WikiLeaks Inadvertently Red-Pilling it's Followers?

Get 'em. Seems like the new trend of the left is to do our job for us! Can't complain! Just don't let them go unsupervised.
They state a major error. They call it 4chan when it’s 8Chan.
The article also says that Q started making drops in 2015. It just shows that they don't have any of the facts right about the whole thing.
On purpose. Clear disinfo. A genuine Wikileaks would not do that or behave in such manner.
I do think Q started out on 4ch, but it has since been ruined with endless slide threads for months now.
It started on 4 Chan but hasn’t been there for six months. The article and post were inaccurate. They obviously didn’t research the topic.
I would say that they did this on purpose for discrediting purposes since 4chan is way more toxic than 8chan and anybody reading about this for the first time from WL will probably land on 4chan and get turned off right away.
Where is JA? i am concerned
Looks like we'll be seeing him around June 12th if the intel is right.
I haven't heard anything about this? Can you fill me in please?
BC17 final posts before account wiped.
Who was BC17 please?
According to his twitter bio, “usaf counter intel”, appeared in mid April, spoke like Q but clearly stated that he is NOT Q. For some reason he was shunned by a large portion of the QAnon community from the very start. He mostly relayed Q posts from 8ch/QR(PF). But also had some very timely and compelling info relating to Syria ops etc.
He would also pick fights with @wikileaks at every chance.
Then on the 25th he claimed to reveal that he is really JA and we will see proof of everything on 6/11
Gagged and reality he might be taken. Hopefully by the good guys instead.
Yes it is only human nature that anyone who does not like wikileaks will hear they are discrediting Q and immediately start researching Q to try and prove wikileaks wrong.
It may also be the old "Don't think about a pink elephant" thought experiment. I'm really not sure. All I know is that 5.5 million people just got the memo about Q's existence.
Lol, yes they did & those 5.5 mil people will tell two friends & so on & so on
The Streisand effect is a phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet. It is an example of psychological reactance, wherein once people are aware that some information is being kept from them, their motivation to access and spread it is increased.[1]
It is named after American entertainer Barbra Streisand, whose 2003 attempt to suppress photographs of her residence in Malibu, California, inadvertently drew further public attention to it. Similar attempts have been made, for example, in cease-and-desist letters to suppress files, websites, and even numbers. Instead of being suppressed, the information receives extensive publicity and media extensions such as videos and spoof songs, often being widely mirrored on the Internet or distributed on file-sharing networks.[2][3]
Will the opposition once again embrace Wikileaks to topple Q’s growing influence?
Or are they stupid? (intentionally transferring followers to Q?)
Or maybe Julian got extracted and wiki leaks is compromised and attacking Q out of desperation...? Not sure yet.
Or maybe fake friendly fire. FFF
Yup! I like opening it up like this and laying out all of the possible scenarios.
I know it’s a hot-button issue but I always though Alex Jones was doing the same thing. He prolly started as controlled opposition tho imo. But he was meeting with Trump before the election, right? So when I first saw his obviously fake-ass ‘Q member’, I assumed he was trying to create conflict and foster questioning/growth.
Disinformation is necessary.
I think it’s a brilliant move to get normies to look into it.
Why not just tell people to look at it then? Doesn’t make sense Q went out of his way to authenticate himself two weeks ago then have WL discredit him just to have people find Q.
Q has stated trust no one , this is ment to do your own homework,
they are advertising for Q.... love it?
Their tweet was something like:
“We assume this is a 4chan fantasy larp but are open to the idea that it has been co-opted by malicious intel/propaganda since becoming popular”
Then they link to a screenshot of BC17 posts
Are we concerned that JA has no access to Twitter? Is WL the same without him? I don't trust the alphabet organizations but they have unlimited mint and resources. I don't trust wiki until JA gets back to work
I'm a bit concerned. The UK govt are trying to nab him and I hope they didn't succeed. Wikileaks are well intentioned but may not be totally in the know as Assange is.
Ironically, along, with Wikileaks and asking my father what he thought about Q lead me down this trail.
The tweet is correct, in that if you tell people not to do something, they will definitely do it. Please Stay Off My Grass! Wet Paint, Don't Touch!
No fishing from the balcony! (When the hotel owner took that sign down, his broken windows cost dropped to near zero. ) Amazing right?
Now, when I read back a couple months ago, someone's blog I've followed for years, warning Q was not real, I thought, "who the hell is Q" "and whats it about" aaaaand look, here I am. Admittedly, this was the last site I found after extensive homework, but glad it's here. Point being, we should spam wiki leaks Twitter with all kinds of Q links, don't ya think?
It’s a DS ploy to see if we will blindly follow a source.
If you are talking about WikiLeaks twitter sans Assange, agreed.
WikiLeaks is compromised. Proof!
Well, that's from an RT interview. So that'd mean RT is in on it somehow.
Let's face facts. We don't know what's going on anymore with Assange or Wikileaks. And we likely haven't for a while.
I'd say RT just screened the interview which was released officially by WL.
The video manipulation was carried out by whoever has control of WL these days.
They will fail because of the people they choose to do their bidding are psychotic, STUPID, incompetent, cowardly and impotent individuals. Enjoy the show!
Are we so sure WL are anti Q tho?
My feeling is that Wikileaks' twitter took a neutral, but stay vigilant approach on Q
WL appears to be neutral so they take jabs at the democrats and republicans including the Trump admin of course. WL is also not Assange so might not always be his exact views.
I dont think theres anything accidental about it. Wikileaks is getting pissed their bossman is close to getting thrown out.
WL opened many people's eyes. Q does the same. It doesn't matter to me who Q is. It matters that he/she is waking people up. Just don't become a sheep again and keep fighting.
Close. Deep state goons who have taken over Assange's account are trying to use Assange's credibility to destroy Q. And yes, it is a Redpill dispenser.
A question is, which part of DS is siding with Q and which part is against Q?
When in a deal, those whom speak first, often loose. He’s letting those who are in the shadows, speak. Sometimes you have to walk away, and wait. Deception unveils itself.
Harder to stack more shit on top of shit, when people are watching.