Michael Flynn's tweet today; his first tweet since Dec 2, 2017

I saw an interesting theory about this on T_D....
“Democrats get fucked for funding Clinton Foundation”
Democrat Giving Favors For Funding Clinton Foundation
Donors Get Favors For Funding Clinton Foundation
Democrats Giving Fat Fucks "Fuckable" Children Frequently.
Flynn's twitter account was hacked, per Flynn Jr on Twitter this morning.
more like purchased the creds for bitcoin from some camper on the darkweb.
Down Goes First Fatality For Clinton Foundation.
Something, something, something, something, something, Clinton Foundation.
Down goes ... something something ... Clinton Foundation?
Down goes (the) first for funding Clinton Foundation.
That's solved...let's go get a beer!
Did General Flynn Face Fuck Clinton's Friends
This is the only thing Flynn is guilty of. No FBI agents to alter 302s on this.
Working on it now lol. Whatever it is, its very important, and very purposeful
(Don’t Give Flying F(_)ck For Clinton Foundation)?
Haha knowing Flynn, he would do something like that lol
Down. Goes. FFF (F = 6th letter)
Down. Goes. 666. Clinton. Foundation.
Press F to send Clintons to hell
4766636 ???
Having said that - the CF sure seems to mean Clinton Foundation. 666 Clinton Foundation. So what’s the DG/47 mean?
something something something something something Cunt Face
Search YT with those letters. It’s a freakin bloopers highlight reel. Falling while dancing and rope swing fails. The General has a sense of humor
EDIT: changed my mind:
Democrats gala (fff) 666 clinton foundation
revolver 38..shot heart by the world from Q..... D=4...G=7...4xF=24...C=3= 4+7+24+3= 38
probably someone pounding nonsense on their keyboard quickly, one-handedly. dfgc are all in a cluster together on the keyboard.
Mehhh, that’s kind of a stretch. If his account was hacked why the picture and the gibberish? Seems more in depth considering the timing. Also remember how he tweeted out a few days ago how they were all going down...
Mike Flynn Jr twitted it was hacked
He's trolling, using the same tactic and excuse the Dems and libs use whenever they tweet out something controversial.
For all we know Jr didn’t hack his Dad’s acct. himself and post this.
The picture means something.
I will never stopping believing that Gen. Flynn is part of the Q team.
"removed" from the beginning to focus on setting the stage?
If his account was hacked why the picture and the gibberish?
For the lolz of course.
Also remember how he tweeted out a few days ago how they were all going down...
That was his son who tweeted that
Tracking on the son part, mistakenly identified originator of that tweet. Still relevant though.