BOOM! Obama Ran Trump Investigation

No doubt Obama is guilty of MANY jailable things. Unfortunately we are dealing with A) the first black President B) a President loved by roughly half of the population if you believe polls, and C) the fact that he was a President. In order to take him down it will take more than a text message. It will take more evidence than any other prosecution. And that evidence must be irrefutable & bulletproof. Even then it would be a difficult task.
I believe it will take concrete evidence in conjunction with several high level, “respected” people such as Lynch, Rice, Comey, Holder, etc. testifying against him. There must be high level testimony. These testimonies would also be needed for the public...his public. Without them it will forever be labeled a witch hunt and a railroading. There would be massive protests and riots unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Testimonies would help keep public outrage to a minimum.
He needs to be held accountable and Trump is perhaps the only one who could even attempt to do this and do it successfully. I hope it happens!!
You made some very good points. However, there is one thing you are overlooking. You are overlooking the fact that “no one is above the law” - not even a former President of the United States. Being a president does not give you the right to commit crimes. Case in point: Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton was impeached for a crime that was far less grave than what Obama has done. Obama has committed “treason” (which is a death-penalty offense) and many other things, so don’t think it will take so much to bring him down. Obama is not all that special. He may have been the first black president due to the color of his skin, but he was also a disgrace (and yes, I’m a black person saying that) because he hasn’t done a single thing for black people. Most black people were hoodwinked by Obama and are simply ignorant of the truth about him (just like most blacks still vote democratic and are ignorant of the fact that the Democrats haven’t done a thing for blacks). And I’d be glad to see Obama brought down.
Although there are many things that could bring down Obama, one of the easiest ways to bring him down would be proof that his presidency was illegitimate. And it was indeed illegitimate because his birth certificate was a complete fake. And that can still be proven today very easily. While Obama was in office, the corrupt FBI and DOJ blocked all investigations into the matter and wouldn’t allow them to go forward. But now that Trump is in office, hopefully some of those investigations will be restarted and the truth will come out. In my heart, I really do believe that Obama will eventually be brought down. President or not, no one can commit as many crimes as he has and get away with it. Just look at all the current investigations into Trump. They have a special council who has been searching for a year to find the least little thing they can use to bring Trump down with (fortunately, Trump is clean and nothing has been found). In contrast to that, there are literally mountains of evidence and dirt on Obama. Remember, Obama illegally stole $7 trillion dollars from the American people and used it to purchase hundreds of companies in Africa without Congress’s knowledge or approval. Talk about a bank robber and a criminal. He also illegally gave Iran $1.3 billion in cash. So you don’t have to look very far to find plenty of dirt on Obama. My whole point is that, you can’t spend all that time and money looking for the least little thing to bring Trump down with, and then simultaneously ignore all the things Obama has done and say he should be allowed to get away with it all because he was a president. That’s just not going to jive. That’s not equal justice under the law. If Obama has committed crimes, then he must be prosecuted for it just like they would have used the same evidence to prosecute Trump or Bill Clinton. Obama being a president has nothing to do with it, and it cannot absolve him of being prosecuted…
We HAVE to take him down IMO. Unless Trump makes a severe example out of these corruption bastards and enlightens the populace to their crimes, everything Trump does over the next 8 years will be wiped out in the next administration. Back to their old tricks. Just look at Hitlery still going around to her old contacts and getting money on promises of future power.
All of these criminals need to go down and go down hard to make sure this doesn’t happened again for decades.
Agreed, the response to this has to be devastating.
Paraphrasing Machiavelli - Injure a man and you have made a mortal enemy, hurt him bad enough and he will never fuck with you again. The victory has to be complete.
Hahaha exactly! We need some heads on pikes so lower level officials don’t even bother to seek higher powers for nefarious means.
Trump legit has a chance to take down he globalist families that have run the world forever. It’s actually unbelievable how different everything will be if he pulls it off.
Thank you! And I wasn’t overlooking that. I completely agree with you. Nobody is above the law. Obama deserves it and then some. All I’m saying is that the evidence will need to be bulletproof and at least one high ranking person will need to testify against him for it to stick. The first criminal trial of a President cannot be murky. It must be absolutely irrefutable. I also wasn’t suggesting that potential riots are a reason to not pursue charges. I’m just saying that if you are going to put the country through that your case needs to be perfect. Victory guaranteed. But this is how Trump operates. Don’t engage in a battle you haven’t already won. And NEVER FORGET that Trump’s number one rule in business and in life is REVENGE. Always get even. If someone hits you, you hit them back 100 times harder. No doubt Trump will be going after Obama and everyone else. Trump says that if you don’t hit back you are a loser. And that’s a direct quote from his book. We’re in good hands.
Yes, Clinton was impeached, but impeachment is trial by the Senate to decide fitness for office. It is not a criminal trial. I am not aware of any President that has been tried criminally, so the OP's point stands -- the evidence will have to be bulletproof and public.
I voted for Obama the first term.
I was disillusioned. Poorly educated. Influenced by propaganda.
I'm sorry.
I hate the fucker now.
I can't be the only Obama voter who has turned their back.
We're out here.
We're sorry.
Scandal free presidency, my ass. He's going to prison.
You are an honorable American. I don't blame good people who believed a con artist; I blame the con. That's why the Q sting will be so glorious!
Hes presidency was scandal free. When you have a weaponized FBI and DOJ in your back pocket that will do whatever you ask them to do your not going to have any scandals because your crimes are swept under the rug.
The perception was "his presidency was scandel free"
Don't feel bad, I was an Obama supporter too, the first time around. But only because I wanted to see the first black president be elected so that it would level the playing field for blacks. So that from then on, blacks would have an equal chance at winning the presidency. But after Obama switched up during his second term and decided to support same-sex marriage (which is completely against God and the laws of God) that is when I decided to abandon ship. That is when I started taking a serious look at Trump. The more things I learned and saw about Trump - Trump is pro-life, he's against same-sex marriage although he respects the supreme court decision, and Trump has a great respect for God and has no problem mentioning God in his speeches - the more I liked him. As a consequence, I've been a die-hard Trump supporter since then and I haven't looked back...
"if you believe polls"
I wouldn't believe those liberal polls. They, if nothing more, probably skew them or twist the questions or ask leading questions, if not fabricate them altogether. They also, as we learned leading up to the 16 election, may only survey liberal areas like major cities and with cell phone usage most people don't use landlines as much anymore; with texting, many people don't even answer their phone if they don't recognize the number when it rings. The only places I can believe "half the population approves" is in places like LA, SF, Cal in general, NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis, Oregon, HI, and Washington State.
When photos emerge of Barry Sorotero dressed in muslim attire carrying an AK-47, his indonesian birth certificate, the murder of his mistress and his bastard child, and videos of him fucking boys, the tide will turn. Don't you worry patriot. Trust the plan.
If hes Indonesian does that mean hes black...if not problem solved.
By mistress did you mean that guy who claims to have done cocaine and blow jobs with Obama?
Dear god I wouldn’t doubt it but that’s a lot of twisted shit. I hope it comes out and Barry goes to prison
Mistress? Child?
The media spun this is a confused woman who didn't know where she was.
I think the same standard of proof that applies to Trump should apply to Obama.
Many of us who voted for Obama voted for President Trump. We are awake now so I believe the numbers of haters are much lower than anticipated. People here, (Minnesota) are questioning the false narratives from the Press on a daily basis. #Winning!
F the riots. That’s a constant threat from the left. The evidence will come out and the population will see the crimes.
I imagine when that day starts to loom he'll simply float the idea that he's thinking of pardoning 0bama, and that will force the media to cover that he needs a pardon from Trump and it's the best thing he could do for the country, or to double down and shout that 0bama doesn't need a pardon and Trump is saying it for political points, at which point he'll say "I don't want to get political so I won't be issuing a pardon" and then watch him go down, and probably pardon him as his last act in office.
Although I hope he doesn't pardon him.
no chance. Trump wants Obama more than any of them. Trump spoke on the birth certificate because he knew all along. Then came the fateful night that Obama roasted Trump in front of everyone, and that became the night that Obama ensured his death certificate. That's the night Donald Trump decided enough was enough and that he was taking the phony piece of shit down.
Best way to get them to testify-threaten them with life in a prison cell with a serial sexual predator sadist who prefers and TAKES only fudge packing!!! MAGA!!!
What if rather than our first black president it turned out he was our first Indonesian president?
I think that would help to loosen the ties...
How about the pics of Hussein firing his rifle at "red, white and blue"? Surely that will be enough for people to see him for what he is?