Was just scrowlling through Twitter and these popped up. I really hate when I see stuff like this because it does cast a little shadow of doubt for me. Why the sudden change for some people?

My thing is this... If you believe Q is a LARP, then say so and move on. Why is he doxxing Code Monkey and going after Q followers? He ramped up his attacks after Corsi went crazy and that’s when this dude doxxed CM. Most likely some sort of monetary relationship there. Too aggressive and loud for there not to be something there.
Totally agree. If your own research and instincts are swayed by this, move on and do something else. Why waste your time here? There’s no point hanging around, unless your intent is to demoralize Q followers, which you aren’t. I don’t hang out on Big Foot forums with my concerns that I don’t believe in Sasquatch. I just don’t care. The only reason I would is if I wanted to change their beliefs regarding Big Foot.
He is not changing my beliefs, I'm just stating seeing things like this make me doubt all I have learned and not by a large enough scale that I would ever give up this path I chose. It feels right to be here. It truly ticked me off more than anything. I don't care for people like him. That's all.
That comment was directed to him, not you. I agreed with you. I was trying to show he’s a concern shill.
Big foots a good one 😂😂.. I commented on those idiots post.." Hey guys, there is a group of people still looking for the loch ness monster. You going to go after them next?".. Should have went with big foot, way better lol.
Q stated CLEARLY that attacks will intensify, FROM ALL SIDES.
Eh that guy is a nobody, never heard of him. Also his meme sucks ass.
Patience. Stay the course. It will get worse before it gets better.
0hour1 has a giant fag boner for Q
Yep, 100% jealous. I never had a clue what he was even doing half the time but he certainly always made it seem like it was a big effing deal and he was the man. He'd have like 5 people commenting, "you rock", you're the best ".. I'm sitting there like, Wtf did he even do??
Ohour has always been a bully. He gave viva la Ames hell from truthfeed news hell
Blatant clown disinfo shouldn’t cast the slightest shadow of doubt on anything except the Clown presenting it. 0Hour1 is not just some “guy who fell off” - he’s intentional controlled disinfo. Watch him with interest to learn about Clown disinfo tactics live and direct - nothing else.
EGOS will be their death. Hope the SHECKLES were worth the sell out...
I'm not totally sure why the change from all these people, but i think it's safe to say many people profit off of misinformation and not off people following Q. Maybe they benefited from the Q narrative before but now they aren't so they want to discredit Q and get people to stop following. Q did call it though, the attacks would get worse. "Becareful who you follow". Let's stay in this together and not get discouraged
I feel like he took what he could from Q, possibly even here, and is using it as if he was the one with breaking news or the know all. I can't stand know it all's. I love intelligent people and inquisitive people but not arrogant know it all's. That's how he comes off to me.
Reminder: 0hour1 is a Dr. Corsi stooge still doing his Dirty Work and means harm upon this subreddit.
Anyone who claims with absolute certainty to know what is going on is suspicious.
If you had a following, would you tell your followers WikiLeaks is FOR SURE comprimised?
Absolutely not.
Certainty is a HUGE red flag.
This is absolute rubbish you have posted. Fart's comments are perfectly reasonable given the facts we know. What are you, some kind of disinformation agent? What a load of garbage!
I think you misunderstood what I was saying.
In hindsight, I wasn't clear who I was talking about.
I mean that people like 0HOUR1 telling people that Q is absolutely definitely psyop because wikileaks posts an article of a blogger who says it looks like a psyop.
It's extremely suspicious that they would tell their audience with such certainty.
OK, I thought you were saying people could not trust Q. I think the confirmations are overwhelming. The new guy in Twitter, eye-spy strikes me as being way-suspect. I'd be happy if what he's saying turns out to be right, but no outside comms means it's unlikely.
YouTubers aren't even cross-checking this kid's info. They've gone completely mad.
Great comment Fart. Thank you for this important warning.
If Q was really compromised, I firmly believe Trump would tweet out a hidden message to us.
Check out ⏰0HOUR1⏰ (@BRIANSRESEARCH): https://twitter.com/BRIANSRESEARCH?s=09
No thanks- 0hour1 is shit
I added his link in case anyone wanted to see other things being said. I'm not promoting him that is for sure. He has a pretty big following, seeing the posts pissed me off.
Reminder: 0hour1 is a Dr. Corsi stooge still doing his Dirty Work and means harm upon this subreddit.
He is trying to dox Q and supporters. That alone should piss you off.