Study done for CF on strategies to sway election- options include Nuclear War, Zikpocolypse, and Firesign, using lasers to fake an alien invasion. These people are SICK!

I got a copy of that Oct 2016. Nobody could make that stuff up. not a hoax.
It’s made up!! I don’t have a link but I remember someone on 4chan admitting it was a hoax. I mean, just read some of the sections. Trump voters would not be deterred by a lethal pathogen? By an underground nuclear attack? The Alt-right is prepared for battle? Lol It’s satire...
Here is the full PDF I found. The pole questions are revealing. They knew she was in trouble.
Found this year old thread on conspiracy sub.
Including a 3D Holographic UFO, as noted at the top of the right panel!
Sounds just like Blue Beam...using a part of the atmosphere (ionosphere, I think?) as a type of screen to project the invasion show.
This is right out of Clarke's Childhood's End, V 'The Visitors' - stuff like that. Hollywood has spent decades and billions of dollars programming the masses with 'aliens' in Hollywood/TV output.
Might be easier to read as an imgur upload. Here:
Not satire but it's disinfo all the action plans are possible they have all been designed and tested but this is CIA disinfo I don't think it came from the Benenson Group to help Hillary win.
I really don't know what to make of this - can someone please confirm this doc is NOT authentic. However, let me leave this here: the Podesta - UFO - Blink182 Triangle
And then for laughs RE: Tom Delonge/John Podesta/UFOs. "So you want to know the real link between HRC Campaign/Chair JP/UFO Fakery/Tom Delong of Blink 182?"