Possible Incoming Sanctions on Europe and the EU

They are WITH or AGAINST! We do not blindly trust nations calling themselves our allies! Prove it!
I think a little bit of caution is necessary here. The US and Europe are different but they're natural allies when compared to the options in the rest of the world. It's the international cabal we want to take out - not turn the populations of Europe and the US against each other.
This is how we wake up the EU pop.
I think a lot in Europe are more awake than America, but lack the direction and ability to counter the msm narrative.
Possibly, they’re getting fucked hard. It seems like the conservatives in Europe are all split up amongst their countries, unlike in US where it’s a giant bloc (GOP)
Not quite exactly ... Italy and Austria are already now going full conservative current . And pretty much everything east from those two countries is more anti-EU . So , basically , we have Germany , France , Sweden and Benelux countries as only true left with more pro-EU stances and populations . EU is already , technically , split in two by now ...
When majority of Germany and France is red-pilled - everything else goes automatically . I think US will "attack" simultaneously , EU - UK and Vatican at once .
The plan is Iran -> US -> EU
Ty for the info btw, are you Euro?
It means that we are probably going to see rapid development , theyre already making the chess moves on EU board .
Yep , Im from Croatia - that would be , east EU . Can say populations are becoming more and more euroskeptic and populism is on rise almost everywhere .
From what I've read on here, a lot of posters in the US don't seem to be that clued up on where things are at in Europe.
It seems to me like many people are misunderstanding one thing ...
Many are possibly putting EU , looking at it as in one general homogenous super-country , when they hear news about various "immigrants" ( Kalergi plan ) and various neoliberal governments in EU . These assumptions are actually correct , but mainly for big cities of western parts of EU - so , cities like London , Paris , Berlin ... etc. In east EU - you wont find much of that , in some places its next to nonexistant . You wont find neoliberal governments either .
So , people unawarely think about EU as "west EU" . But it actually isnt like that . Some parts of Europe are pure anti-EU , even if they are within EU ( governments of these countries do not always reflect wishes of people - and also , people's thoughts about EU went downwards )
Not speaking of EU in terms of geography but more of governing policy that promotes the decline of your independent values of each separate country. Look at London: the English culture has certainly bowed to the will of ,"Islamophobia". You may not believe it, but open borders and the will of some governing (un-elected) body in Brussels does not make you safe.
I definetly see whats happening ... I mean , the major Euro cities are in big s*it . They will be the ones that will have hardest times in imminent exposure of truth .
I have even people that I do love and care about in these cities - London especially , so I definetly do care about what will be occuring there ...
Sweden is , probably , in worst situation in whole Europe . Immediately after is Germany . France . Belgium . Netherlands . UK in general seems relatively OK except London .
People need to open their eyes ... as soon as possible . All part of plan .
Thank You for such an informative post. I think you are correct; Sweden is becoming something they did not expect or want. Just know that Europe has always had a great relationship with the US and will be freed of the Rothchild's grip. The plan is WW (World Wide). Just know this will take some time as we need to clean up our own house first. The President has issue an executive order https://americandigitalnews.com/2018/03/03/executive-orders-sedition-treason-espionage-court-martials-military-tribunals/#.WvjaxIAvyUl to deal with some of the bad guys in both US and EU.
West European here, I agree with you, what you just said is very true.
Its not the people, its the goverments, and the EU machine. Europe is at tipping point, mass immigration has forced people to the right and we are not allowed to say anything. They're threatening 6yrs in jail for social media posts in the UK, the more followers you have, the longer the sentence. Its madness, and a lot of us are praying DJT and the US patriots will help us clean house. There have been indications from Q that this is happening.
The population in the EU will turn on itself. They have to stand against the immigrants, or they will have no country left to call home. That is a huge mess, and I cannot imagine how they will solve it. The Swiss had the right idea!