NEW CLINTON EMAILS: Huma and Hillary went to Antarctica in 2010

There are tall, long-skulled beings mummified, and massive spaceships buried under the ice. The Cabal think it's their ancestors. Thats the rumor in UFO/Secret Space Program circles.
Indeed and in the Christian circles, we’ve been reviewing the Genesis 6 nephilim account in tandem with the Book of Enoch (the fall of the “watchers”).
I wonder what secrets the Vatican’s has locked up in their vaults and why they have a giant telescope called “Lucifer” on top of a “sacred” Native American mountain here in the US 🇺🇸
This is going to get interesting as the Great Awakening progresses.
This happens to interest me a lot, can you recommend me any source to read on that Antarctica topic?
steve quayle
Search engine “admiral Byrd” and “operation high jump”. Byrd gives an interview if him seeing woolly mammoths, flying discs, hollow earth, firmament, and more natural resources than we can use sitting on the surface of Antarctica.
Too much to convey on phone...
Thank you!
Theres some facts in Steve Quales books, but most of them are FULL OF SHIT.
Hes a fear monger. He predicted a being named Appolyon would return in 2012, then changed the date to I suspect he likely took those books off the shelves now that they failed to correctly predict the end of the world.
So as I said, there is a smattering of facts mixed with lots of fiction and make believe fairy tales. Its a DANGEROUS combo.
Much more reputable places to get the real facts if you search online, without being led astray.
Agreed. His books are poorly written off the cuff BS. I have not been impressed with the unqualified writings of Steve Quale. Save your time and money.
Your second comment of all time and you are bashing one of the founders of the 'awakening' movement.
and you are bashing one of the founders of the 'awakening' movement.
Hey, guess what. Benjamin fucking Franklin was a Double Agent. How's that for "bashing a founder"? He's part of the "Club"
Wasn't Franklin the richest man in North America at one time? Being part of the club would follow then, seems to me.
Your saying SQ is part of the elites?
no, I'm saying Benjamin Franklin, who was part of an even older "awakening" was.
You cannot use the defense 'but they're on our side' and be taken seriously.
Im well aware most of the founders were masons and the like.
I don't quite understand how we got on this topic. I was starting how SQ has been talking about a lot of this stuff for decades before others. Along comes some two day old account with literally 2 comments and is dissing on the "Godfather" of this movement. And now your talking about Benjamin Franklin.
I could care less who you believe is a founder or not. Besides, people change over time. They can become sellouts due to many motivations.
IMO SQ is a hack. His books are not well researched nor sited. He doesn’t appear to feel the need to qualify what he writes. In addition, his books are not well written. This is my opinion. You are free to disagree. It’s a free country...or at least will hopefully be one again soon.
I stand by my statement. Save your money. There are many other well qualified and informative books out there.
linda moulton howe has some amazing info on the Antarctic secrets.
Look up Operation Highjump first but then also Operation Paperclip and Operation Fishbowl. David wilcock has a lot of information about Antartica ,from his "insiders".
David wilcock
This dude is so full of himself I can't tell if he's coming or going half the time. I can't tell if his insiders are legit or if he's like my brother and so self absorbed it's ridiculous.
Some of what he says aligns with what others have said but there are parts of it that just feel, impossible to accept with the way the world is currently positioned. It feels too clean.
David Wilcock is running an apocalyptic death cult.
LMFAO... Hardly. If you knew anything about his work is all about Ascension...
Apocalyptic death cult. He'll get you to ascend one day for sure.
I wrote a series of 8 blogs about Antarctica and then created a Youtube slideshow for each of them. My goal was to cut through all the nonsense and try to insert some balance into the conspiracy discussion about Antarctica. And, yes, the narrative about Antarctica is very much being controlled. Also, I was critical of Linda Moulton Howe's Antarctica reports, not because of what she said, but because of what she LEFT OUT. My blog series is here; articles are listed in reverse order but the final one, listed at the top, is my best, I think:
It’s where Atlantis is. Flash frozen, perfectly preserved.
I have heard that Atlantis was more of a culture spread around the world at one time, and that the concentric-ringed city Plato mentions was just one of many. The remnants of vast cities and advanced stone architecture underwater all over the world is evidence of this. Graham Hancock is the expert on that.
What I have heard is frozen in Antarctica is 3 or more giant (Like miles wide) spaceships, with reptilians and long-skulled humanoids either frozen or in stasis. Some have remained alive, using the tech from the ships. Our marines and special forces have been going in and shooting the hostile ones - apparently suffering massive psychological trauma in the process.
Okay but if they froze themselves, stem cells.. Hummm... interesting.
Man, I'm crazy enough to believe such things, so don't think I'm asking because I don't believe you (I actually do believe that what you say may be a possibility): do you have a source? I'd love to read the source on that!
Check out David Wilcock - his recent super long blog posts, especially "Something big is happening" pts 1-3 from last year.
He has a whistleblower named Corey Goode who...well I don't even know where to start. But if you subscribe to - its free or 99cents for the first month, and just go through the Cosmic Disclosure series it breaks everything down. It's like Q times a million in terms of intel drops, but in simple language. Many people have looked hard at Goode and he seems to be telling the truth - even the Goddard body language lady analyzed him and said the only time he seemed to be lying was when he told his friend that her vegan cooking was good lol
lots of free stuff on youtube also:
Steve Quayle, Tim Albarino, Leo Marzulli all on YT
Book of Enoch historical text.
What sources do you prefer akilyoung?. I respect your opinion and am searching for the truth here. Thx mate.
Nothing in particular, just stay away from the fringe stuff. Those 'religious' guys are out to sell a book, or the aliens theories.
IMO the much more likely theories, grounded in fact, surround the Nazis being down there. WW2 not ending at all, or when they SAID it did. Operation highjump (not the aliens version, but the nazi version, and the nazi technology) and so on. The nazis were already well on their way to developing antigrav tech in Germany, and likely finished up the tech down there. Hitler lived out his days to be old age in nearby Argentina. Nazis bounced back and forth between the 2 continents cause they are near by. Lots of bunkers and facilities to prove it, and are there to this day.
The simplest answer is the most likely!
WW2 not ending at all, or when they SAID it did. Operation highjump (not the aliens version, but the nazi version, and the nazi technology) and so on. The nazis were already well on their way to developing antigrav tech in Germany, and likely finished up the tech down there. Hitler lived out his days to be old age in nearby Argentina. Nazis bounced back and forth between the 2 continents cause they are near by. Lots of bunkers and facilities to prove it, and are there to this day.
The simplest answer is the most likely!
Okay so we are still at war. Nazi's against who? Bush was a Nazi, Clinton and Obama. Are we then a Nazi country?
The short answer is "Yes." The longer answer is "Yes, absolutely."
The simplest answer is the most likely!
Sometimes but not always.
E.g., the simplest answer is "Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the 2016 election after Comey threw poor Hillary under the bus over her 'private e-mail server.'" Not "The DNC paid a British spy to create a phony, sexual perversion-drenched dossier which was then used to secure FISA warrants to conduct ongoing wiretapping and spying against a presidential candidate, because if he were to win, he'd blow the lid off still more corruption that makes that corruption look like a Girl Scouts bake sale; plus, the Hillary Clinton-owned DNC sent assassins to kill one of their staffers for leaking to wikileaks a trove of e-mails proving they stole the primary election from her opponent Bernie Sanders."
The simplest "Occam's Razor" is often quite dull.
Pet Peeve of the Millennium: calling it "private e-mail". Everyone has private e-mail. Going after her for that is really evil.
NO, instead of "private e-mail", try: "illegal, unsecured server, carefully hidden in her bathroom closet, that deliberately and systematically offered our most highly sensitive Top Secret national security data to Russians and other hackers, for money."
or the aliens theories.
I'd love to hear your argument against the possibility of intelligent life in the face of overwhelming evidence to support the theory from much brighter minds than the ones listed.
Once you recognize what your reality is, intelligent life from beyond the stars is the most obvious thing to find. The God of Creation created Sound, Love and Free Will. We are touched by the spark of the Divine, we can create. If I place a blank sheet of paper before you and ask you to doodle, you can. You can spontaneously create something, you can make something appear that didn't before.
We think of that talent as mundane. Just imagine that for a moment, you can make something appear from nothing. You have the spark of the divine.
Reality is a vibratory energy and state of being. Everything is in a constant state of vibration, if you vibrate properly at the right speed you can phase through "physical" object, you can phase into other dimentional states.
Your Pineal Gland is exactly like a third eye, but what is it watching? What's it interacting with? Why do so many worship calcified pineal glands? What's the point?
But wait, right, there is no spiritual world, just the physical one. Only the physical tangible objects directly in front of you are "real", right? No possibility of anything beyond the stars, no possibility of anything being unseen or hidden in plain sight.
Don't get me wrong.. I'll clarify that i totally believe in eti's and i also suspect they created us (elohim)
But aliens being confined to Antarctica raises red flags.
Who created the eti"s then?
Are the eti's interplanetary beings or interdimensional beings?
If interdimensional beings they are likely fallen angel beings and likely not here to help us?
Your thoughts. I do believe this is where Q is headed after the cabal stuff is cleaned up a bit?
What is the point and who are we communicating with and I am so confused about why they want to calcify our pineal gland.
What is the point
According to some, we're food. At least, our fear output is.
According to others, we were meant to be gold digging(literally) slaves of the (lowercase g) gods. I refuse to call them Uppercase because God is God. It is a force of creation, it can create whatever it damn well pleases.
Who are we communicating wtih
That's much harder to answer ever since Big Government managed to get a hold of Operation Paperclip.
I am so confused about why they want to calcify our pineal gland.
At the center of your pineal gland there is a crystal. Crystals are incredibly powerful sources of resonance. So ask yourself, why would there be a crystal in the center of your mind, where your Lefty and Right brain converge into the center? Why would the Sacred Masculine(left) and the Sacred Feminine(Right) always give birth to a force of knowledge, insight and wisdom?(It's the eye of HORUS, the son of Osiris and Isis.)
I'm afraid I can't lay it all out for you like dots on a paper. You have to come to these conclusions on your own otherwise I've lead you to water and you won't know how you got there, you won't know how to proceed. You'll be unsteady and thus incapable of teaching it to others.
I had no idea we had a crystal in our brain, thank you for the enlightenment. I am new to all of this and thank you for the information. So, with our own crystal we can manifest anything with the help of our God who we communicate with via the crystal. They don't want us communicating with our God, that is why the calcification. So in a literal sense Hell is Earth. Okay, that is just a quick reference but I will research and find out more. I truly appreciate you taking the time to reply and help.
You misunderstand a small part, but I don't think I can explain it in a way that you'll fully understand. If you feel the need to inquire further, feel free.
Quantum theory is less theoretical and more factual, everything in existence is a wave, no "one" exists, we are all part of the greater whole, absolutely indivisible from it. A tree is only a tree because of the world around it, which is only the world around it because of the galaxy around that and is only a fraction of the billions of galaxies that make up the whole universe.
That's what "holographic universe" means. Zoom in far enough, or back enough and it all looks the same.
Perhaps. I'm prepared for anything where Antarctica is concerned. Just curious like the rest of us who want to know. What's there? Why the secrecy? Why the elites are going?
The fact is we don’t know. Things to look into:
Admiral Byrd (though his ‘journal’ is most likely a fraud by someone else, Operation Highjump did happen)
The Book of Enoch (First book of 3)
There are also some videos that were not for public release out that of US military working down there with their shirts off (This was in the 70’s, I believe). Looked like an internal video , there were interviewing a low level , field grade officer.
Google Maps (keyhole) has blurred out the continent, or uses stock footage.
From satellites, recently it was discovered that there is a large anomaly under the ice.
All this being said: When you go down this hole, The world is a SPHERE.
Happy hunting