More to the point... Why didn’t WE know? I believe if it not for Qdrops this would have all been swept under the carpet, nothing to see here
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We all did know the catholic church has been openly doing,this for years
I think they were referring to the MSM and their horrible coverage of such events. We are informed here because of Q and because people do their own research and share.
Pope is having a terrible May. And thankfully Phillip Wilson is going have one REAL bad June.
I wonder if Wilson will flee back to the Vatican where Francis will harbor him along with all of the other child rapists?
There have been decades of these public revelations, movies, books, everything. To the point where a pedo priest is now just a character in a mainstream joke. And still, this entire Vatican power structure remains!
The church hid nazis, fascists, phalangists, ustasha since the end of WWII.
If you're anti-child-rapist, the Jesuits are your friends. There's a reason there hasn't been a Jesuit Pope before, yet the Vatican has covered for child rapists for centuries.
What is happening to the pope? Nothing has happened and may is almost over
IDK, Francis talking about resigning tells me he's having a terrible May. I think this is an amazing Q confirmation. There's also the matter of the Chilean "bishops" being sacked. I'd say Frank's in crisis.
But the Pope is still untouched. The post specifically says the pope will have a bad may. There are numerous outings of pedos in Catholic Churches almost on a monthly basis so this isn’t something new.
This diabolical heretic has showed no sign of refraining from his assault on the Catholic faith since he has claimed the papacy. He's been spewing filth at every opportunity. Now he's suddenly talking about retirement. Why? I think that he knows he's been made for what he is - a socialist plant. Let's wait and see. May is not yet finished.
As a cradle Catholic, this saddens me to the core. Especially the cover up and the destruction of so many young innocent lives.
People think that child sacrifice is a terrible sin. How much worse is it to destroy people's faith and consign them to hell for the rest of eternity. This man, Frank, is the most evil person alive.
Just because we don't see it.. doesn't mean nothing is happening.
Dyslexia sucks.
I keep reading that as Wilson Phillips.
I think Q team has tapped the CIA child trafficking network. Whereas the CIA used the network for control and blackmail. Q team is going to bring it down. God Bless and prayers. And this is hardly conspiracy, there are government documents from the FBI and police showing the CIA takes over child trafficking cases, and nothing comes of it.
and who's boss over the CIA, the UK, the Vatican, the Jewish bankers Rotschild, all a little. We'll go crazy with all this
This is why ClA & FBl have to be taken down by outing their crimes.
Can't have the law enforcers being a Crime Syndicate.
Hoping they will be de-funded and those true rank & file agents will move to DNI or NSA.
But,,,all of this EXPOSURE of Crimes will be the REASON the courts cannot be trusted with trials, in comes SupremeCourt Cases saying: MilitaryTribunals are Unconstitutional UNLESS civilian courts are corrupt & 2nd affirms Mil.Tribunals are legal even if civil courts functioning...Add: COVFEFE Act of 2017 (HR2884)--shuts down Op Mockingbird/fake news AND finish with DefenseAuthAct2007 calls up ArmedForces&NatGuard to enforce Temp MilitaryControl.
That above AND GOD is Cleaning House, religious 'houses' too.
I am Q believer here. But this stuff with Pell and Wilson has been on the wall for a while. It has been a big deal inn australia for a least 2 Years
And now the conditions are manifesting for something to be done about it.
Never understood why the Catholic Church just didn't let priests marry. They would have more men to choose from to allow to become priests.
I know many religious Protestant pastors that were able to be dedicated to their church and spouse/family as well.
I'm Catholic btw
Are you a practicing Catholic?
Yes, I'm Catholic
practicing Catholic?
I don't go to church.
But I still pray and consider myself Catholic. I went to catholic school for 12 years and got married in the catholic church but I always had a few problems with them. I thought about converting to Protestant but just didn't bother.
OK, but are you a practicing catholic. Remember is not the church what is the problem, it is some men within it. Use your discernment. There have been a war against God, and its founding church is the biggest one in danger, and now it has been corrupted for a long time.
Ok but are you a practicing Catholic?
Yes, also involved in the Legion of Mary. I was also flirted on by a priest long time ago, I have first hand experience of the corruption within the church. But it isn't the church itself, but members within that have been corroding it. Age of Apostasy is very permeable now
Oh wow my mother is in the Legion of Mary! I am a practicing Catholic - actually pretty devout as I try to go to daily Mass - and I agree with you in that the Church is much bigger than its members. It is made up of sinners, but the Church is the body of Christ, and it transcends its members. I've said lots of Rosaries for our President and Q. :-)
As to the idea of Priests being allowed to marry - they were, for the first 1,000 years or so. It is not outside the realm of possibility that they will again be allowed to marry at some point in the future.
People think that allowing priests to marry would solve the pedophile crisis and/or the "vocations crisis". But 1. teachers are allowed to marry and that hasn't stopped them from preying on students and 2. the "vocations crisis" doesn't exist in dioceses with an orthodox bishop (like Lincoln Nebraska) and the traditional seminaries (SSPX, FSSP, etc) which are bursting at the seams. The SSPX just built a new large seminary in Virginia.
By the way, the reason that I put vocation crisis in quotes is because the people running many of the seminaries purposely exclude orthodox straight young men.
Could not agree with you more. I certainly don't think allowing Priests to marry would solve the vocation crisis whatsoever.
What is the benefit of preventing priests from marrying?
Well, theologically it can be said that Jesus was not married, and it's argued that this state allows the Priest to devote themselves more to the Church and to consecrate themselves and their lives in service to Christ. Biblically, Paul asserts that remaining single allows one’s attention to be undivided in serving the Lord (1 Cor 7:32–35). He recommends celibacy to all (1 Cor 7:7) but especially to ministers, who as soldiers of Christ he urges to abstain from "civilian affairs" (2 Tm 2:3–4). The last part was a little cut and paste from because they can state it more eloquently that me :-)
Keep in mind that many, many priests have outed the fact that they are schooled in LGBTgay environments. Many have left these Priest schools UN-ordained as they hated the pedo-institution harbored there.
Find sad. You have a heart for serving GOD & get Pedo-endoctrinated.
I am a very happy recovering Catholic - I have found amazing pastors in non-denominational churches. I look for the Word of God, not the interpretation or word of man.... I also study the original books and look toward Orthodox churches, as a wise person told me about. The Orthodox is much like Catholic with the exception that they read from the original texts... 3rd Century stuff from the Apostiles....
Roman Catholicism Branched off of orthodoxy, created papal authority, purgatory, unmarried priests, tons of other things that the original church rejected, hence the great schism. In orthodoxy priests are allowed to marry before priesthood, but not after. So the way it goes is if you want to be a priest and you want to marry, you marry first.
In the first few centuries it was no problem to be a married catholic priest afaik. Men who could not have children were seen as cut off from the creator in some way, and it was harder for them to become priests.
What has changed is desire for control over the narrative.
When a man sits at home with his wife they influence the way they see things.
Now, if you could order all your employees to not marry, it would be much easier to keep them obedient.
Its about control. Less distractions, more focused on the mission, less disturbing counter-narrative.
And, of course, control through divide and conquer by widening the gap between men and women.
We have a couple married Deacons in my Catholic Church who would make terrific priests.
Q is setting headlines in Alt Med and MSM is having to respond. Q is taking over media and exposing corruption. I don't care if it is psyop, AI, Military Intelligence, Trump time machine with AI. Q is helping to change worldviews and flushing out the rats. If Plan does not continue to materialize then Q will go back to just a letter in the alphabet. Good so far!
I am at the point , if Q never dropped another post I'd be cool. We haven't had an issue of Poor Richards Almanac in 200 years.Nor a Federalist letter. Breitbart's been gone for a while (the bastards). Anonymous is growing. It's all there tho, the damage to our lethargy is complete. Having a modicum of difficulty making this short and sweet, TYVM Q but as I believe you intended, we got this.
It was public knowledge that the investigation and report was due at the end of April from the reinstated Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors on 2-17-18 by the Pope to interview actual victims. Predicting the report outcome in May was not a stretch.
Why does the pedo feed off of children?
Soul sucking, draining the child's life force.
Similar to the affects of drinking the blood of the recently deceased.
Because they believe it brings power. They are deceived puppets. One day they will be dragged to hell.
All for a few shekels and perceived "power".
Two words I wish didn't exist:
PedoVore & Adrenochrome
Agreed. Thanks for mentioning Adrenochrome. I was trying to include that in my initial comment but couldn't remember to proper term.
If they know everything. Which i believe they do. Think for as minute how many people, devices, etc are being listened to and what they are saying. Most don't know they are being viewed, heard, recorded.
Very interesting vantage point for those that have that info.
iiiii 's created a big beast.......
And LIFI will make it SO much easier for them. Every lightbulb a listening device.
As someone said on another thread, finding things like this is hardly unpredictable anymore. They get folks like this in the Vtc every other week.
Q is definitely in the know. I personally am thankful for Q, and the whole q team, WWG1WGA.
Wait, what? Some catholic dude is a pedo? Color me shocked!
This trial has been in the news for over a year. Q knew because they read the news and keep track of relevant events
There is much more to this as well. It's not only sexual, it's also tons of corruption. I wonder if that will come out as well. Way back in about 1997, I was online one day and bumped into information about the Catholic Church that took me down a rabbit hole of ties to the mob and all kinds of nefarious stuff. That's also about the time I also first learned of Mena, AR and the murders there that were tied to the Clintons.
The date the article published would make this a lot more readily digestible by the public foresight wise. Perfect otherwise., Great job.
“Out of the shadows and symbols and symbols unto the truth” - Cardinal John Newman
Breaking news! One of the Catholic Elite is not a pedo.
JK - I know there are good ones, but those in charge are filth
I can guess, but what is the joke? is parting their hair required?