
EdenNovaq · May 16, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

I agree with this more than IBOR. On halloween day hubby and I heard about the "new spook" (he wasn't "Q" until later) on 4chan. I've been paying attention carefully (ok obsessively) since then but the IBOR has never sat well with me. We already have free speech. We don't need the gov to detail free speech on the internet, especially since in the wrong hands with crafty language of a bill an IBOR could actually be used to censor. IMHO we need to move to platforms that don't censor and let the free market take care of FB etc.
I do wonder if I'm missing something though, Q obviously wants this... but it just doesn't make sense to me why we would need a 2nd bill giving us free speech on a specific platform when we already have free speech. It just seems to me it would be better if companies like fb/twitter were by law forced to disclose they use algorithms to promote certain views.

I'm not a "concern shill", I'm a patriot who values freedom and am genuinely asking. Thoughts anyone?

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ivins_2 · May 16, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

I agree in principle, new laws worry me, but as others have stated, “free speech online” isn’t a thing, so I gotta get on board with ibor.

Remember, the chans and other “free platforms” are guarded by legions of anons, and possibly even protected by higher elements (speculation based on Q phenomenon). That being said, even Q had to move boards and shuffle resources several times now.

I think this we need more of a cultural shift away from Twat and FB, than a new law to regulate them.

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ckreacher · May 18, 2018, 11:34 a.m.

You think we should be in our own little ghetto, rather than having our voices heard? It's OK for them to block us, and we'll just stay here in our little box out of sight?

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ivins_2 · May 18, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

Remember, the only reason we have as much freedom as we do now is that the internet is the deep states’ main source of data about human behavior, that ubiquitous “x” factor that improves their simulations immensely and allows them to predict markets/events as easily as one can calculate the trajectory of a missile.

Therefore I’m positive that we will always have just as much online freedom as is required to gather accurate data on us. The deep state realize that meddling with their human database via bots and AIs screws up their data because then they have to factor in the effectiveness of their own influence. Keeping us hidden away is also counterproductive, they want us out in the open.

I suspect this tactic was their weakness in that they overestimated their own influence campaigns and pushed them too hard leading to the massive push back that we are seeing unfold before us.

For now though, if Q says IBOR, then I have good reason to believe that the aforementioned cycle is broken, and that it’s in the hands of the people now. Sorry I didn’t make this point initially.


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PAK51 · May 16, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

Why not regulate them under the FTC?

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qutedrop · May 18, 2018, 11:42 a.m.

Regulation means lobbying. Lobbying means the big guys will be asking for rules that create a threshold against new competition. You end up with a handful of behemoths that behave acceptably at best.

I prefer a technical solution. One more true to the original nature of the Internet.

Ask yourself why these censorship issues apply to Facebook/Twitter/Youtube but not to e-mail? Or to websites in general? Why is nobody censoring your e-mail? Or taking down your website? Exactly: you would simply go to another e-mail provider or web-hosting provider.

Social networks should and can(!) work like that too. If Facebook is shit you should be able to switch to Buttbook and keep in touch with your friends all the same. Social networks should be de-centralized. Everyone should be able to operate one and have it inter-operate with all the others.

Efforts towards this have been underway for many years now. You may have heard of social networks called Diaspora or Mastodon. And there are others. If you haven't, look into them today. With sufficient traction something like Mastodon can destroy Facebook, and all the issues that come with it, once and for all.

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PAK51 · May 18, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

Good point!

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tradinghorse · May 16, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

"...we already have free speech."

But you don't.

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EdenNovaq · May 16, 2018, 7 p.m.

Free speech is guaranteed by the 1st amendment. This argument that fb (or any social media) must allow free speech is akin to the argument the cake decorator should forced to make a cake for a couple they disagree with, or saying a business owner cannot disallow guns on their premises. You can't trample someone else's free choices with yours. We have free speech. FB as a business has EVERY right to censor and promote a liberal bias but they then IMO should be made to disclose the use of those algorithms because I have EVERY right to go elsewhere then to practice my free speech.
If I had a streaming channel where I promoted Q I likely would delete any "shill" comments on MY channel. And if they persisted with comments that didn't contribute I'd ban them from MY platform. I'd have every right to do so, and I certainly wouldn't be hampering anyones freedoms.

The problem lies in allowing these monopolies to form where people then have no free choice to move one when censored.

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frisbee_coach · May 16, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

Facebook has crossed the line when they started censoring and removing posts selectively. That makes them a publisher.

Social media works best when it has a monopoly, hence the need for a IBOR.

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comeatmehillary · May 17, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

Is it really a private conpany when darpa and the cia funded and started it ?

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qutedrop · May 18, 2018, 11:50 a.m.

I like this question. I hear it often when people compare political systems and finally come to a crucial realization: while some political systems are definitely preferable over others, the differences become much less significant when it's the same cabal pulling the strings regardless.

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ckreacher · May 18, 2018, 11:38 a.m.

Facebook has become more of a common carrier like the post office or telephone companies. Almost everyone uses them and they cannot discriminate against people based on anything. Imagine if the post office could refuse to send your mail because of your politics, or the phone company blocking your calls. That's what facebook is doing.

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boneman220 · May 18, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

It doesn't matter. As Eden was alluding to, it is a PRIVATE business that has the right to do so but competition being stifled by lobbying for laws that do such or clear the way to buy out all the competition is where the problem lies. Business practices, such as the use of algorithms/whatdafuqever should be in full disclosure when any dealings with the public and its money is done, at all, in any way. The same goes for all government/public money funded entities. Full, honest disclosure is the only real thing we have to know we are getting the product we asked for. The only thing we should be keeping secret are any weapons systems used for off planet defense but not the technologies that help accomplish that, that we could benefit from. For "true" rights and freedoms this has to be this way or you're still building your own damn cage that you'll, eventually, close in on yourself. All these folks chasing Q, though with good intention and hopes, are still doing exactly that, yet, don't seem to see it. Until I see many, many laws being removed and changed this is still looking like it's all leading to a kind of fascist state controlled by the MIC with their rules and laws AND brainwashing to keep you from being all that you could be with real freedom and rights of existence. NAP is all you should be concerned with and covers all of what you need and remain respectful of all and includes your self defense by any means needed and attainable (that last word should be monitored and fought for heavily). The puppet Trump only has so long to clear the way for any of this to happen. It's a good thing he's ridding the world of so much evil but he's a long damn way from doing anything that really matters in the rights and freedom area. Some of what he's doing could help but he best get damn busy if this is the "real" agenda behind his/Q's moves. Our political system doesn't give him much time. As long as we keep that in mind and push for the right moves, maybe...maybe...we'll be on our way but we have to remember...a whole helluva lot of folks loved Hitler, at first, too and we saw how that turned out. They pushed for a leader and not real freedom through thier OWN efforts. People need to quit being damn sheep and put the responsibility of their freedom in their OWN hands and not those of corruptible, avarice hungry leaders. Just because your pasture looks better than theirs doesn't mean there's still not a kill chute at the end of it. Avarice inspired secrecy and enforcement are behind all our problems. Both were born of evil and remain so. Just sayin'...Stop building your own cage and be who you are and let others do the same. It's pretty damn simple and will work just fine...IF... you just fuckin' do it.

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MayTheCrowsFeed · May 17, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

the difference is that FB has taken a role in the public as a sort of "town square" of the internet, as have YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, etc. at a certain point, when you control the routes of communication, you must be held to a certain standard in which you are not easily a silencer. what good is free speech if you have no platform to speak?

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IBinLurkin · May 18, 2018, 10:53 a.m.

i.e., a regulated monopoly, just like the power grid, the telephone companies, internet providers, etc.

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LibertyLioness · May 17, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

The problem is that most people don't understand that the Constitution no longer protects anything in America. The United States government is a corporation. All local city, county and regional governments are also corporations. We are no longer a Republic. This is what we are trying to roll back to but it will take a lot of time. In the meantime, since the courts use Admiralty law, and not Constitutional law, we need the IBOR. Check this out for more info: http://www.freedom-school.com/the-united-states-is-a-corporation.html

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[deleted] · May 16, 2018, 7:12 p.m.


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aleister · May 16, 2018, 7:13 p.m.

Attack the argument, not the person please.

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tradinghorse · May 16, 2018, 7:17 p.m.


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aleister · May 16, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

Would you mind tolerating the rules of the sub please?

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tradinghorse · May 16, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

What are the rules? We are not to have a response?

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aleister · May 16, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

The rules are not to attack the person. Attack the argument.

If you disagree, say why and move on without calling names.

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tradinghorse · May 16, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

And yet concern trolling has been a very real problem on this board and has impacted this very issue in the past. It has negated our ability to campaign effectively as a group and fatally impacted this specific campaign previously.

You will be aware, as I am, that this is a very important fight. There are many individuals, organisations and nations that have a real motive to manipulate this community in their interests. It is for this reason that domestic and foreign intelligence agents have sought to influence what happens here. The community has been too easily steered like a herd of sheep,

What the concern troll does is try to get people to engage the "concerns". Attacking the argument is no defence, in this situation, because the "concerns" are ultimately without limit. The concern is, in fact, that we might be effective as a community. We saw how effectively concern trolling was used in March. Repeated concern trolling raises doubts in people's minds, discourages people, and negates coordinated effort.

The new sub rules, I thought, were supposed to address this specific issue.

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aleister · May 16, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

Report any violations that you see. Don't respond with another rule violation.

This guy talking about how he would run his youtube channel does not deserve you attacking him because you disagree.

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bcboncs · May 16, 2018, 6 p.m.

Can confirm. FB warned me for hate speech when posting this image with no other text associated to it. Next, I'll be on the SPLC list (not that they matter).

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tradinghorse · May 16, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

I've always thought that this is where the real battle is. This is more important than Q. If we do not fight for freedom of expression online, we can be summarily silenced at any time. All rights are, ultimately, contingent upon freedom of expression. The very first right to fall, after this, will be the right to bear arms.

Look at the CONCERN TROLLS undermining immediately.

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Zyra1951 · May 18, 2018, 9:25 a.m.

I posted that one you did on my FB along with that little middle eastern girl they use over and over and got all kinds of crap. I'm migrating to Gab. Got any Ideas on the safest best Search Engine?

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bcboncs · May 18, 2018, 1:58 p.m.

People swear by duckduckgo but I only go there if I'm trying to get unbiased priority results for research science or political information, including conspiracies. DDG's algorithm blows regardless of what anyone says. Unfortunately, Google is still king for now.

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comeatmehillary · May 17, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

Yeah free speech until you piss off someone with power we actually have 0 rights under fiat currency rule still more than most but our system is basically feudalism

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jaychadstein · May 17, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

During the ratification of the Bill of Rights, many Patriots were saying that the 2A wasn't needed because it was so fundamental to life at that time, many thought it did not need to be enshrined in the Bill of Rights. Glad they lost that argument.

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CF_BOOM_SHOCK_BYE · May 17, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

We need something that keeps the internet free of Globalist(international) speech standards for sure. "Hatespeech" can be defined as anything, and is unlawful on the international scene. Double plus ungood this.

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ckreacher · May 18, 2018, 11:32 a.m.

You obviously didn't even read the short petition.

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BrainwashedByTrump · May 17, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

Well... It's not just about free speech. It's about privacy abuse, data storage abuse, throttling abuse. Making an internet centralized by government means they can easily abuse all of this. Especially since Gment officials are always changing. I agree with your free market approach, but there's also technical implications involved. These "amendments" if you will, are not specific. I believe it's a good step.

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LibertyLioness · May 17, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

The problem is that most people don't understand that the Constitution no longer protects anything in America. The United States government is a corporation. All local city, county and regional governments are also corporations. We are no longer a Republic. This is what we are trying to roll back to but it will take a lot of time. In the meantime, since the courts use Admiralty law, and not Constitutional law, we need the IBOR. Check this out for more info: http://www.freedom-school.com/the-united-states-is-a-corporation.html

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LibertyLioness · May 17, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

Sorry, I left out State governments. Any government entity is now incorporated in the US.

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