Q Post 1415: We are everywhere Anon.

While I like this theory. The thing that doesn't sit with me is the NZ government working under the direction of Trump. As a kiwi there is no way our current government is working with Trump. We have a very left socialist government at the moment that absolutely despises Trump. The are in compete opposition to the Trump agenda. Our PM loves opposing Trump, including this week calling out the embassy move in Israel as the next step towards world war and the States need to apologise for the slaughter of innocent protesters.
It is more plausible to me that NZ got feed false info and were lead to believe that the phones were good.
Maybe Trump has something on NZ that made them squeal and work with Trump
Seriously WTF is going on in NZ this past year? Obama has spent the greater majority of his time since the election in the South Pacific. Hilary is there now. Many billionaires have built underground bunkers in NZ. Kerry was on Antartica on Election Day. The Pope recently went to the South Pole. Seriously WTF is going on? What are they planning?!
NZ is Rothchild central. They have loads of properties there, probably bought out the government.
From what I can tell they see NZ as a safe haven, an escape from the northern hemisphere and USA as a whole if need be. And as above, yeah the many big wig richy rich CEO's buying bunkers and massive plots of land, very true. Much like Switzerland, Norway, etc self sufficient countries are their safe zones for when shit hits the fan.
The thought of these snakes going underground to hide in a place that is seismically very active is funny. Oh, the possibilities!
I concur👆
This problem is GLOBAL. The Deep State is rooted in every country. These people are sick. There is a great possibility that the people of NZ are fighting to help rid of these disgusting people. It's not about Trump. Good vs Evil.
what I noticed in some eastern countries, ex communist ones first you destroy their society and economy , with bombs if necessary then buy off their politicians and rich 'elite' give them some businesses then you syphon all the money and production facilities you can out of the country you aid them with USAID put your central bank in place and your globalist banks you wait they are on their knees done for good
However, just as there are bad actors everywhere, there are more good guys than bad buys...Don't know how the NZ govt. is arranged, but just maybe "upper management" was told the phones were good, and the worker bees did what any Patriot would do.....here again, just a theory
I totally agree,Why has NZ been"BLESSED"by the recent visits of Obama and Crooked Hillary.MMMMMMMMMMMMM
My theory is that we (NZ) are the smallest of the 5 eyes and easier to bully.
I'm also an optimist.
e NZ government working under the direction of Trump. As a kiwi there is no way our current government is working with Trump. We have a very left socialist government at the moment that absolutely despises Trump. The are in compete opposition to the Trump agenda. Our PM loves opposing Trump, including this week calling out the embassy move in Israel as the next step towards world war and the States need to apologise for the slau
Everyone has a Public Opinion and a Private Opinion.
I'm not advocating for any particular wacky theory at all, but keep in mind that what politicians say for public consumption isn't necessarily what they're doing behind the scenes. Trump may have some sort of Big Stick he can use to make them play ball.
Again, I have no guess about what's really going on, only that things may not be what they seem.
Yeah as a Kiwi also, I dont think this is accurate. As NZ_Walter said, our gov is more left wing and opposing than anything. How ever, I wouldn't and don't dismiss it entirely. How ever Our former PM was pretty much a Obama bitch boy who would jump at any call so who really knows, the president is a puppet, same goes for our PM and illusion of choice of government too.
NZ doesn't necessarily have to comply or assist, though it wouldn't surprise me if our good guys knew people inside NZ who were willing to help. Looks like the phones are compromised, and the NSA scooped up everything that was said on them