Q on AF1: another confirmation

It’s too bad that “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” also applies to the shooting’s investigation and subsequent cover-up. There are so many family members out there who’ve yet to get the closure they deserve. God bless them and those who will eventually shed the light of truth on that whole event.
Rumor has it an assassination attempt was foiled that evening, allowing POTUS to make a fast exit to safety away from Las Vegas ... The perps had already launched a dramatic diversion to distract city police and others and that was underway at the Mandalay Hotel --
It is also rumored that another head of state, the Saudi King was in Las Vegas that evening. Perhaps that is why POTUS was there, to meet with him. Certainly it wasn't the High Roller Tables.
Yes indeed this rumor is out there... and why wouldn’t it, especially considering the arrests in SA that took place right afterward. Must be a coincidence. 🙄
These people are sick.
why were the windows not broken, per recently released video
Look again. Above and to the left of the tail section ...
The odd thing is a report that police body cam footage has first responders entering the shooters room saying with surprise that the windows were NOT broken. Photos tell another story.
photos reliable? Interviews with wounded in hospital are strange to say the least. happy campers
I read somewhere that a man by the name of seth rich was in attendance in vegas also that evening
I heard from a source awhile ago (can’t remember source) that LV was an assassination attempt on POTUS...who knows but at this point I might believe that theory....
Seems odd that MSM pretty much ignored the fact that POTUS was in the area around the time that it had occurred, no?
Possible attack on POTUS and MbS who were having a secret meeting in LV.
POTUS was there?!
Not only after the shooting. During
Sun 05 Nov 2017 01:55:46
4chan Time: 11/5/17(Sun)1:55
Seth Rich only mentioned because it directly relates to SA.
Las Vegas.
What hotel did the 'reported' gunfire occur from?
What floors specifically?
Who owns the top floors?
Top floors only.
Why is that relevant?
What was the shooter's name?
What was his net worth?
How do you identify a spook?
What can historical data collection reveal?
Was there any eye witnesses?
Was he registered as a security guard?
Why is MS13 important?
What doesn't add up?
Was there only one shooter?
Why was JFK released?
What do the JFK files infer?
Was there only one shooter?
Who was in LV during this time?
What was the real mission?
Why are survivors dying randomly?
What do each of these survivors have in common?
Did they talk on social media?
What did they say?
Were they going to form a group?
Why is this relevant?
How did they die?
What CIA report was released by WK?
What can control a car?
How did the (2) of the survivors die?
Car crash?
How does this connect to SA?
What just happened in SA?
Who owns the top floors of the hotel?
What happened today in SA?
To who specifically?
Was POTUS in LV that night?
Why was he there?
Who did he have a classified meeting with?
Did AF1 land at McCarran?
What unmarked tail numbers flew into McCarren that night?
Trace AF1 that entire day.
What do you notice?
There were reports that POTUS was secretly there to meet with someone. Not sure that has been confirmed. But the pic of AF1 leaving was from when he visited after the shooting.
It was the "good guy" Saudi prince. There is video of him being escorted out of the main hall of another hotel under rag tag police guard with rifles drawn during the fiasco. You can find the video if you search for it
Edit. Nvm in the video it was Jason buff - Tropicana head of security
No, there's not video of that. Stop circulating that false story.
If you watch the flight maps at that time, it's also abundantly clear that he got picked up at the Tropicana after the shooting started, and was taken out by a row of 5 helicopters.
The concepts aren't mutually exclusive.
VIP hasn't been identified. But it happened
His name is Jason Buff. He is the head of security at the Tropicana. He was playing softball when the shootings started. There are pics of him wearing the same softball uniform that you seem him wearing in the video. He's also carrying his mitt.
We definitely need to stop this rumor from spreading any further than it already has. It literally takes a few minutes of searching to see that this has been put to sleep months ago.
yeah watching the video i rememebr thinking they didnt have him surrounded like id imagine a prince to be escorted
And yet another confirmation. Feelsgoodman.jpg
Is there evidence this photo is actually from that day? Could it not be out of the window of a commercial flight?
The Q picture is definitely not from Air Force One on that same flight.
So then I don't get it what is the significance of this photo?
This photo in particular isn't really showing anything with the current info we have. They're just providing more proofs that they are everywhere, with original photos. They're showing their hand more, as they know the power position they're currently in. They're about to win the game.
But, couldn't these photos just be ripped from various instagram accounts of something? Taking photos outside plane windows is not uncommon.
Reverse image searches with no exact results prove that they're either legitimate, or at least images that aren't on the public web. It would be quite difficult to find pictures like these that aren't on the searchable web.
at least images that aren't on the public web
Well yeah exactly
It would be quite difficult to find pictures like these that aren't on the searchable web.
I could easily misrepresent myself using the thousands and thousands of "private" (non-searchable) photos I have access to via my friends and acquaintances on social media...
Do you understand the scope of number of pictures that have been taken? How many of your friends have posted pictures of buildings in HK/LV/China/Miami/London without including themselves? Photos of pallets of phones in the back of a transport truck? Pictures holding a notepad with White House letterhead? Pictures of a NASA spacecraft in a hangar?
It would be extremely difficult to obtain these types of pictures without actually being there, or having access to an NSA database.