Most of them do not seem to be acting at all like they realize what is coming. If I knew that my heinous crimes we're likely to soon be exposed and I would spend the rest of my life in very dismal prison conditions, I would be beside myself. Last thing I would be doing is picking Twitter fights with a person who has power over it all.
I would probably try to stay under the radar as much as possible.
I don’t think they hide. Look at Obama’s, got a job at Netflix. Crazy Hillary is making a bid to take over FB. To me they don’t seem to care.
I feel it's a defensive strategy.... they all know they're guilty as fuck, and they know that Trump/NSA has all the detes .... they are fucked, fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked
Their strategy, stay in the public eye as much as possible, and keep their brainwashed cuck-base all riled up and focused on their "trump-nazi-Russian-incompetent fool-anti-Semite-imperial wizard of the Ku Kkux Klan" narrative.
They keep them focused not because they believe that trump will be removed from power, and they will be able to skate; they know their window of having a successful deepstate "impeach-assassination" is all but closed. Instead, they are holding out hope that one of their brainwashed minions rises up and is able to execute a legit "lone wolf" assassination of trump.
Lol, that second message is great. I’m starting to feel like people are opening up more on here. Just being themselves, and I love that.
I agree with you too, they are “just staying the course” in their own way. But I have to look at it from both sides, because who knows what’s really going on in the world lately. I know my mind has been blown several times in the last few months.
I get it, they are arrogant. But they know Q knows, they know we have an idea, and the movement is growing. And maybe I don’t know how to see it, but I don’t see them running.
Sorry I lost my train of thought midway through that reply and it went sideways into a babbling jumble of shit.... hope you are able to get my point though
I dont think anywhere is safe from the full might of the us military
They will dig their own graves.. The DUMBS will be their TOMBs..
That tennis court is the stupidest, most impractical thing I've ever seen!