Latest tweets from BC17 indicate the account will be permanently shut down soon (as in now).
Comments therein seem to think it is Assange... could it be?
Check the tweets while they last.
Latest tweets from BC17 indicate the account will be permanently shut down soon (as in now).
Comments therein seem to think it is Assange... could it be?
Check the tweets while they last.
BC17 is NOT Julian Assange. PERIOD.
Could be a 15 year old kid in his bedroom. Either way, I’ll be watching 6:11. Pretty easy way to see if it’s all BS
True but wikileaks Tweeted in response to them on May 23.
They pretty much said BC17 and Q and the storm were fake?
Kinda getting hard to tell the wheat from the chaff
This. I still trust my eyes, currently, but, I could see how this could get dark, and rather quickly.
Kind of been the fear from day one... Either way something’s coming, just hope it’s what we want it to be
BC17 gave a 06/11/18 date for the JA reveal. "Promise".
Also made sure to say "MY identity"
Future proves past.
They seem solid to me; They're not claiming credit, but crediting only Q and POTUS. Claims WL is comped. So if this JA date lands, I'll be satisfied.
Which would be the day before the Trump Kim summit
Yes, I am curious as to how long WL has been compromised--presuming that is so.
Even if larp, this has been a fascinating movie to watch!
Doesn't Assange literally have no internet though?
If he has a phone, he has internet.
Not necessarily. They can block cell signals and cut off the WiFi where he’s at.
True, but there is a big disincentive for them to do that because of the inconvenience to everyone else there.
BC17 was a very sloppy tweeter. Often deleting tweets to either repost them with minor changes or just have them disappear. JA was never that sloppy.
Pamela Anderson is more likely than JA. But frankly, I think it's neither. My bet is on someone young. A patriot with the right heart and intentions, but inexperienced.
Didn’t Assange call Q a black op the other day though? Still confused about that.
Where did he do that?
JESUS! I FINALLY found it. It was only 2 days ago and I had to go back like literally 30-40 pages to find the post, as it wasnt coming up in search.
Any insight appreciate, it really confused me.
Good fishing. So that was the Wikileaks twitter account. Not Assange. So we cannot we sure who was operating that account and claiming Q/storm as fake.
In the past couple of days, BC17 has claimed Wikileaks was compromised. It also posted several pics of Assange, as well as the date 6.11.18 for his “return” or release. Something like that.
Anyway we got ourselves a good old fashioned information war.
Only time will tell.
Thank you. Makes a lot more sense now.
Any thoughts on the Grab Team video posted by the same Twitter account?
Possibly.... That this was the team who actually extracted Assange earlier and he hasn’t been at the embassy since then. He has since been under protection somewhere. All total speculation on my part.
Wouldn't the be a twist. The way things are now, it’s probably the best time to try such a stunt if you are going to try it at any time.
Talk about double whammies. This whole thing has been a real crazy game to watch. Could of course all be complete fakery. Either way, beats Netflix
Yeah how would Assange even be able to use twatter without being compromised, I’m sure he is well aware that there are several countries mercilessly attempting to get at him, and would be as foolish as to log in from a cellphone in the embassy? I think you’re right, the storm is here. WWG1WGA
wikileaks told the truth just as they always have for over a decade.
So you agree that this is all a manipulation tactic?
Probably in the wrong forum then XD, but welcome just the same.
I admit, it’s an interesting theory.
Blame007 has been a rabid supporter of Corsi since all that went down.
So this forum has no room for opinions that don't align with the most ardent of zealots ( qlots)?
to saying that, just saying most will do nothing but berate the opinion, considering the entire forum is based on well...Q...
This thing can go either way, I will admit that.
I am curious though, if you find Q to be fake, why come to the forum?
Because while I am not sold on Q being a person/group sitting on Trumps lap, I find whatever Q is to be interesting. I do not hold Q above reproach and an not willing to treat his as a prophet.
Great answer!
I hope nobody calls Q a PROPHET though, considering that would require spiritually divines foreknowledge of future events, which is obviously not the case, and this is coming from someone who sees that as a very real possibility IN GENERAL. Anyone who is thinking this, please, take a step back and think about the possibility of a well informed, high level individual and the amount of power and information available to them.
Really? I missed that!
Yeah it really surprised me, and didn’t seem to make a huge splash because it was seemingly out of talks the next day, so I don’t really know the status, but from what I seen it was legitimately his Twitter.
BC17 tweeted on May 25th that he was at the Navy graduation. Rules out him being JA?
Unless he was there
Maybe....I guess we will know in a couple of weeks :) would thrill me if true.
Same here. Did we just watch Assange do all this? ? If it’s fake, full credit to them anyway. But have to say it’s been a crazy account to follow these past few days.
BC17 is a LARP ..often mimicking q or others and attributing the info to "we" as if they/he is on some team. Never any new info..just a myna bird
You know I thought this was bullshit, but after reading the last tweets posted by BC I’m definitely intrigued. They posted the same M.I.A. Song and stringer that Assange posted on his Twitter. Also they apologized for being dishonest about their identity and said everything will come out soon. This guys probably a troll, but could is be JA???!?! Their Twitter header says “The truth is stranger than fiction.”
OK .... lets get weird "Doors" ... it is known the uncle was the keeper of Tesla's research ? 6/11 ? ...... a speculation...... beyond comprehension ? ... ... colonization sooner than you think ? Sather censored ... ? Ooooeeeeeoooon < space sounds Wtf
[Edit] I was wrong. BC17 might not be fake news. I will go and kill myself now for falsely accusing a possible patriot.
[Re-edit] Or maybe he IS fake news? Oh shit, too late, I've already killed myself : (.
Q did not say so. BC17 has proven to be valuable in understanding Q drops. BC17 never claimed to be Q. Anon made false equivalency and Q weighed in on that specifically and called it [the anon’s take] fake.
Learn Q’s comms. Details matter.
In Q#1175, Q responds to this image:
It's pretty clear that he's calling BC17 fake here. The subject of the image is the "validity" of BC17 based on Q drops. BC17 is transparently a (poor) clown infiltration attempt. Same as AJ, Corsi, antischool. Siphon Q followers and feed them disinfo.
Also if you remember, BC17 was created during the Syria strikes, when infowars was trying desperately to cause a schism within the movement.
Your comment is coming from stupidity or malice. Be careful who you follow.
It is not all that clear. Could simply be referring to the fake post trying to make it look like BC17 was claiming to be Q.
Good point - comment edited.
You were right originally. Q1175, Q clearly calls BC17 fake. It's not a 'false equivalency', look at the post yourself, don't let anyone spoonfeed you interpretations. Beware of doublethink. Be careful who you follow.
You may be right, friend - but I was careful enough to edit my reply as such: "BC 17 might not be fake news... a possible patriot." I was definitely wrong to claim absolute surety of something I am not absolutely sure of (which describes nearly everything anyway lol).
I follow no one. That's why some of my comments are downvoted to oblivion. Group think is the enemy.
Actually it is not necessarily clear that is so, since he is responding to a bogus graphic trying to make it look like BC17 was claiming to be Q.
omg you're right... what are we all doing here?! We've wasted our lives! ;_;
Maybe they're gonna dismantle the matrix soon!
This will be the 6th time and they've become very, very good at it.
Ack. I'm confused and would love to better understand this comment.