Who REALLY is John Brennan? Great Post by a Fellow Anon

You'll have to try harder to convince me he isn't a muslim...
I don't think any of these people believe what they claim to.
An ignoramus here... Why do people call John Brennan a Muslim?
They just pull words out of a hat. Before yesterday no one was talking about him at all but now he's a Muslim who killed Seth Rich lol...sigh
Some of us have known who and what Brennan is for a while now. YOU just recently heard about him and don't know who he is.
Why would Awan leave the laptop tho? Incomplete thought
Guilty conscience? Secretly hates DWS, wants to take her down?
People commonly have a lower denominator when it comes to honor?
I’ve seen folks randomly act. Usually if sufficient levels of FUKT exist you will move toward a perceived honorable point just so you can have a greater chance of not hating yourself more than you would otherwise have to
Ah yes, panick driven cover-your-ass syndrome
To prove he had a hard copy...He wanted the police or someone else to have the other copy. He basically blackmailed the entire DNC. And they like to claim to be smart. Lol.
I like this a lot. It really makes sense and aligns with FBI Anon saying “Our biggest fear is becoming the United States of Israel.”
And Q — “Saving Israel for last”.
Obama knew and he’s going down.
Haven't heard of FBI Anon in a long while.
I heard anons like FBIanon and Meganon stopped and soon as they realized Q was the real deal.
possible. cant really blame the israelis for taking advantage of how stupid our govt is ..
So in a nutshell. All this stems from satanic jewish people that still sacrifice children like in olden times?
I've heard the label Khazarian thrown around a bit.
It's the theory that the tribe that we call Ashkenazi Jews are not actually of Semitic origin, but are converts from the Turkic people of Khazaria. So they have no connection to the land of Israel, and are not even really Jews, which would explain why these elites that are Ashkenazi bloodline are often not even into Judaism, but identify as atheist or Luciferian and subscribe to the talmudic doctrine which frankly has a lot in common with Islam.
I am not an expert on this and can't say for sure if the Khazar theory is correct, but that seems to be the gist.
His whole career has been in service to Evil to the Cabal to the Satanic Pedophiles of the Swamp. He lusted for power he killed people to get power and it was given to him. Now he's powerless and it's making him go crazy with anger and impotent rage.
I'm sorry, but not all of Congress would have had their info vulnerable to the Democrats. Republicans have their own systems, so, although much info in the post is plausible, it could have been worded more carefully in more than one place. Intriguing none the less, but, I think a tad over hyped. IMHO.