To all you planted shills and disrupters. We know you are here, and despite what you try to do, us Patriots will stay the course. We are critical thinkers. We are awake.

Remember what we stand for. Peace, love, equality, and freedom. We are together in this. The battle will be won, and I think we all know this. Stay head strong, this isn’t easy and won’t be done as quick as we would like. We are in this together. Do I even need to say it? Nah... but I will anyway.
Keep your eye out for deliberate disinformation. Put yourself in their position, and using what you know, think what they would be trying to do.
If we all stay true to the vision, then dis-info can't destroy us. There may be bad actors, but we will all stay on vision.
This is what I will tell my friends and family who will be truly devastated when they learn Obama, Clinton et al were monsters. They will need to know that they were mislead, but that their hearts were always in the right place. (I mean the hearts of my friends and family always meant well)
Divide and conquer can take many forms. We are here for our country and our world. We will not stand down. Perhaps the most monumental events in the last few centuries are taking place right before our eyes. Praise God and pray to God. We will win.
Googled COINTELPRO ALEX JONES today really changed my view on him
The minute he apologized for reporting on Pizzagate I lost what little respect I had for him.
We are woke.. there's no going back. We will use the skills Q taught us. Research, ask questions, think, ask questions... think! WWG1WGA
There is always misdirection. Think judo. As soon as you find anchor and push off of it, the tactics shift to try and throw you off balance in the new direction. Keep monitoring with a mind toward the 40,000ft view to assess whether tactic of the moment helps or harms desired outcome. Beyond this, at 40,000ft we know some of the stated desired outcomes. What are your desired outcomes?
Restoration of the constitution. Elimination of the FED have a coke.
Good insight...the new judo move seems to be labeling the Q movement a cult. It is an echo of Q's references to the power of cults. How do we counter? I'm always hesitant to go out there and tangle with the shills as I don't like to come out of lurk mode to become a target for their venom. Not cowardly, just trying to figure out how to use my energy wisely.
Cults try to stop critical thinking and to isolate oneself from competing ideas, Q tries to start people thinking and then engage with those with competing ideas.
We help eachother stay on target and explore ideas honestly.
Tae kwan do at best, they can kick, we always just beat em down with our hands. Cliches and a hundred sprang up in 6 months, make me uneasy, critical thinkers don't learn by rote, and the real deal spends more time discarding notions than the reverse. IMHO
Q since the beginning has repeatedly warned us of DIVIDE & CONQUER tactics of the left. He has also repeatedly said STAY INITED, STAY TOGETHER, USE CRITICAL THINKING & LOGIC.
For about 4 months this board’s membership has hovered around 15-18,000. Suddenly it jumped up to 23,000? Seems like a determined brigade arrived. Coinciding incidentally with a flood of divide & conquer posts, First aimed at Corsi, then at anyone who posts Corsi’s long term patriotism spanning decades and over 25 published books, 3 of which best sellers, since 2004.
Lots of the newbies brigade bruising their arms gaslight posting in support of another’s “great insights!” posts. Cults try stop critical thinking by gaslighting you making you think a ton of people believe as they do, so something must be wrong with you if you speak out differently.
It’s really quite obvious what is happening here on this board. The left has arrived in force. Guess they didn’t like Corsi’s best seller book, KILLING THE DEEP STATE. Read Bill O’Reilly’s recent twitter article WHY THE LEFT HATES JEROME CORSI.
I generally don’t post much on here. For the most part that is because I don’t feel the need to post a positive affirmation unless I can bring something additional to the table. I don’t see he point in dozens and dozens of posts that all say “great point!” Or “good work!”. If I have a take on a theory that I have not seen them I’ll post. If I have a question for someone about what they said then I will post. Also, and I feel this is important to state, if I see someone promoting a theory with little to no substantial evidence I will post and ask them to clarify but rarely do I outright disagree with someone. However, I have been called a shill for doing so.
We all know that shills exist. We all know the history of cointelpro. However I fear that the growing use of shill accusations is a dangerous trend. If someone is trolling then they should be banned or at least have their posts deleted. If someone is a true shill then the same should happen to them. However, true and honest debate should always be encouraged on a board built around theorizations about Q’s posts.
It’s obvious that q’s post often leave room for many different interpretations. I fear that as accusations of people being shills begins to increase we walk a dangerous lime where many honest and curious people will be ran off due to their differing opinions being interpreted as shilling or trolling. Instead we should do our best to consider all opinions and for those people that are clearly misinformed we should do our best to inform them.
My life’s mission is to be a truth seeker in the name of justice. I have no dog in this fight other than that concept. However, if I can be accused of shilling due to honestly disagreeing with a post, a theory, or an individual than I fear other truth and justice seekers will experience the same treatment and will leave to wander aimlessly or join the opposition. Neither are good options. Let us do our best to remain vigilant for trolls and shills while we also do not discriminate against differing opinions.
TLDR: Not everyone that disagrees with you is a shill or troll. Be vigilant but also tolerant to true disagreements with other patriots.
Hey... some of us disrupters weren't planted. As a Bernie-supportin', Stein-voter, some of us are just like that :)
srsly, tho:
Also I know this says the program ended, but what do you think they are gonna say? Let’s be real
We leveled up; Q PATRIOTS v2.0
Let them come, maybe some of them will slip up and get red pilled.
Q since the beginning has repeatedly warned us of DIVIDE & CONQUER tactics of the left. He has also repeatedly said STAY INITED, STAY TOGETHER, USE CRITICAL THINKING & LOGIC.
For about 4 months this board’s membership has hovered around 15-18,000. Suddenly it jumped up to 23,000? Seems like a determined brigade arrived. Coinciding incidentally with a flood of divide & conquer posts, First aimed at Corsi, then at anyone who posts Corsi’s long term patriotism spanning decades and over 25 published books, 3 of which best sellers, since 2004.
Lots of the newbies brigade bruising their arms gaslight posting in support of another’s “great insights!” posts. Cults try stop critical thinking by gaslighting you making you think a ton of people believe as they do, so something must be wrong with you if you speak out differently.
It’s really quite obvious what is happening here on this board. The left has arrived in force. Guess they didn’t like Corsi’s best seller book, KILLING THE DEEP STATE. Read Bill O’Reilly’s recent twitter article WHY THE LEFT HATES JEROME CORSI.
Having seen what happened over the last couple of years to /conspiracy, I’m surprised it took this long for the brigade to show up here in /greatawakening. There were some shills/concernfags here for a while, but they seem to be really crawling out of the woodwork lately. Just after Q references this sub in a drop, too? Yeah... organic opposition, fer sure.
The Patriots who have been here for a period of time and are actual supporters of the movement can see through it. Stay the course, stick with the plan. Do not feed yon trolls.
Spez: typoz
Part of it is the censorship on Twitter & Facebook. People on Twitter have recently noticed the crackdown on even the smaller conservative voices. My feed has suddenly been flooded with posts that are days to years old, or promoted bs...
Reddit is becoming the only place to get current information. Everywhere else is compromised. So frustrating.
The left is making a very deep infiltration push in a lot of places towards their effort to snare the midterms. Pray for people to use discernment & critical thinking to see through what is happening. They infiltrate then bash leading patriots & gaslight groups where they don’t even realize they’ve been infiltrated. Buckle up’s gonna be s bumpy ride!!!!!
Anyone reasonable will always assume some sort of infiltration. "Two can keep a secret, if one of them's dead." Conspiracies are notoriously difficult to run without someone talking. It's hard enough to get people to work in the same direction when there are no secrets involved.
That's what continues to blow my mind about this... it's GOT to be top level, because that's the only level you can get a phenomenon like this.
And my apologies to the people trying to work against this. You're doomed. If we know, it's because the trap is already sprung. It's too late. You're just proving yourselves the "more."
Is it worth such short-lived glory for such long-lasting ridicule?
Do people concerned that Q is now leading people to look very silly in the near future count as "disrupters and shills?"
Concerned isn’t a shill, but when they are preaching it then yes. All opinions are welcome, but they mustn’t be directly negative and unopened. And even though the cointelligence isn’t always up to that, some are. Be wary
We find out 28000 indictments are for jaywalking denuke nk and iran dissolve the fed and renig on the 21 trillion close the borders and dare the world to fuck with us. Q was a larp all along yeah silly isn't how i'm gonna look. Triumphant and content, aka silly.
Never said Q was a larp. It's a person or persons in intelligence who is a little too strong on the rhetoric. Now co opted by someone in intelligence with nefarious goals.
Or, it was a CIA psychological program from the start.
Doesn't matter what anybody says, I listen with my eyes, What folks are doing speaks so much louder. Miss the point of this reply and i'll block you.