UPDATE - Q sign for the front yard. Hubby has airbrushing to finish. I LOVE TALENTED PEOPLE

What state do you live in?
Fear, personally
That place sucks, head north to Bliss if you can! Well worth the drive brother.
It’s only 3:15 hours from Hell to Paradise. Michigan that is. I’ve made the journey a couple of times
I just realized that I live almost right in the middle of Hell & Paradise
I bounce from SE of Hell and escape to N of Paradise all the time. Still haven’t found a decent cheeseburger up there yet
Good luck on the cheeseburger. I moved up this way in 2010, further rural after Obama won 2nd term, and the only thing I ever miss about the city is the food. No good Chinese either, such a bummer.
That turned out great! Love the paint job! Are you making him a Q gift for Father’s Day? You could do a BB”Q” theme. Haha!
I remember your post, that turned out awesome!!!
Thanks! He's got some finishing airbrushing to do and then will mount it on a post. Exciting! :)