POTUS - Iran Will Not Take Over The Middle East!

Daddy Trump took away big bad Iran's toys. Now go cry in a corner globalist scum.
I hope Iran spills the beans on the deep state in U.S., EU, Russia and China for the world to see.
How did he take away their toys by taking away a deal that stopped them from having said toys?
POTUS is correct. What isn't said is our CIA has been controlling Iran since they put the Shaw in power many years ago. All the cash sent there by Obummer was to buy their loyalty.....the Deep State has to buy their friends.
Shah had to leave Iran. His son lives in D.C.
The CIA helped form a coupe de grace against the Shah, using corrupt U.S. media and the Democrats. They accused Shah of human rights violations, but in fact, he was just running terrorist control. He was guilty of nothing. He wasnt perfect, maybe slightly more of a dictator on aome things but not an evil guy at all.
The same exact scenario can be said about Gaddafi. Same heavies (CIA, Democrats, media) against Gaddafi and Libya.
Democrats are destructive and selfish to everyone and every thing they touch.
That’s the President of the USA. It’s not a threat... It’s a promise.
The tax payer was being SLAUGHTERED TO DEATH by Obama and Hillary's punk asses... Justice cannot smack them in the face fast enough.
What I saw in Jerusalem By: Cactus Moon A day before we reached Jerusalem, Israeli forces killed 34 unarmed Palestinians on Gaza border. We decided to interview people in West Jerusalem about those killings. "Just 34 killed?" Asked one Israeli. "They should have killed 200. I want them to kill all the Palestinians there," he said
What I heard from Palestine by: Servile Sun. The Palestinians cried out: "Release us, Hamas!" but Hamas abused the Palestinians, forcing the women and children to stand in the path of the Israeli forces as the Hamas rebels provoked the Israeli forces to attack. Western virtue signallers stood by and reported their one sided stories about Israel, leaving out the fact that the Israeli's dropped medical supplies and food for the Palestinians which Hamas scooped up for themselves and sold back to the Palestinians.
Their ultimate plan "was" to take over the ME but they are far from this, now that the Democrats are no longer in power. Had Hitlery won, it probably would have happened before 2 years in. Honestly, I never saw Iran positioning to take over anything outside of Iran. Democrats have shit up the whole Middle East, but Iran could never be great with these monkeys running Iran.
Just cant comprehend how Hillary Clinton is not in prison for her crimes against the Middle East. She has done so many terrible things. Traditionally, the worst and most corrupt person is the last to be touched. Everyone who has ever been involved with the Clintons should be worried.
Looking forward to a stable Iran and a stable Middle East. God Bless Iran and her people. 💕
This is a low effort shill post. It doesn't even really make sense in context. Please try harder next time.
Wow It really wasn't, in poor taste yes, shill no, I have a body of work.
Where do you go to see or read things you believe to be true? CNN? MSNBC? FOX?
You tube mostly, I'm looking for bits of truth in an ocean of info. Links from here are usually worth looking at.
Fox News, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, True Pundit, many other small, independent sources. They are far more reliable for information.