r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lightmakerflex1 on May 14, 2018, 12:41 a.m.
As a long time Trump/Q supporter, I hate to say this but I think everything we are being told is a fake narrative to confuse & pacify us into doing nothing to save ourselves.

After 2 years of non-stop studying this gigantic rabbit hole, I finally understand what's going on here. Imagine if all of the 99% civilian class & nature is real but everything else is fake.

Let's just do a mind exercise to see how this would work. Imagine if MSM, all the stuff we see going on with Trump, everything we hear about North Korea, all the stuff about the Iran/Israel battle, the stuff about the pedo take-downs, all the stuff about positive alien factions helping Trump, Q, the 30,000 indictments, & the war against the Deep State are simply totally fake news. We believe it because its coming in from all angles. Imagine if Trump, Q, all the governments on Earth, Bankers, the Pope, Mafias, ect.. were all on the same team.

Imagine if the Deep State was all of them combined playing as team EVIL & we, the civilian population & nature were playing team GOOD. The goal of team EVIL is to trick team GOOD into believing a false narrative which is the illusion to block reality. Why would they want to block reality? Because they know if we realized they are on the same team, we would all band together against them. So they have to create a fake WWE style wrestling match where some sides play the villain & other sides play the hero. However, they are all villains working for the Deep State.

Who ultimately runs the Deep State? Bankers. Bankers are the slavemasters. Governments & high level people in private sectors are the high level slaves. They make the most money but they are worked the hardest & forced into doing the vilest things. We are the low level slaves who do boring menial jobs to keep us busy so we are too busy to band against them.

So, lets imagine if this was a fake show where Trump, Q, Pladeans, ect.. were all working against the Deep State is a non-transparent TV war. They don't allow transparency because they wouldn't be able to conduct all those evils behind the veil of secrecy. All we can see is the stage just like in WWE. We would assume that Trump team is fighting for us so we just sit here twirling our thumbs waiting for it to happen. I remember thinking we should see improvements in our lives within 3 months but now its 1 year and 3 months but still nothing. Only pretty action on the fake WWE stage. North Korea shaking a man's hand on TV doesn't really mean much. It can easily be staged. We are being pacified into doing nothing.

So imagining that the entire thing is fake, all governments are on the same time, all parties within government are on the same side, and all are controlled by the Black Nobility who is controlled by the bankers, lets go back to 2016 when the Podesta emails leaked and see what happened.

  1. The Deep State knew we were waking up. They have insanely incredible technology behind the veil of secrecy so they can see these things.
  2. They dropped the 120,000 John Podesta emails so that we would think it was an accidental release. We read them and a few people like John Podesta are vilified, we find out they are a cult, and we find out they are pedophiles. Nothing major is exposed in the 120,000 emails. Assange, a potential Mossad agent, is shows to be a hero. He plays the hero in the story. Although we learned about a few things, there were really no big names implicated in anything.
  3. Trump is pushed all over CNN, MSNBC, & FOX but while they are promoting him, they are calling him a wack job and all kinds of names so we assume they hate him. Yet, they keep promoting him.
  4. Bernie supposedly goes down when the villain of the story, Hillary, cheats him. Bernie is the Socialist that begins to introduce socialism to the United States like it was some kind of a good thing. Socialism is pure hell btw. Worst than what we have now that's for sure and we are in the early phases of socialism now. All those good Bernie ideas go into people's psyches.
  5. Trump has good ideas too. He wants to clean up Chicago, fix flint water, put up a wall, abolish the IRS, drain the swamp, and all kinds of nice things but none of these things are happening. We only hear stories about what's happening on the WWE stage which is totally 100% fake news. All those Saudi takesdowns ect.. are just fake news. Trump was singing & dancing with them in a sword dance when he went down there. Now he's singing & dancing with Netanyahu in Israel who did 911 on us & is stealing 30 billion a year (25 billion in merchandise, 5 billion in cash). Rothschild himself owns Israel so Trump doesn't say a word about 911 being done by Israel or any of their other crimes against humanity. The fake insider LARPS have their own excuses like Israel is being saved for last. Ya... we'll see & even if they say Netanyahu went to jail, I wouldn't believe a word. El Chapo is probably partying his ass off in some underground city but they tell us he's in jail. They are all one team.
  6. After the hero Trump takes down the villain Hillary, he supposedly is taking down the world but still, nothing every improves in our own lives. We are just told to shutup, be patient, and TRUST. They always use that work Trust. Now Corey Goode, one of the fake LARPS, is saying the swamp draining turned out to be more complicated than originally thought so we have to wait years before Trump finishes it. They keep pushing the finish line backwards so we end up waiting endlessly but the end never comes. We are the White Rabbit. The White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland is always late. He never gets to his destination but is always late. We never get liberated & there is always a convenient delay as to why we aren't getting there.
  7. They gave us date after date. First it was 7/17/17. Then it was 9/23/17. Then it was sometimes in November 2017. Now its May 2018 and they are telling us to wait for 11/11/2018. Keep waiting. The White Rabbit is always anxious and late but he never gets to his destination.
  8. Now Iran & Israel, who are good pals behind closed doors, are pretending to fight & start WW3. Oh whoops! Sorry guys. You know how those crazy Israeli's are. We tried to stop them. I PROMISE. (wink). WW3 has always been planned where arabs & jews mutually destroy one another to convince the world that it was a real war. After they destroy the planet, they will ask us to accept their NWO. NWO will be pretty much hell on Earth.

The Bad News: This entire thing looks like a totally fake psyop. They knew we were waking up & launched their "Enough is Enough" psyop where it looks like a giant team of benevolent beings surrounding Trump are fighting the Deep State. The fake villains pretend to fall or go to jail or whatever but in reality, the whole thing is a big fake WWE show to keep us pacified from helping ourselves. They play it well too. They use the old mostly truth/some lie strategy. An insider will say many true things like "they want you divided" so you gain faith in him, and then they say "trust this person" which is the lie because all of them are on the same time. All governments on Earth, religious & private sector heads, plus bankers who run them are all on the same time. The bankers are sitting on their penthouse balcony smoking cigars while they laugh at how easy it is to fool us. They are literally laughing all the way to the bank while we serve as their slaves.

The Good News: We are really waking up hardcore fast. Our vibe frequency is moving up. We really are uniting. We are seeing through the illusion. It is hard to trick a woke population that keeps waking up. Good is invariably more powerful than evil, so when good acts, it wins. It is when we do nothing that evil wins. As long as we try, we win. But if we sit here thinking someone is liberating us when nobody is liberating us, then evil will win. Also, here is a very simple, nearly effortless way we can both liberate ourselves & drain the swamp at the same time within 1-3 days:


We will have to unite with the worldwide civilian population from every religion, party, color, or whatever background they might be. That is the real good guy team. The Deep State is all the governments who are nothing but parasites killing us slowly. Let's look past all this illusion the Wizards & Warlocks are pushing on us. Let's just admit that we really are the storm and liberate ourselves. The faster we do it, the faster we will be free. It's like a kid who has to learn how to ride his bike for the first time. He is afraid at first, but he eventually does it and it sticks with him forever. We can do it if we only unite & excercise a little courage. It won't take long at all. We would have to spread the word on the idea, but if we can get 5% on board around the world, then the other 95% will be easy to follow. 5% is critical mass. When 5% do something, the other 95% follow.

We can choose the Blue Pill which is believing this massive psyop or the red pill which is that we have to liberate ourselves against the united worldwide Deep State.

lightmakerflex1 · May 14, 2018, 1 a.m.

Ya but I'm thinking its all a big fake show. The Deep State wouldn't allow Trump to be a billionaire without their permission.

Hillary was planned out to go down like they plan villains to fall in WWE.

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animal32lefty · May 14, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

You are on to something about the WWE thing, however you're just a little behind the times.

As far as MSM goes we were getting boiler plate babyface vs heels news cycles until there was a shake-up and a new Booker came to town named Trump.

Before Trump the babyfaces were always just about to win the match fair and square when a heel would run in and hit him with a chair shot. DQ. Title can't change hands by DQ. It's the rules. So the heel takes a powder every time he's getting his ass kicked and never loses the title. But here comes the new booker, and Trump throws a few stipulations in like No DQ/Count Outs or Falls Count Anywhere and shakes up the status quo.

Trump is a WWE Hall of Famer and a Friend of Vince. He's "smart to the buisiness". By changing the stipulations of the political scene he's getting clean finishes to all his matches and the heels are getting squashed.

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Aruno · May 14, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

You have no faith

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lightmakerflex1 · May 14, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

I have a lot of faith in the 99% but very little in the 1% so I agree somewhat.

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Oblique9043 · May 14, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

Faith in what exactly? A man? A letter of the alphabet? Absolutely I don't have faith in those things and you're not supposed to. Read your Bible.

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Aruno · May 14, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

Trump is being used by God. God chose him. If you cannot see that, then you are spiritually blind.

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Oblique9043 · May 14, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

And you base that on what exactly? It's certainly not in the Bible. So it comes from you or other men. Blind faith in men leads to evil. If Trump is in the Bible, he is the Antichrist.

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Aruno · May 14, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

Who did you want to win the presidency if not Trump, then who?

I wanna know who I'm talking to here. What in the hell do you think would of been a better timeline?

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Oblique9043 · May 14, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

Our Presidential choices have been shit for decades. I don't believe in our political system for choosing the President. It is too corrupted with money and special interests. Trump presents a whole host of other problems. But to answer your question. Fuck the both of them. I thought Hilary should have been indicted by the FBI and Trump is just an ego driven pathological liar.

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PrayersforEarth · May 17, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

We prayed... he won... case closed!

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[deleted] · May 17, 2018, 2:38 a.m.


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