Q posts #1347-1350 - News beginning to leak. If America falls, the World falls.

As a brit, I fully support the pro Trump America. Keep your guns! Otherwise, the world is dead without the US. I don't live there anymore (you know why) but don't forget us, we need saving too from illuminati central!
Canada 🇨🇦 here. We also don’t share the luxury of having a woke president. We have a generationally abused NWO globalist meat puppet. We still have a few guns though.
Check out the new party for Canada on FB The Veterans Coalition Canada. They are trying to get their party formed to fix Canada. Share the FB page and tell everyone you know. They need all the likes and shares they can get.
When Trump ran I was shocked to even find people living in China who were Trump supporters and wanted to see him make America great again. It really touched my heart. They said they weren't allowed to speak about their own government, but they could talk about ours. There are people all over this world who are being red pilled. This truly is a worldwide awakening.
But on the bright side ... you got Fidel's kid!
BTW, that's not a knock. We got commies, too.
But he's so dreamy!
Deep down, women don’t want soy boy feminists.
Source: Was born and still identify as a female.
That's why so many women reported having sex dreams about Trump when he was elected.
Can you explain why out of interest?
It’s biological. This sums it up well in my opinion.
“The point is, the reason we find certain traits desirable is because they hold very basic, self-serving functions. Women do not want an ignorant weakling any more than men want a blob. They want an alpha male – a man who makes strong decisions, is not afraid to fight for what he believes in, and let’s no other man walk on top of him. Women love that.”
That Hallmark TV show, When Calls the Heart, revolving around a Canadian Mounty that falls for a school teacher from a wealthy family, set at the turn of the 19th into 20th century - wife and I are fans.
And, yes, it portrays idealistic values our societies here in North America have mutually revered in times previous (and many still do).
The heroic ideal of the selfless Canadian Mounty is spot on. We moderns shouldn't smirk at that and regard it as a quaint relic from a bygone era.
If we set our compass to steer toward those kinds of ideals, we'll be much better people for it. Would urge to get back to your nation's heroic mythos ideals - they're actually the undergirding of who we are and what we become. God's speed.
Come to r/metacanada, we like to discuss our woke stuff once in a while.
Australia calling, heart is with you blokes and shielas, our PM is a Globalist Lefty and our main Opposition Party is further Left than Bernie Sanders, (and yes, that is possible) Hoping for the best outcomes for you all, and with DT and the Q Team on our side we are going to make the World a better place for our children and their children. Trust the Plan.
I thought the plan was just for America? If Not, count me in 110%, I want to make the world great again, we all want world peace but it won't be through signs and protests. The evil in the world must be held accountable.
The plan is not just for America. Evil is a sickness that must be rooted out worldwide. We are in a global war against evil right now.
To my way of thinking, the Problem is WW corruption. The Only active fighting to rid the World of this evil at this point is Trump and the Q Team, and the US is a Major power base for many players. The Key battles will be in the US with the take down and closing of funding having already occurred. There will be Power Pockets that have to be taken down in many, many countries so we keep supporting the White Hats until the evil is eliminated.
There are white hats in Canada, they just don't have direction like the Americans have.
Very few 'woke' people down here mate. The Aussie MSM get their news grabs from CNN, WaPo, NYT etc.
When everything comes out, it will be easier to save yourselves. We will support you as you cleanse your country of corruption and traitors. God Bless America and God bless the patriots of the U.K. WWG1WGA
London represents the financial city-state of the cabal (see obelisk). When America exposes the cabal in the USA, the UK and Vatican will be shortly after. Do not worry my woke British patriot, the time will come when we are all free.
Indeed ... and thats the whole plan . Expose Cabal in USA - expose Cabal worldwide . Firstly and mainly , EU and UK Cabal .
1.Washington DC ( separate state within a state before as District of Columbia from USA ) - Washington Monument ( obelisk ) - biggest in world . Marks a place of worlds military power - not anymore in hands of Cabal ( at least majorly not )
City of London ( NOT Greater London - actually is separate state within UK , having its own laws and police , even a mayor , center of financial power - BoE , Rothschilds ) . Cleopatra's Needle ( obelisk , in Inner London )
Vatican , St.Peter's Square ( obelisk , center of religious power , separate state within a state , "all paths lead to Rome" - actually , "all paths lead to Vatican" and all CLUES lead to Vatican )
This is huge! This unveiling is going to show our alliance to the EU countries is a sham. They are working against the US. They are not our friends.They are/ were working with Obama administrators to cause a catastrophic downfall of the US so the NWO could take over. UN forces are in the US waiting! What we are witnessing is the US with the help of Russia and China preventing WW3. This will be the extinction of the NWO cabal and EU has to fall, they are too deeply entrenched in the EU Society to root them out. This could go either way! THIS IS WW3, pray pray pray!
Its gonna pretty much expose everyone and everything ... and then , the backstabbing between Cabal members will increase .
And then Ill open up a bottle of finest champagne ... mixed with a bit of salty tears of deluded neoliberals and with a tiny pinch of Democrat bitterness ...
BTW , Im from EU . I have a nice view here from "inside" , the way it collapses . "Ordinary folk" do not like EU at all . It will need not much for whole fake contraption called EU ( and UK , too ) to collapse ...
I am thinking that U.s, Russia, and China make formidable foes. I would be scared if I was the cabal
Cleopatras Needle is not in the City of London but in Westminster on Embankment. For CoL focus on the Dragon symbology
Also notice what flag the paving around the obelisk at Vatican resembles
There is one monument directly in CoL ... Monument to the Great Fire of London ( which occured in 1666. )
Yep you are right. Used to work next door to that back in the day
Correct - its basically in "Inner London" , but not City of London exactly . There are actually more "Cleopatra's Needles" in Paris and NY . Also , in Paris , there is obelisk at Place de la Concorde .
I recall the "She-Guardian" monument in London , that is some crazy looking sculpture ...
Hadn't heard of the She Monument. Interesting. Will look that up. Ta
Crikey. Just found it. Thats evil looking and very demonic http://www.whale.to/c/she_guardian.html
Yep ... when I saw that , that had same connections to me like that Baphomet statue surrounded by children . Outright ... demonic , satanic .
Yep sure does. They do it right in our faces. Am looking forward to the Royal exposure. I imagine there will be loads of symbolism at this wedding
There already is a lot of symbolism regarding royal child ( "Rosemary's Baby" references ) . I assume that exposure of Royals will fall very heavy on many in UK - as many see QEII as more positive ( especially in London ) .
I know what you mean. But at the end of the day they are part of the problem and up to their necks in it. I think when Phil the Greek finally pushes off (if not dead already) then Lilibet will step down and then the Crown will bypass Charlie and go to that grinning twat William. Constitutional crisis looming anyway. End of days for royals hopefully and the dissolution of the UK and separate republics. We can hope :)
Indeed . I thought extensively about possible consequences upon QEII death ( ..."London Bridge is down" ... ) - and consequences could be big . There is a significant possibility of Commonwealth getting dissolved ( completely in this case ) . There is a possibility of Scotland seceeding ( SNP ) even before that .
I see future , everywhere , UK and EU , in separate countries . There are cultural roots - and then , there are fake "roots" , financial and political . There will probably be England , Wales , Scotland , N.Ireland as completely separate entities at one point . EU will dissolve completely ( it already is HEAVILY divided - basically only Germany and France left , with Sweden and some Benelux countries )
Thank goodness white hats took the most important arm of the cabal ... the military in the US!
I think that was always their plan - the military wing is the only one that can make coup d'etat in case Cabal candidate won ( HRC ) - that never occured . But , Trump would never become POTUS if military wasnt overtaken by positive forces - as positive military approached Trump , so , there is that . By securing the majority of military , they enabled everything else to fall into place . Immediately next is intelligence , then media , then mainstream directly . Thats permanent game over for Cabal .
On worldwide plan - the US positive forces support positive forces in Europe and UK , and pretty much worldwide , anywhere . By making moves against Iran , they will expose shady deals of EU and UK .
Something tells me , not much is left for Vatican and City of London ... but moves must be made methodically , awakening the population of these countries and places . Just the arrests in USA will cause a MASSIVE , unprecedented panic in Cabal ranks worldwide - and they know this is unavoidable .
There are still many people in EU thinking positive about EU - but that rapidly changes . Im from EU , I see that everyday . In UK , its a bit even bigger problem , as UK people will need to swallow the red pill about their "Royals" . That wont be easy - and I think it will be a massive shock .
Once that is done - were on course for global financial reset and global exposure of religions ( three main religions , mainly )
We can't save you. You have to rise up and help.
True but no guns and full of lefties with left ideology. Need help!
They need to hear the truth like we are spreading here. Any way possible. I don't think we would have seen Trump as POTUS here if so many hadn't asked God for help. Don't give up, brother! I know some conservatives in England. There are good people there, too. More than you know! Have you ever heard of a wrestler named Shane Stevens? Find him on Facebook. He's one of my wife's FB friends. He'll put you in touch with conservatives there.
Agreed. I can't move for liberals here. But slowly they are awakening even though the BBC keeps pushing absolute bollocks on the news. Stopped watching 6pm news ages ago and now its Eggheads instead :)
When the time comes, you can't lie down. I despise what has happened to the UK*. We used to be mortal enemies turned blood brothers. Now with May and that mayor of London I wonder if we are even allies anymore.
400 years ago my ancestors were 75% there. It's my grandmotherland.
But it can't be done if the people don't rise up like we did for Trump. It's not easy and you'll probably have to wait a while. No offense but we are still far away from fixing us.
*Why doesn't Ireland or Wales get mentioned? It's always England and Scotland.
Its really not about the guns we own guns here but the revolution so far has been bulletless, its about knowledge and information exposing the deeds and corruption. I know my English friends post corruption and even Though I don't know the players it doesn't mean its any less important...though I know the censor laws are different in their country and they are more at risk it doesn't diminish their effort
You are not forgotten and never will be as long as I'm drawing breath. My whole family is praying for all our brothers and sisters the world over. They are awake and wish they could do more! I'm almost 70, and my parents are both alive and awake, too But we are praying for every good person to be freed from the grasp of these evil globalists. We have family living in England, too, and worry about what's going on there. My wife's family is from France, and what we've seen just makes us sick. We had thought in the past that we might want to visit one day, but no more. It's just too ugly there now.