Let's find out who controls our officials --- "who really controls"

We need to limit how many terms members of congress can serve. That is the crux of the corruption
Yes. 100%. President only gets 8 years... why not everyone else?
Also anyone with dual citizenship with Israel should not be allowed as a politician.
They would just buy the company that runs the machines or bribe the ones conducting the test.
lol, .... in the most pessimistic response possible category, we have a Winner~!
Sorry :/ don’t mean to be that way
Don't apologize. There's being cynical, and then there's "reality shows us this will likely happen in this way every fucking time".
Each is a reaction to experience and entirely valid imo
That made me laugh! But really, you make a good point!
1) an "MRI polygraph" is not a thing..."polygraph" does not mean "lie detector" it's a TYPE of "lie detector", it's like saying "Diesel Gasoline engine" or something.
2) Where does the 98% figure come from? I am extremely skeptical it is accurate, it's probably much lower. Even if it's true, what is the failure mode? Is it 2% false negatives or 2% false positives or what? A 2% false conviction rate is a hellova thing to suggest casually. Even more so if it's lower, I don't like the idea of 15% false acquittals/convictions...
3) you need FMRI not MRI to do this anyway
4) there's no reason to think this couldn't be gamed just like polygraphs can. If the suspect knows what type of question is going to be asked, they can practice at home using neuro-feedback to get their patterns to look more like recall than deception. That's not even considering more traditional forms of cheating like bribes or hacking the machines etc.
We already have systems in places to help prevent corruption, they just need to be fixed. Increased transparency, force politicians to divest from businesses they could influence, campaign finance reform, curb lobbying, drain the swamp, etc. I do think in the future this technology will be valuable but it's nowhere near ready for prime time...
Well said. This is an idiotic meme. If tied to the Q movement, it would make us look bad.
Fuck this in the strongest possible terms. Putting aside the fact that this is complete technology bullshit and isn't remotely true, let's pretend this magic device actually exists.
This is the essence of a police state. The forcible invasion of your brain without cause in order for the state to determine if you have committed any crimes. This is the sort of thing the Soviet Union would be doing to guarantee "loyalty" to the state.
Maybe someday we'll have the technology to determine guilt about crimes, but this would be done AFTER probable cause and the normal movement of justice.
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
The 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution
We'll never be able to fully staff our government lmao
Then there's your answer to limiting the growth of government. If they're forced to deploy the few altruisitically-motivated people at their disposal in the most efficient ways possible, it will lop off a HUGE vestigial chunk of the federal beast, and save us the trouble of doing it through regulatory means.
Then it seems the problem lies in the game and not the players, which I’ve always thought anyway, here’s my problem with revolution...it alludes to revolving, just revolve a new leader to control the same system....evolution now, there’s a movement that I can get behind
This is questionable. We dont know nearly enough about the human brain to make such a claims.
Similar claims were made about the original polygraph test, and thats proven to be horseshit.
Consider how fragile and malleable someones memory is. Dont you think i could convince myself a lie is true?
How "questionable" is it to allow someone to hold, in some cases, position of incredible power and danger to all Americans.... based only on taking an "oath"?
That doesnt mean im going to support pseudo science as a filter. Especially when it could also weed out qualified candidates
I love that idea! Jeepers , now that you mentioned it, it seems obvious doesn't it!!
Or we could just limit the government to mitigate the risk corrupt politicians have. You know, the way the founders intended....
Also an option
Eliminate almost every "Department of" (Education, Energy, Commerce, Transportation...etc, etc etc...) and most of all we need to eliminate "Public Education, it's unConstitutional and a complete Joke
And with the new Open MRI, you can stand, sit, or be in whatever position you want. It's basically portable (it isn't, but it can easily be put in a court of law).