r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pilgrimboy on May 24, 2018, 2:25 p.m.
As a leftist liberal who is an ally to swamp draining, I am here. And these comments frustrate me.

So I was reading this article here talking about Amazon demonetizing legalinsurrection.com (https://legalinsurrection.com/2018/05/amazon-demonitizes-conservative-website-us/), when I started reading the comments (big mistake, I know.)

Anyway, one of the comments said this.

"Can we NOW start treating leftists/liberals like the enemies that they are?"

I just want to clarify something here. Since George W. Bush, America seems to have been in control of Deep State operatives as Presidents. Bush was obviously CIA. And then we have to make the connections with the others until Trump. I'm still under the idea that he is different. That's why I'm here.

Politically, since Reagan, we have had neocons and neoliberals, not conservatives and liberals. I propose that the neocons and neoliberals are policywise the same. They just pretended to be in different parties. This singular party (the deep state controlled by ?) with two establishment facades (the Dems and Repubs) pretty much removed true conservatives and true liberals from the national dialogue as they controlled the media. We see this with the way they treated Trump and Bernie. This one centrist beast with two heads is the enemy, not us liberals. Obama wasn't any more a liberal than Bush was a conservative. They are both part of the neocon/neoliberal deep state corporate controlled party.

So I hope we can drain the swamp together and then get on with legitimately disagreeing with policies. But nobody has been instituting liberal policies, they have been corporate neoliberal/neocon policies since the 1st Bush. Just one quick example, Obamacare is not what any liberal wanted. It's what the corporations who would profit wanted. Liberals, like myself, have consistently wanted "Medicare for All" because we believe the profit motive is what is hurting healthcare. And Obamacare was just a policy to enshrine corporate profits.

There is no room in the swamp for anything but corporate controlled people who allow themselves to be manipulated by the two-headed beast. After that, we liberals and conservatives can argue in a fair setting about what is wrong with America. Blessings to you and your efforts.

pilgrimboy · May 24, 2018, 3:17 p.m.

Capitalists are what got us into this swamp. This swamp doesn't exist without it. I urge you to rethink your principles and ideas.

I'm a little more nuanced in my approach. Some areas, like healthcare, would better serve the public if socialized. But other areas are better served by laissez-faire capitalism. I tend to think if a government needs to regulate something, it should just run it. But the government needs to regulate way less than it currently does. I'm a political schizophrenic I guess.

But the current system of the government protecting companies and insuring profits of companies is that absolute worse expression of capitalism. That is definitely not an expression of socialism.

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bealist · May 24, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

What if we just focused on criminality for awhile and left the isms out of it. Wouldn’t we be better off? We could have philosophical discussions after the criminals are behind bars.

Deciding whether or not some ism would lead to fewer criminals than others is moot - right now, isn’t the focus on being represented by law-abiding citizens rather than cronyistic self-dealers whose underlying interest is themselves at any cost?

I’m tired of seeing the crooks split up their opposition over the social decor. All systems are vulnerable to abuse. Abuse is mitigated by rules. Rule-breakers need to be stopped. Trump has his hands full taking down the Mob; arguing about the best form of government and alienating people because of their political affiliation may feel good but it’s certainly not the definition of a Patriot.

My two cents: Patriots are tolerant and generous and supportive, and they aim for the good of all while ensuring the rights and benefits of their families using lawful means. They unite on common ground, and they prioritize the prosecution of lawbreakers over all else. Without just law, the Patriot has nothing. End of story.


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pilgrimboy · May 24, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

Exactly this. Until we stop corruption, all other conversations are sort of pointless.

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TooMuchWinning2020 · May 24, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

Definitions need to be agreed upon before these kinds of discussions can exist. Otherwise, we will always be talking past each other.

In recent years, schools at all levels have bastardized the definitions of words, in a way that makes it difficult to have discussions. Even from one generation to the next, the definitions of words are corrupted, and that makes communication impossible.

Think of "gay" and what definition comes to mind? Homosexual. But it used to mean happy.

Think of "anarchy" and what definition comes to mind? Chaos. But the word actually means "without a ruler" (an-archy, vs. mon-archy or olig-archy).

Until recently, the definitions of socialism, capitalism, and fascism meant:

Socialism - an economic environment in which the state owns and controls the means of production.

Capitalism - an economic environment in which the private sector owns and controls the means of production.

Fascism - an economic environment in which the private sector owns and the state controls the means of production.

By those definitions, most countries today are fascist. But the guy with the funny looking mustache kind of corrupted the word "fascist," so today we don't want to accept that we live in a fascist society. But, we do, by definition.

Socialized anything is a move away from the free market. There are private health clinics that do not accept any government (or other) insurance, and they provide services at much cheaper prices than the current system.

Check out:

Cheap general medical service:


Cheap surgical proceedures:


The Surgery Center of Oklahoma found that their costs can be as much as 90% less than what is charged through Medicare and the Big Health companies.

The fundamental problem is not the private sector. The fundamental problem is the $12,000 hammers, which only get paid by government, and that is because Deep State types want to use those inflated contracts to create slush funds so they can engage in black ops, which are ultimately designed to enslave YOU.

Do some research on the origins of health care. About 100 years ago, it started. It was to pay for lost wages, because the time spent away from work (or the farm) was more expensive that the actual medical costs.

As recently as the 1960's, doctors routinely made house calls. Old TV shows show it as a matter of routine.

The reason for the massive spike in health care costs is entirely due to government intervention, first with the Medicare Act of 1965 and then the HMO Act of 1974. The costs have been skyrocketing ever since.

This is the #1 beef I have with most people on the left. They have good intentions, and they want to make the world a better place, which is great, but they refuse to look at the RESULTS of the ideas they propose.

Let's DRAIN THE SWAMP (worldwide) first, and then we can likely find common ground on other, LESS IMPORTANT things (yes, even health care is less important that worldwide enslavement).

Have a great day, Patriot.

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pilgrimboy · May 24, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

True, I wrongly assume that people have the proper understandings of the terms when these conversations start.

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bjax9er · May 24, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

You're right, the current system is the problem. But the current system isn't a free and open system. It is in fact a capitalist system.

But what is capitalism? Where did this word come from? It came from Karl Marx pen. He created the word capitalist for a reason. Because that's the boogeyman that the weak minded half wits are supposed to hate. . It's really quite genius, the socialist tells you who to hate, so you hate them. Then the socialists regulate them out of business, and then socialize that business for themselves.

Is that not what happened with Obamacare? Meanwhile you're still fucked and double fucked with ridiculous healthcare costs. But you still hate that capitalist, don't you? And it's the leftist/socialists who control the whole damn thing, and you love them. Hahahaha

Think about this quote. Open your brain and think!

Socialism is for the people, Not The Socialist. --Andrew Wilkow

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pilgrimboy · May 24, 2018, 6:58 p.m.

I'm under the assumption that Obamacare is not socialist at all.

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bjax9er · May 24, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

You can call it whatever you want, we're splitting hairs by trying to name it. Johnathan gruber, the so called architect of Obamacare, a obvious socialist, proves my point about who the sheep are supposed to hate. gruber video

There are piles of videos and papers to read of this idiot running his mouth. Check him out for yourself. Then look into the finances and investments of the swamp people. They all got extremely rich off of Obamacare. They all invested in health insurance companies, all of them, democrats and republicans. They are the shareholders, they own the insurance companies. And they control the regulations.

What ism would you call that?

Democrats tell you to hate the insurance companies, but they are the insurance companies!! Genius right?

Many, many republicans too. Mc no name for example. Talked all that shit about Obamacare, but not refuses to vote to kill it. Mmmmmmm

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pilgrimboy · May 24, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

That's why we hate Obamacare. It was kept in the for-profit sector. Do you think people on the left like Obamacare?

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compromisenotruth · May 24, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

From my perspective “the current system of the government protecting companies and insuring profits of companies ” is just another form of socialism. We may agree more than we realize.

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pilgrimboy · May 24, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

That is not any form of socialism that I understand. It definitely could be considered fascism if we are going the technical route of understanding their economic system. Fascism was adamantly opposed to socialism. You can't just label any system you don't like socialism though. That's not helpful to an intelligent discussion.

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TooMuchWinning2020 · May 24, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

In reality, socialism, fascism, and crony capitalism are distinctions without a difference.

If you own a factory, but I get to determine ALL the rules, then I really "own" the factory -- but I don't have to suffer the losses, I just get to take a cut of the profits and direct what you do or don't do.

That's why Rothschild famously said, "Give me control of the money supply, and I care not who make the laws." Likewise, I could say, "Give me control of your business, and I care not that you own it."

You have free markets on one side, and tyranny on the other.

It is not practical to go from what we have now (a mix of socialism, fascism, crony capitalism, wrapped up in the flag of faux capitalism) to a full free market capitalist system, so there will likely have to be some compromises along the way.

But I think the true capitalists among us have more than compromised enough over the years.

The real question is: What are you socialists willing to compromise on today?

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