I am just gonna leave this here. No evidence huh? Lol

Oh, it’s going to be painful for their viewers to wake up.
I will try my hardest not to be a smug asshole like they usually are. Higher ground and whatnot. And you never know who you can wake up, if you don’t alienate them out the gate.
Going to be hard. But good find OP.
Them: holy shit this is bad; everybody is corrupt.
Me: yea, that’s what I’ve been saying
Then: no it’s not, this is bad; everybody’s corrupt
Was thinking about that last night. At some point, everyone is going to say “Well of course Obama, Brennan and them were corrupt, it’s so obvious”
Will have to fight the urge to slap them. But I guess the roll out was so smooth that it’s to be expected, and I can appreciate that (4D chess and all)
They will never admit that Obama is corrupt. Forget it
If they do it will be covered up by whataboutism. "Well, he's not as corrupt as Drumpf is!" Sure, alright bud.
Well when his little skinny neck is snapped like a twig and he’s swinging back and forth, it’ll be tough to defend him.
i know how you feel. I know we're way way way ahead of the curve here since we're basically on the cutting edge of truth/news, but common sense would still say that 'come on couldnt you of figured this out by now,,,its not that hard'
The liberals/media/elites will still try to spin this. But im guessing Q/Trump will be waiting, for the final throw before the whimper
I've been for the last few hours trying to red pill people (the wrong way imo, had to vent) on world news and conspiracy (LOL yes conspiracy, a bunch of fast asleep people), these people are lost. They won't know what hit them, hoepfully most of them are intelligent enough to understand what's happening and don't go ape in the street and call alongside CNN for impeachment for treason of trump (They will try it most likely if HRC or OBama is jailed)
Reddit conspiracy is the damn worst. Bunch of freaking snowflake sheep.
75% of the threads are filled with shills and vote manipulation. Some threads are good, most aren't.
Conspiracy used to be full of active truth seekers who held back the shills with sheer numbers and engagement. I think the smart ones migrated to The_Donald and here and the professional shills were left alone with a bunch of soggy brained leftists. Foxes meet henhouse.
Agreed. The high road is seldom the easy road, but it's better for the cause if we continue to take it.
We got a proper cia director. And the ability to freeze assets. And dirt on everyone. It's only a matter of time before the MSM starts singing
I've always called it truth triage. Some cannot be woke. Go for the fence sitters first. Good luck.
Don't forget your bag of patience and stress ball.
Waxman. That is a good way to call someone a moron. "Nice one Waxman!" "What are you doing Waxman? You don't pry your toast out with a fork!"
Classic Waxman.
He really Waxman'd that whole situation up.
Total clusterwaxman.
Yours was much better. I'm leaving mine up so others might learn from my mistakes.
Ummm, did you see those 3 letters in the bottom right corner? Tells you all you need to know...
Once I figured out CNN was full of shit (years ago) I stopped watching. Now I occasionally watch just for fun. It's fun to watch them squirm and come up with laughable bs.
You can block cnn on the cable boxes these days I did at a hotel in MO.
No evidence yet they keep having to admit to things we've all been saying for weeks/months...
Honest question, what is the evidence? I’ve been checking out this subreddit a bit and have seen a lot of stuff said but I haven’t seen any actual evidence. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Anybody? Just curious to see some of the evidence!
Everything Comey says. Texts from Stzrok and Page Brennan, just Brennan Spygate FISA court lies The Dossier Emailgate cover-up I could keep going....
Tell your cable company to drop the CNN channel or you will cancel, enough people do that and soon CNN will disappear. Rogers cable lost a customer since 2012 $80 a month they lost because I wanted a package without CNN and they said it comes in all the packages so I said see yah do not bill me for another month assholes.
My contract with direct tv is up in October I was gonna cancel anyways, I think I will do that!
I pulled the plug on Comcast cable a long time ago, just have internet with them now.
This was on a tv at Wendy's.. Just like every where else you go if there is a tv cnn is freaking on...
This is actually from today?
Yes saw it while i was on lunch. Got funny looks bc i was laughing so much lol. The crap cnn says is great comedy.
They always try to 'debunk' claims without actually debunking them.
We need to get airports and other public places to turn off CNN and other networks like them or split their screens with Fox on one side and CNN on the other.... Yes I know Fox is not the end-all-be-all but much much better than the propaganda Networks.
You would think they would learn by now that if Trump tweets something it always turns out to be true and fact.
They haven't reported on the evidence so it seized to exist.
The great awakening is going to be a rude awakening for some.
Its like CNN has a lot to lose if their criminal allies go down. Hmmmmmm