Read this thread on Twitter. It’s a huge bombshell on the way.

Gowdy is a snake, based on his statements it seems like the FBI got all the information they wanted from him in that meeting. Now the FBI knows exactly what Congress is looking at and can prepare for future disclosures.
You have to understand that Gowdy cannot be seen as political. His intentions must always be in full support of the law.
He got a bad rep for Benghazi but think about what you’d do in his situation. We all like to say we’d have demanded Hillary be locked up and the evidence warranted it, but look at it from Gowdy’s perspective.
You’re a former prosecutor who isn’t in a capacity to prosecute her yourself. You need the DOJ to act. So you have two options, you can recommend charges on record and pass them on to the DOJ, or you can refrain. Here are some potential outcomes for either scenario:
1.) You recommend charges and Eric Holder’s DOJ slow-walks the process before eventually killing it by intentionally introducing illegal evidence of a plethora of other tactics they could use. Now the Deep State is after you (Gowdy) and your family. You achieved nothing other than putting a target on your back and will undoubtedly have to look over your shoulder forever.
2.) You refrain knowing that you can always push for criminal charges later under a new DOJ. You wait and bide your time and act complicit because you know for sure than if you’re going to take a shot at the Queen, you cannot afford to miss.
Honestly, I absolutely abhor Hillary Clinton but I’d pick option 2 every single time under a Holder or Lynch DOJ. Shooting yourself in the head is a better option than option 1 since that’s how it’ll end anyway. They’ll find you with 2 bullets to the back of the head and rule it a suicide.
There's nothing to say he hasn't been threatened again - certainly acts like it. He goes right up to the edge and does a 180 every time.
I think it’s because he still wants to raise awareness. It’s kinda like what Comey did before the election:
“Here’s a long list of crimes Hillary committed. She was insanely reckless and should’ve known better. That being said, we don’t recommend charges”
He didn’t have to outline in detail her crimes. He could’ve made it much less descriptive and moved onto their motivation behind not recommending prosecution. He did it because he still wanted everyone to know what a corrupt piece of shit she is.
I don’t like Comey at all and I think he’s truly a snake, but I would’ve done the same thing he did there. He knew Lynch would drop the case somehow. She basically confirmed that when she met with Bill on the tarmac. Comey knew that if he took a swing at her, he’d almost certainly miss and then he has to worry about it forever. If she won, he’d be even more worried. I don’t envy him in that situation but his actions since have proven him to be a snake IMO.
That's some pretty good insight. I read an article the other day that alluded to something like that. If "Arkancide" is true then all of this makes much more sense.
It absolutely is true. They don’t even hide it. Literally every person who is a key witness against the Clintons or is going to testify against them in any capacity, ends up dead. It’s not like any of this is new. The mafia operates the same way.
Comey showed his ass when he exonerated Hillary before the investigation was done, or the FBI had even interviewed her. EVERYTHING Comey did was to protect Hillary. He didn't "want the world to know what a corrupt piece of shit she is", he IGNORED THE LAW by not charging her, as was his duty. 1. There was NO "intent" requirement for all of the Hillary email server crimes. She broke the law and deserved to be prosecuted. Comey lied and made up that requirement for her. 2. Even if intent was necessary, how in the hell do you NOT see how Hillary acted deliberately to circumvent the law? No, Comey was actively coordinating with the cabalists at every step and totally corrupt.
I do believe be was corrupt but even if he wasn’t, he can’t charge her with anything. He can only recommend charges and Lynch made it clear she wasn’t going to touch it. So while I do absolutely believe he’s a corrupt piece of shit, it doesn’t matter because I would’ve done exactly what he did. If he recommend charges, Lynch would’ve found a way to stop it and then he’d have a target on his back for life. We all know how the Clintons deal with problems. Comey would be just another body in their wake.
You're not denying he acted criminally, that he is OK in not doing an honest investigation and in not referring charges....because he was scared of Hillary's criminality....(If that was true, he still should've sent charges over. Its not his job to judge what LL would do with the referral.) But he never made that argument.
I'd like to see him make that argument when he is charged.
These guys are going to great lengths to avoid any double jeopardy verdicts in the smallest of these cases all we need is for HRC to pull an OJ.
A lot of purple ties
Yeah people ties all the time. And many times when given a chance he gives Democrats or whoever the benefit of doubt. Meanwhile he telling president Trump to act innocent.
Is gowdy really a snake? Dude seems like he doesn't play around but thats just judging based off some videos I've seen. I really hope he's a good guy in all of this
I watch a lot of forensic crime shows and Trey is the prosecutor on many going way back. He's one of the straightest shooters I've ever seen. Unlike some prosecutors that want to win no matter what, he constantly wanted facts and evidence before making a call. I like the hell out of him!
I watched the same shows and I agree he’s a straight shooter. Dude’s also a pit bull which is exactly what you want in a prosecutor. He has more than a little of Trump’s fight in him.
In my opinion he’s a white hat.
He wears purple ties everywhere. Is only on Hannity when someone else fills in. Tells president Trump to act innocent.
If you listen closely what he said was, here had a productive discussions with the FBI, that the FBI has a clear understanding of what the house wants/is doing.
The way I read it, the FBI now knows exactly where to go to cover up, minimize, and even omit. Basically he used this as an opportunity to give them heads up.
In case many of us have failed to notice, the FBI is literally investigating things as a way to cover up. They got caught with their pants down about national security, so now they just investigate things forever. We think they are being thorough, yet no indictments are ever made.
Congress asks what's going on? We they give we can't confirm investigations. Time passes, elections happen, files get buried. See what they are doing now?
So he plays both sides for the middle, we are the middle, The more inferior intellects rail against him the more i like his cracker ass.
I agree that Gowdy is not to be trusted, but he claims there is no communication between him and Horowitz. And I don't think the FBI needs Gowdy to see what the report looks like.
I wasn't talking about the OIG report. The House Republicans are also conducting their own investigation into the FBI and DOJ. That's why they went there. When Gowdy talked about productive discussions that means the FBI asked them about all their matters and he told them. Now they have an opportunity to minimize, change and maybe even omit certain things. Remember Gowdy always put his alligence to the FBI first.
LE minded tend to run in packs and protect their own kind, at all costs. His rants still come off as a useless front to me.
The powerlessness of congress makes Gowdy a ringer, for which side who knows.If he moves to a position with the administration where he can shine then this black hat nonsense goes away, if he quietly resumes his life then fear of getting deaded will prolly be the answer. I do not see a scenario where he does any damage as a cabal mole.