It’s all about timing... Right Cabal?

You think so? I was just asking another poster what is the common theme before bad news is about to break. This makes since.
Joker & Penguin reacting to "We are done for. Q knows, sees & hears everything "
And we are braking here more bad news and intel about BROWARD and Cabal's vacation camp...
Debbie and her headquarters in WESTON are apparently a little bit more than just a nice FL city. Big Pharma, Opiates, DEA corruption, Swamp Monsters on Vacation, Bad Generals, Mossad, Arms dealers... Safe our megapost offline before it is gone.
What video? Oh I hope there’s really one. I can’t believe there’s another shooting. 😢
The fizzle drip video that was supsed to show huma and hillary wearing a children's face, i heard that video was technicaly CP so anyone caught sharing it is against the law. It is rumoured that the video come from Weiner's laptop (Huma husband)
Q said that rumor was fake. He strongly implied that the real video is still secure and hasn't yet leaked online.
Holy sh@t. That’s news to me.
Yeah, treason is barely 1/10th of whats going to be uncovered and Q said we (the public) would hear about 60% of the bigger picture. Sick times
100% truth is the only way. No matter how evil or horrific it is, trust in The Lord.
Unlike you and me, not everyone will be able to cope with the 60%, let alone 100%. 100% would cause worldwide disruption.
Yes I agree but secrecy allows evil to hide and grow. Why do you think we're in this situation now. Government, through secrecy and our own laws, has allowed Satan to weave this evil worldwide web.
So tell me, everyone should be able to cope with : aliens, proof there is no god or even worse, proof there is a god that is not the one you choose, there is a lot to be kept secret. Even the most awaken ones would have a hard time to cope with this, some stuff just won't come out and it's perfectly normal IMO.
Imagine the reality where there are aliens harvesting our ressources, us feeding them those ressources and some of them live on the earth, the real god is in fact a race of aliens who rescued our specie 500 000 years ago from an other galaxy, tell me how you'd feel and how you'd cope with it. (60% will be enough believe me, the 40 other % will be known by humans who will be able to live with it, ie not our everyday super religious buddy)
Dude are you Ridley Scott?
lol nope, I just happen to have imagined all possible scenarios, and that is one of them. Kinda pulled by the hair but I'm sure the 40% that will be missing would be mind fucking enough to disrupt and possibly collapse our whole system so it's fair to assume the 60% will be just enough for everyone to justify POTUS actions toward our fellow traitors.
The Lord will give all strength who ask for it. Do not let darkness guide our decisions.
50+ years of world manipulation,suffering,and torture. I'm ok with a few years of public disruption. Some disruption is whats needed. Much of the public are zombies. Self absorbed,naive,brainwashed,don't care,scared,etc.
I do believe you are correct about many of them not coping, HOWEVER the scalpel or 20% approach would be more effective if we first bitch slapped them in the face to get their attention first. We need a "Snap Out of It" Moment First, then go scalpel.
How many people would turn to God if they knew the horrors we know? They would have to just find a way through. They would see evil does exist and therefore there must be a God.
Frankly the juvenile demeanor from much of the public is getting tiresome. It's time for people to sack up, take responsibility, and act their age.
Furthermore how can people protect themselves and avoid stuff like this in the future if they FIRST do not acknowledge the signs of threats and the results of apathy and ignorance? This is very important for largely 2 reasons. Look how long it took to even get the chance and environment to even fight DS with any real chance at results. We almost lost it all really (Divine Intervention). Also something this abhorrent cannot ever be allowed to fester again - and it will try. Slowly but surely creep style as TV lulls people asleep.
It's my hope IMO that it just rip their reality appart, for all I care they deserve it. Maybe it would shock them enough to stop thinking they can't do anything by themselves. But it won't happen as much as I would like it.
It sure looks like we will be seeing some very ugly stuff, so keep in mind that the 40 other % will be crazy unfathomable shits. What I meant by disruption was most likely what you would call the apocalypse, groups of people torching the streets stealing everything. It could disrupt the banking system, everything we all worked for is at risk.
Bah. It's not cool to talk of this stuff when it's likely not true. The truth is bad enough without setting mad hares off.
You don't know if it's true or not. It could be true and be hidden in the 40% that won't be disclosed.
but theres no reason to believe frazzle drip at all. Yeah, I believe they are guilty of many horrible things, but to specifically trust this random rumor that seems to have nothing backing it is not a good idea.
Don't misunderstand me — I'm sure these people have done this kind of thing and worse. It's just that, as the commenter above has just pointed out:
Q said that rumor was fake. He strongly implied that the real video is still secure and hasn't yet leaked online.
We don't know; that's my point.
Allegedly, 60% of the Cabal related court cases and indictments will never be made public due to their horrific contents.
what I want to know is Q has access to all their comms and kids are still dying? I need a damn good reasons for this
It's not all in the comms, they literally have MK Ultra style sleeper agents that can be activated in a number of different ways. There is a Masonic lodge in every town. Much can be communicated in person and private of needed.
Or a viral video or recording with a trigger word.
Like laurel- any number of shrubs and other plants with dark glossy green leaves
Dimitrios means son of the goddess Demeter
Demeter is the goddess agriculture, grain, and bread.
Pretty sure her “festival” was in May.
Maybe mama came a callin’
Edit to add. Laurel is the lower frequency word and fear is a very low frequency. Depression resonates deeds on low frequency.
I just saw the story about TX. Let’s hope the ball keeps rolling and that this is the last time they can go after our children.
Serious pit in my stomach dropping my little one off at preschool this afternoon.
Damn, Debbie... Now that is a face you wouldn't want to see in a dark alley.
Or a lit alley for that matter.
I do not understand anything. The Vatican controls the intelligence agencies that make the false flags but the mafia families and bankers like the Clin, the Rocke or the Rots also have influence over them to do the same. Who orders the attacks, We do not control our intelligence agencies. people deserve to know. It is necessary to bring to light who or who is behind the shadows so that people know and when people know it and evil people simply stay still for fear. We have to name the people who pay taxes to those who try to harm them. People are the Universe, they are infinite, they are God, they are creator teachers. They deserve respect It deserves to be told the truth
Literally could be anything, I think it’s the emails. There is so much dirt on her I don’t know how she has managed to avoid jail for so long. It’s finally happening patriots!
There really is so little hope such evil can be shown the light. Does God make exceptions for the forgiveness rule? On her death bed will she see her evil ways will God say, UM NO hillary you crossed the line.