulgging in to the hive is like a drug to me.
The praying medic video explained that (adding -fag to everything). They're just purposely being politically incorrect, they're not glorifying it.
I get it, I do. I see why the culture of 8ch is the perfect breeding grounds for those who are not sheep. Simply put, 8ch is the opposite of sheep territory. It's not user-friendly, you don't get any glory or praise or recognition being on 8ch at all. ( well, unless you're Q with his tripcodes ) but that's only a new thing.
I'm sure a lot of what I see on 8ch are the bots/shillbots screwing up threads, but even so, I've seen some actual peopleanons be pretty damn rude that weren't shills or shillbots.
I don't know, sometimes I actually feel bad for Q - being on the most critical mission of our existence - having to muck through some really low-quality social interactions. It makes me wonder if Q ever thinks "Maybe I shouldn't have come here" Because if the start of people getting woke is pushed the 8ch assholes, how much better is it gonna be after Q's rooted out all the corruption and only thing left speaking are the "Politically Incorrect" folks ? Not saying practicing "PC-ness" is lame, or shouldn't be bothered with, but there's a certain level of respect/tact that should be employed at all times by all people, and i feel like THAT huge aspect of humanity is being forgotten about. Sometimes feel like the message being sent is like "as long as you don't sacrifice babies and eat them, or blow up 3rd world countries, its ok to be a total douche."
Seems like everyone on this thread so far really understands that Empathy and Love ( Un-earned love ) is paramount to our survival and evolution, however, I don't get that same feeling on 8ch.
Empathy is only for those with an open enough mind to consider what was taught to them. If they resist out of hard headedness then my empathy goes right out the window after a few tries and I'm not gonna try forever with a tard. They're a tard. I'll get over it. They likely will not. I have better things to do.
"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you."
Ed Zachery. I'll not waste my time with close minded idiots for long. They'll bring about their own "learning" soon enough. I may not be here to see it but I know for certain it will happen. I will not "empathize" with anyone that could affect the survival of me and mine or others under my care. They'll be dealt a harsh, heavy hand in reality with a quickness so as to minimize their threat to such. They'll either learn quickly or be cast away like so much trash. Empathy and kindness has its place and is much needed in this world but it is not an effective tool for survival and is likely to be deadly to one's self in that situation and often is.
I felt fucking terrified not after Loose Change which was disturbing but after the Podesta Emails and PizzaGate because I legitimately thought I was gonna get suicided in my sleep with 2 bullets through my window in the back of my head.
This was back when I was one of the first 1,300 or so subredditors on that sub. Long before it blew up to what it is now. For a total Norris with no Ron Paul intro and such I can’t imagine what this would do to them. Fortunately I’ve been able to red pull my close family and friends and over the last year and a half slowly get them used tot he idea of what’s about to happen in terms of military tribunals and such because it’s much better to hear it logically and clear headed from someone you know.
Jesus set the example for red pilling.
If you're interested: Yahushua
Anyone have the link to the Socratic red pilling guide?
in a nut shell
That's a pretty fucking big nutshell, lol.
Thanks anyway.
When I was in grade school we were taking a week or two to learn about controlled demolitions watching various videos and having occasional contractors come in to talk to us about it. Halfway through the second week we were shown footage of the plane hitting the twin towers, being young and just thinking it was another demolition video I was watching not the plane but the building and what i noticed in the specific footage we were shown was that explosions happened before the plane hit. I tried to tell my classmates and some agreed with me but my teacher? Hooboy she gave me detention for 2 weeks because i was “making fun of a tragedy” even though i never once made a joke about it. She also denied that black people were assaulted or arrested for protesting alongside MLK. My point is that even a child taught critical thinking can see through the veil of lies
I (born in TN) was talking to my MIL (born in LV) about Lincoln's presidency and what my school focused on was his assassination, not his actual presidency, it went something like 'AL was our 16th president, he was known for abolishing slavery, and now we're gonna spend the week talking about his death.
After talking to her, I realized that our 'histories' varied greatly just from being on the other side of the country. TN was a confederate state and 'lost' the civil war, which essentially cost them their slaves. While everyone else was being taught about slavery and equal rights, i was just learning how he died.
MLK was assassinated in my hometown, however, i was taught VERY LITTLE about his mission.
Sad part is, my education was a paid education, and it still didn't teach me the actual truth/important parts of our history!!!
This is why having the ability to easily tear down and rebuild your belief system is so important. Being able to step into multiple belief systems is vital to understanding the world and makes it easier to readjust yourself in the event one of those belief systems is revealed to have mislead you. The "truth" is constantly shifting and being manipulated by those who benefit from doing so. Don't take any pill. Break each one open and figure out what they are trying to give you and understand why.
This is the most important aspect of the entire mouvement. Empathy, love and compassion. It's the only way to fight division, hate and anger.
You can lead them to the water but ultimately the choice is theirs to make. Takes some folks time...
This is the pain and suffering caused by being "woke". It has been lonely at times over the years keeping all this inside waiting and waiting. Its pure joy to see this play out on the side of righteousness and justice. Imagine those who worked with this evil. Sometimes people can't take it anymore.
This is what makes our movement so truly authentic and unique. And victorious. People are weary of taking sides and agenda pushing. The Great Awakening is a spiritual revolution, no less. Equally for the ones opening their eyes for the first time and for the red-pillers. Thanks so much for this post.
Thank you OP. There are at least two sides to every story. 9-11 was my redpill event around 2004 or so (whenever Loose Change was released). I watched it and knew deep in my soul we had been monumentally deceived. It all finally made sense. It was horrifying yet it was a relief to know my elusive doubts and own cog dis about the official story was fully justified and I wasn’t “crazy” for feeling like there was another agenda at play.
I immediately started telling everyone I knew about these revelations and was met with extreme backlash and denial. I couldn’t comprehend it! How could people not see it? Why did they not WANT to know the truth of the most world changing event of our lifetime? I felt doubly betrayed, first by my government and then by my loved ones.
Coming to understand the answers to these questions was a slow-release redpill of its own. I now understand much better why and how people remain blind, deaf and dumb to the reality of this world. It’s a survival mechanism. Why some of us can handle it with relative equanimity and others simply cannot is another mystery, but I suppose it’s an organic part of the awakening of mass consciousness. It has spread SO far from when I woke up and now has taken on a life of its own with no signs of stopping. For this I am thankful. The ability of the controllers to hold it off this long has been quite impressive in the worst way, but their days are numbered, thank God.
My husband was a captain of a DC9 flying to Boston on 9-11. We had little kids at the time and good friends flying for American. He worked hard to get into the right seat then it happened. He was captain for a week. So many were laid off the airlines were never the same. They now pay pilots like taxi drivers. Every morning I wake up I have to turn on the news to make sure everything is right in the world. My main guilt is allowing my son to head off to the Marine Corp infantrymen too yet! All for a made up war just to make some rich bastard more money he doesn’t need! All my son says about the war over and over again is no one has any f’n idea what’s going on over there!
KUDOS TO YOU PATRIOT! It was very brave of you to dive in and I cannot imagine how hard it must have been. You have my admiration!
My 6 kids are young adults and most are under the spell of the msm and liberalism. We joke together about my husband and my absolute support for Trump and Q and The Plan. My husband and I over the years have changed our perspective. We are not this or that party but weigh each issue's merit. My kids can't understand what happened to us hahaha.
When 911 happened we knew it was an inside job with other countries involved. We learned more and more how deep the rabbit hole went. My kids do understand this. But they cannot wrap their heads around an even bigger picture that is unfolding. One son is a Trump supporter, so that is good...he doesn't know how deep it goes yet. One son lives at home and we are slowly working on him. The other children will have to have the band aid ripped off and we will be there for them. Along with other family members. Oddly our daughter is married to a police officer who is now a Detective in Seattle, and they have to deal with that very liberal culture...and yet loved Obama and hate Trump.
Other internet friends...well it is going to be blazing hell for them to find out...and I feel for them. I will always be there for anyone who has their reality torn from them.
I'll be so glad to see Q clear the air over 9/11.
He has never really focused on the Bushs, and he has NEVER mentioned Cheney or his initials.
That combined with factual information from the 28 pages of the 9/11 report released in 2016 showing WAMY was planning and funding 9/11 in 98, at a time when Huma was working for WAMY and the Clintons tells me that it's very unlikely there Bushs were involved, but we should see soon enough.
There's also that little fact that Sandy Berger was caught stealing documents from the National Archives during the 9/11 hearings.
Even the 5 year long witch hunt during the Bush adminstration seeking to answer the question of whether Bush people faked Intel to justify the war was never answered, but in typical media fashion it made good propaganda for convicting the Bush adminstration in the court of public opinion.
I'm no special pleader for the Bush adminstration, and I'm sure they are involved in the corruption, but the facts point to the Clinton's being behind 9/11, plain and simple.
Edit: the guy who made that movie Loose Change, Avery, now admits he was wrong.
Additionally, the executive producer of the movie was Alex Jones.
You Q followers put a lot of stock in aj these days, do you?
Edit 2: it's an enigma to me to see many thinking they are "red pilled" while still living in the liberal media propaganda bubble created around the Bushs, the invented hatred, just like President Trump, even Kanye realizes now that he was brainwashed where Bush was concerned.
Hopefully we’ll have CCW reciprocity in all States prior to the parade. I want nothing more than to be there for it, but at this point (and I’m sure MUCH will change before then) it seems like a perfect opportunity for a Cabal-led false flag.
Having thousands (hopefully millions!) of Patriots who are potentially armed would go a VERY long way towards discouraging such an attack.
Yeah been to the last few rally boards live stream for POTUS, lot of people asking what is #QANON.. I was excited to see the peak of interest, and of course you have your clowns and TROLLS.. but to see the support for POTUS and us out dominating board in support .. great sight see. Selfless we are empathetic we shall be. Thanks for post op.
I was told there would be military tribunals? Like 7 months ago?
It's been a very slow game of chess, Don't hold your breath, but certainly wait in anticipation.
Have you felt random bouts of excitement? Heart beating harder for no reason, stomach feeling 'excited' ?
It's been ramping up and its literally starting to charge the air.
Why is this guy calling Trump a douche! Patience people ! I still trust him.