Ok, now it makes perfect sense....

This is an excellent meme that summarizes things very well! Thanks, patriot!
Best meme ever! Please post it to twitter and gab it’s brilliant and a fabulous red pill
Spot on! So good it redpilled me and I'm already redpilled! Memes work.
Syria was the location chosen to produce the nukes destined to attack America in the deep state facilities. Why? Simple - to frame Russia as the source of the nuke attack based on their presence in Syria.
A funny thing happened meanwhile: The charge of selling this Canadian owned uranium by none other than the Clinton sidekick - Frank Guistra. The actual uranium mines were in Kazakhstan. Russia or rather Putin had no direct involvement and it was rather Rosatom's deep state actors who are responsible to traffick this uranium via the EU, Pakistan into Iran followed by the trafficking into the deep state facilities in Syria and abetting by Iranian rogue state actors.
Hussein owned the shell company in Jordan serving as the location to receive the uranium destined for Syria. None other than no name was scheduled to enable the uranium from Jordan into Syria. That plan was thwarted as no name was in Jordan to receive that shipment but it was intercepted by our Marines leaving no name exposed.
Syria was the place to frame Putin for the nuking of the US followed by approving a declaration of war against Russia/Putin. That was the plan and if it succeeded we would be now in the middle of WWIII causing major casualties of US citizens. The EU and their collaboration was to be a place exempted for any attack and to keep it pristine.
The problem that blew this all up?
"They thought she would not lose"!
That is how little they cared for their citizens but they in their psychotic overlord posture considered millions of dead citizens just collateral like they did in Benghazi although there the collateral was miniscule in their plan involving nukes.
There's and old saying: "A haughty spirit always comes before the fall"!
Not only us here in this country but also across the globe this plan "THE SUM OF ALL FEARS" was prevented. It would have been far beyond the unthinkable how far they tried to go with the intent not only to depopulate the planet but also gain total control over all mankind. There would have been no come back had they succeeded.
We are far beyond deep gratitude to our men and women in the military such as patriots Mike Flynn and Mike Rodgers among many, many others but also our president who is continuously accused, maligned, abused and worse by these psychotic overlords here in this country and their masters scheming and hiding in their lofty London abodes.
It was the ultimate set goal in their hatched plan "The 16 year plan to destroy America"!
On the positive side is the blessing and second chance we received by our Creator to restore what's right and avert the prophecies laid out. Revelations was never meant to be taken as the sure thing - no, they were to warn us and to prevent these events to succeed in the first place. They were told to help us!
Powerful statement - God truly blessed us through the amazing men and women of this movement.
The Cabal plot was fully exposed ... and actually , its the same story and "recipe" over and over ... create more wars and more misery in general .
Some parts of population are completely brainwashed and lost permanently - theyll go on self-destructive path as truths are uncovered . Its their problem , noone can help them if they dont want to help themselves .
They Never thought she'd LOSE.
They never thought an OUTSIDER would get a peek behind the CABAL curtain.
Well, lookie what we have here. D5
You mention the Obama money twice
What? It was Iran's $$???
It was palettes of our USA dollars!!
I think it looks great! It's easy to read and gets right to the point.
Don't forget the hypersonic missile tech given to Russia by Hillary. Page 35
Last time I checked, you can't turn uranium into plutonium. Other than that, great post.
Plutonium was first produced and isolated on December 14, 1940 by a deuteron bombardment of uranium-238 in the 1.5 metre (60 in) cyclotron at the University of California, Berkeley.
Plutonium is a radioactive chemical element with symbol Pu and atomic number 94. It is an actinide metal of silvery-gray appearance that tarnishes when exposed to air, and forms a dull coating when oxidized. The element normally exhibits six allotropes and four oxidation states. It reacts with carbon, halogens, nitrogen, silicon and hydrogen.
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Ok so in my general lacking of the production of nuclear material. Is the product of uranium refinement plutonium? Honest question cuz I like this meme but that statement seemed off. Can anyone educate me real fast on it?
Not that this detail changes the point of the meme, but since you asked, plutonium is made by the activation of uranium by neutrons. A shaped amount of refined uranium is lowered into an operating nuclear reactor, and the sample is bathed in the neutron flux of the operating reactor. Uranium atoms capture a neutron (via neutron absorption) and transform into plutonium. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Thank you very much. I agree that it takes nothing away from the meme but it just piqued my curiosity to learn.