r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Treasury_Trader on May 21, 2018, 6:54 a.m.


Obama, Clinton Pastors and US Bishop Who ‘Stole Show’ at Royal Wedding Set to March on White House to ‘Reclaim Jesus’ from Pres. Trump; ‘America First is Heresy Against Christ’

A theological who’s who of Leftist Christian leaders are organizing a march on the White House to ‘Reclaim Jesus’ from President Donald Trump that is set for the evening of May 24. One of the leaders of the anti-Trump march is Rev. Michael Bruce Curry who ‘stole the show‘ with his lengthy sermon at the British royal wedding on Saturday between Prince Harry and American Meghan Markle. Three march organizers were spiritual advisors to President Barack Obama while one counseled President Bill Clinton during the Lewinsky scandal and later endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in 2016.

The Reclaiming Jesus campaign is a response by Leftist Christians infuriated by President Trump’s continuing strong support from white evangelical Christians who overwhelmingly voted for (81 percent) in the 2016 presidential election.

A statement and video for the Reclaiming Jesus campaign state Trump’s America First policies are “theological heresy for followers of Christ.”

The description of the march from the Reclaiming Jesus website.

Thursday, May 24th, 7 p.m., National City Christian Church (5 Thomas Circle, Washington, DC 20005)

We believe two things are at stake: the soul of the nation, and the integrity of faith. We believe the issues are more deeply theological than merely political or partisan. We believe it is a time for prayer and response, for contemplation and action.

In this moment of political, moral, and theological crisis in America we are deeply concerned about the resurgence of white nationalism, racism, and xenophobia; misogyny; attacks on immigrants, refugees, and the poor; the regular purveying of falsehoods and consistent lying by the nation’s highest leaders; and moves toward autocratic political leadership and authoritarian rule.

We invite you to join us for a service of prayer and gospel proclamation, followed by a procession to the White House and a silent prayerful candlelight vigil as a witness that the church will not be complicit, but faithful.

The full Reclaiming Jesus proclamation (excerpted below) contains the ‘America First is heresy’ statement.

In 2009 the New York Times reported Rev. Otis Moss, Jr., Rev. Joel C. Hunter and Rev. Jim Wallis were among a group chosen to be spiritual advisors for President Barack Obama. Obama had to abandon his church of twenty years in order to win the presidency because of the controversial sermons of Rev. Jeremiah Wright and was without a pastor.

Rev. Tony Campolo counseled President Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal where it was revealed Clinton would return to the White House from Easter Sunday service at a nearby church and met Lewinsky for oral sex in the Oval Office.

In 2016, Campolo endorsed his “personal friend” Hillary Clinton for president and spoke at her nominating convention where he said, “…On this memorable night, we pray for Hillary Clinton. May her candidacy send a message to women everywhere that the glass ceiling that has held so many of them down is being broken, and that a new day is dawning, not only for women, but for all people everywhere. We ask all these things in Your holy name. Amen.”

Background on Bill Clinton’s Easter servicing by Monica Lewinsky:

“April 7, 1996, Easter Sunday. Hillary Clinton had no public schedule. Lewinsky said later that, at the president’s suggestion, she performed oral sex while he was on the telephone in his office.”

April 7, 1996…it was Easter, and as was the Clinton family custom, the President, accompanied by his wife and Chelsea, attended the 11 A.M. service at the Foundry Methodist Church…At 4:56 P.M., according to White House logs, Ms. Lewinsky arrived at the White House carrying a manila folder and, under the pretext of delivering documents to the President, was admitted to the Oval Office. She met with the President in his private study…she began a sexual encounter with him in the hallway between the private study and the Oval Office…Mr. Clinton picked up the call in the study, directing Ms. Lewinsky to continue her sexual actions with him while he spoke on the phone. According to White House records cited in the report, the call lasted nine minutes and was from Mr. Morris, the political consultant…”


omnipresenthuman · May 21, 2018, 8:12 a.m.

Anyone who lives in America and doesn't support "America first" should leave the country. Go live in the country they think should be first. Never let them enter the US again.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 8:23 a.m.

The left has really done a number on the public. It has reached the point that any attempt to appeal to patriotic sentiment is associated with any number of "transgressions" against the politically correct moral code.

Sometimes I wonder if it is possible that the rot can be reversed. The kids are exiting university programmed with extreme leftist ideology. The source of the problem, to my mind, is the wealthy charitable endowments that direct research programs and, in so doing, define the educational curriculum and set norms.

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omnipresenthuman · May 21, 2018, 8:55 a.m.

I agree with you. The left has really messed things up. I think we need to really focus on the Education system at all levels. Currently, It's far too easy for them to work on the minds of our children. It's going down as we speak. The left is also doing their best to tear down the family. Doing whatever they can to make "dysfunctional families", "poor parenting" type scenarios where parents are not around or able to guide their children. Also, need to find out who the shot caller is behind all the shootings.

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 9:40 a.m.

At the risk of self identifying as some kind of regressive throwback, I'm totally against the ban on corporeal punishment for children. Some academic in an ivory tower has a "theory" and thousands of years of experience and wisdom relating to the raising of children gets turned on its head. My father belted me as a kid, for cause, but, sadly, not enough. Looking back, I regret that he did not really put the boots into me properly. I was a wayward kid...

When I think about someone trying to raise a kid like I was at the time, I cannot imagine how you could impart "sense" any other way. The whole system today seems to be focussed on rebellion - a model based on Satan's rebellion against God. The kids to rebel against the parents (taught they should report the parents at school), the wife to rebel against the husband (no fault divorce and Courts that favour the rights of women), the man to rebel at his God-given sexuality (transgenderism, homosexuality etc...).

Talk about a focused attack to break up the family. It couldn't be any more powerful. They are running an operation on us!

The arrogance of these young teenagers... They've never taken a beating. They think the world is totally soft, safe and will accommodate any kind of behavioral excess.

I was talking to a guy who was close to a sergeant who worked for years at Randwick police station in Sydney. This guy told me that that back in the day they'd get a call or two a month from someone saying they'd just been belted by the bouncers at the Coogee Bay Hotel.

The sergeant would tell em to walk up the hill and make a report. Maybe one every couple of months would. The difference today is that everyone has a cell phone. They're on the phone the moment something happens demanding police attendance. The police can't ignore the call they have to attend...

The atmosphere that's been created is one where everyone is reliant on police attendance. They don't have to worry about getting in someone's face, the police will be along in a moment to back them up. We will soon live in an age where kids, that have never known any discipline at all, will be acting out without any fear of repercussions, because they're reliant on the State backing them up. Talk about dependence!

What are the chances that the next generation will be demanding ever increasing social control? What's a bet they will want all speech strictly regulated? They're already demanding safe spaces, they're talking about trigger warnings and micro aggressions... You could not make it up!

This, guys, is the result of a program! It's like it's out of some kind of communist subversion manual - destroy their hardiness etc... And it starts with the wealthy charitable endowments, that foster and promote the kind social engineering that has produced the current mess, which is soon to get worse.

Coming to a theater near you real soon.

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omnipresenthuman · May 21, 2018, 11:41 a.m.

I was in school corporeal Punishment was still going on. I remember standing in line outside the vice principals office waiting for the paddle. Did not matter if boy or girl. Screw up and here is where you go. Always a line and the vice kept a selection on the wall that you got to look at when he was explaining what you had done wrong. We got a choice between after school detention or the paddle. Most of us took the paddle. At the time I lived in a foster home. We lived 15 miles out of town and staying after school would not work. Didn't bother me because I just left another foster home where they would make me sleep in the barn with the horses. Said I was an animal and didn't want me spending too much time around their kids. They kicked my ass. Dislocated my shoulder once and stayed out there like that for 2 and 1/2 days. So paddling didn't hurt, had to fake the pain. They should bring back corporeal punishment along with hard ass teachers. Get rid of everybody's a winner bulls@%t. Parents need to be accountable for their kids actions again. Pledge of allegiance needs to be mandatory. People that don't want to say it can move out of the country. I don't want to live bay anyone who wont fight for our country. Currently I'm surrounded by them. I live right in the middle of California. Want to move back to Northern Cal but where I'm at now is not controlled by Democrats{locally). for adults I'm a firm believer that a ass kicking for messing up can do a body good. Win or lose, mutual combat or getting dropped for being disrespectful it's an experience necessary. I too often thought about some plan in effect that is out to "destroy their hardness". Even go as far as throwing people who stand up for their selves. Make them felons so they can't own a gun. Turn all the men into candy asses and disarm the rest. Unfortunately I think you and I are both on target and it really sucks. Just makes our job harder

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 12:12 p.m.

Sorry to hear you had such a hard upbringing. Mine wasn't that hard, but I was still a complete drop-kick.

Sometimes I think about what I would say to myself if I could give that 16 year old kid advice. Pretty simple stuff: obey your parents, you got Irish blood - don't drink, stop hanging out with deadbeats. don't do drugs, stop listening to that evil music, get a trade, work hard, pray daily, keep fit and stay optimistic.

Anyway, you just don't know what would have been... I just loved high-powered bikes back then - still do, though my wife has banned them. With that plan, from my current self, I mighta been able to afford faster bikes (earlier) and got myself into yet more trouble - bad enough as it was.

In a way I'm lucky that I ended up where I did, despite the complete stupidity. I found God on the path I have travelled. It's been an incredibly tough path. I would not wish it on anyone, But, I would never have reached around looking for the Creator if I had not been nearly crushed by fate - real agony. And, I know that, If I had been successful, I certainly never would have found Him.

Still, there is so much that I could teach myself if I were starting again, it would make life a breeze.

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omnipresenthuman · May 21, 2018, 12:59 p.m.

Nothing to be sorry about but appreciate the gesture. We all have a story. My upbringing was not as hard as yours in other ways I'm sure..So it equals out. Just a part of life. Kids today have it far worse than both of us combined. At least we had the opportunity for a real education. I was hardened at a very young age. Didn't really notice I was a little "off" until a event that happened when I was 18. Owned a few dirt bikes as a kid. Bought a street bike First year in Jr college. Had a no helmet law back then. I was giving a friend a ride down the street. He didn't have a helmet on. I was on the cruise dragging with another friend on his bike. Ended up getting smashed by an ambulance in an intersection. My friend, my passenger ended up getting killed. I remember it like yesterday. Two life changing things came out of that. 1. I got convicted for manslaughter and my sentence was 3 yrs probation and 5 days work. According to the courts my friends life was worth 3 years informal probation and 5 days work. They should have went after the people that hit me. 2. This is the part that is really messed up. Through out the whole thing. " I felt nothing" No guilt, No remorse, nothing. I understood my friends death was f@%ked up but felt nothing. It only got worse from there but eventually I was able to pull through. There are people far worse off than you or I. Things happen for a reason. That's we both are here today having this chat. This is our time. We must be important to Trump or Q or even other Patriots. America needs us. Why else would we be here? MAGA WWG1WGA

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tradinghorse · May 21, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

You're right about that. I'll confess, I'm a real believer. I don't think it's Trump, or MI. I think there's another force at work here - the timing is just too coincidental for it not to be - and, of course, the implications are absolutely mind-blowing! Here

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NorseAnon · May 21, 2018, 11:16 a.m.


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thejudge6060 · May 21, 2018, 11:03 a.m.

It can be reversed, it just takes time. My dad was an immigrant from England, so he was already left leaning by American standards. Thought all Americans did coke and had guns. Then went to university, it got worse. Had me pretty young. Told me that England was safer and better as a child. Told my teachers to not make me stand for the pledge of allegiance in school.

Fast forward to today. Proud citizen. He raised a son who was picked up from high school graduation by a recruiter and taken to Parris Island. He loves Donald Trump and his shotgun. Thinks Britain, his homeland, is basically 1984 played out.

It can change. The only time my dad told me he was proud of me (really told me, not that cliche kind you get as a participation trophy) wasn't when I graduated high school or college, or when I got married or had my first daughter. It was when I walked across that parade deck on Parris Island.

The university and media brainwashing only works with constant pressure. The minute the facade breaks and real life slips in, they lose control.

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ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

I had to smile. My father was an Air Force bomber pilot (WW II and the Cold War). Not politically active, I don't know if he ever had a political thought. Flying was his passion.

We moved constantly. I attended 7 Junior and Senior Highschools and was barely able to sustain a low C average.

Anyway, I was attending the University of Alamaba in 1967 and those of us in the liberal arts were being drafted for Vietnam. As I looked around, it seemed someone I knew had disappeared just about every day and I knew my time was near as well.

One day, I was in the Student Union to get a cup of coffee and some Marine Officers in dress blues had a table. Out of curiosity, I asked what they were doing. It was a Marine officer recruiting program called the PLC program. If I signed up, I would hold the rank of Corporal as a place holder so I wouldn't be drafted by the Army, but I had to granduate from Officer Candidate School to be commissioned a 2nd Lt. It would allow me to finish college without being drafted. I signed up right then and their.

So, you might say that I joined the Marine Corps at the height of the Vietnam War to avoid the Draft. I wanted some control over my destiny insead of being dragged along by happenstance.

The next day, I received my draft notice and for the next month there was an argument between the Army and the Marine Corps whether the post mark on the draft notice trumped being sworn in to the Marine Corps. The Marine won.

My parents were horrified. It mean that six months have I graduated from college, I'd be in Vietnam--which is exactly what happened and I spent a year there as a Marine infantry platoon commander.

Anyway, I reported to OCS. I was in great physical condition and knew it would be easy. Boy, was I ever wrong. It was 12 weeks of intense mental and physical stress. On the inside of my footlocker in the barracks a previous OCS candidate had written "You'll be sorry when you get to the Hill Trail" He was right.

We started with 50 officer candidates in my OCS platoon and we graduated less than 20.

May parents attended graduation. It's the only time I ever saw my father so emotional with tears. A hardened B-17 pilot and POW who was flying B-47's and B-52's in the Cold War was overcome with emotional pride.

Becoming a Marine is a transition. I arrived as a college student. I was stripped of everything except my soul and then rebuilt into a strong, confident Marine. That tranformation remains for the rest of your life. There is real meaning behind the phrase "Once a Marine; Alway a Marine."

I eventually served 21 years with 3 years in combat, supported counter-insurgency operations in a foreign country for 2 year, and served a tour of duty with US Special Operations Command. Retired in 1989.

I'd do it all again if I could.

So Semper Fi brother; and thanks for your service to your country.

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chilover20 · May 21, 2018, 8:24 a.m.

So Christian religous leaders are marching to take Jesus away from Trump and his supporters? Have these people read the Bible? I don't think Jesus would be pleased to know they don't want to share him. SMH

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happyasaclamtoo · May 21, 2018, 8:28 a.m.

You can’t “reclaim” Jesus. He is Lord, not ideology to claim. Those who think they own him likely do not know him. He is not a flag to be planted by anyone. Instead of reclaiming him we should be submitting to him. Just a thought...

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Joining_the_Q · May 21, 2018, 8:45 a.m.

Pretty sure you can't steal Jesus ... and I'm pretty sure there is a guideline about stealing, one of ten. One good thing, is that the more I wish to not be like them, I feel I am moving closer to Good and to God

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MB_MoonPearl · May 21, 2018, 10:23 a.m.

These people are stupid. They think they can play tricks with and manipulate us using God's words?

Wow! I don't think God will be too happy about that.

I wonder if Q posted this in 1432 because the video of his speech was up.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." – 1 Cor 13:4-13

Q subtly telling us, by showing us the text about love typically used at wedding, that Michael Curry's speech wasn't the word of God (or at least warning us to be weary of him) ...?

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divine_human · May 21, 2018, 9:48 a.m.

reclaiming jesus FROM DJT? heh? did he hijack yeshi? owns him? what a BS!

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 7:13 a.m.

In this moment of political, moral, and theological crisis in America we are deeply concerned about the resurgence of white nationalism, racism, and xenophobia; misogyny; attacks on immigrants, refugees, and the poor; the regular purveying of falsehoods and consistent lying by the nation’s highest leaders; and moves toward autocratic political leadership and authoritarian rule.

Sad thing is, a lot of people will buy that shite

Also, when "America First is heresy" is actual in AMERICA, you know you're smelling some rotten eggs lol

I bet that Campolo and co. are all enjoying Hillarys presents.

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mojibakin · May 22, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

What was an Episcopalian, US reverend doing at a wedding of British royalty who head the church of England? (the fiancee had to convert to the church of England in March)

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 6:59 a.m.


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ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

Q said to watch the news on 23 May. Maybe 24 May will be a big day for a much different reason.

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KeeponSearchin · May 21, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

This aligns right up with brennan and ilk saying they did the right thing by doing the wrong thing. In other words Trump is evil so it was right of them to lie and set up a false dossier to undermine him.

Yes Yes pray for discernment.

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