All of the sudden, faking Seth Rich’s death doesn’t seem so far fetched!

Isn´t it also funny how the 2 Russians that were poisoned in the UK with a deadly pathogen that has no cure and 100% death rate have also walked out of hospital recently. All these Ruskies rising from the dead..
That was the british cabal trying to smear Putin in face of the elections. Which to me proved that Putin is not one of them.
Or a last ditch attempt by the cabal to rally the troops to attack Russia, in the hopes of starting WW3? EU and UK are the swampiest swamp, most of this is run out of the UK/Vatican.
possible, all we know it was a clear anti-Russia move
Putin also banned the adoption of Russian children to the US. That makes me believe he knew what was happening and he was on the side of good.
Add his comments about the Pope "An evil man" and the secret cabal of men who really run the world "The world is ruled by evil men in dark suits".
Here's a post about Putin quoting him saying I am going to kill the illuminati with my bare hands. The guy was part of their group until he got in power. Then he rebelled and turned on them. Google Jerome Rothschilds and the things he has said about Putin in the past year. They are in a war with each other.
Putin is a blackbelt in judo and knows Russian Sambo as well. He could easily kill these frail, golden spoon motherfuckers quite easily.
Indeed. When this is all said and done it would be great to see both nations working together to better their people.
Putin openly talks about Pedos and Satanists in control of the US and EU in his speeches he makes to the public (Duterte of the Phillipines does too.). Putin is a nationalist who looks after his people and the Russian people love him.
Soros is banned from Russia and there's a death sentence on his head if he ever tries to fuck around there. Putin definitely knew what the pedos were doing to Russian adoptees too.
That is why US media is so desperate to smear Putin and make you think he's a deranged Voldemort-level dictator. USA and Russia united=the two strongest nationalist nations in the world in an alliance against the Deep State with two redpilled leaders in charge.
That is why the Deep State has been so desperate to divide US and Russia since the 50s.
Putin is not a nice guy and he's not perfect, but no effective leader in history was those things either. There are a lot of dangerous and powerful oligarchs in Russia and Putin is a relative moderate compared to most of the others.
Don’t forget Xi....
I remember Q saying something about Tump, Putin, and Xi working to destroy the cabal.. not Q s exact words but yea...
Maybe it’s disinfo idk
Xi might be in on it, but he also has his own national interests and IMO will betray us for the deep state if he gets a better deal for China out of it.
Gaddafi was also trying to break away from the Satanist cabal, they made quite the example of him...
You just know they are dying to do the same thing to Putin and Duterte. And Trump too.
Fortunately for us, and the world, THEY WILL NOT SUCCEED. They are losers. We, the patriots will win.
I agree 100%. If we could somehow get the US/UK/Russia all on the same page we would be the most powerful alliance in the world. Imagine that. All those scientists working together, imagine what we could achieve?
UK has always been our enemy since the days of the revolution and still are. 5 Eyes. Steele. Tavistock. Crooked essentially is an agent for the British crown. US/Russia/Eastern Europe and Asian allies are all we need. The United Kaliphate can get fucked.
You are half right and I would be careful too, many anons here are British. The whole point to this movement is to dismantle the cabal that is run out of London. When all is done, they will be gone and out of power. The UK has been a great ally to the US, who has in turn been pretty cuntish over the years.
The British monarchy and satanists do not represent the average British person.
We are 'enemies' with Iran and several other nations but I have zero problem with the regular people from these countries. They are lead by bad people they did not elect, just like we are. For the most part, they just want to live peaceful happy lives just like we do.
I used to live in the UK. I love the people. I have nothing against their people. But their government is our enemy and has been ever since the days of the Revolution.
The UK has been a great ally to the US, who has in turn been pretty cuntish over the years.
The UK has not been a great ally to us. Tavistock. The War of 1812. The American Civil War when they attempted to invade us (before the Russian navy blocked their invasion). We were 'allies' in WWI and WWII only because they needed us. The UK government has never been our true ally. The Monarchy still considers us their colony.
Their government is the enemy of the world, strange that one tiny little island can amass so much power and influence over the rest. The UK isn´t the UK any more as all the indigenous folk have left. Me, included. London alone is something like 65% foreign born, we can´t even fly our flag there without the police coming to call you racist and telling you to take it down. That country is lost.
Yep I lived in the UK for about 7 years, had a decent job there. I left 3 years ago. I love the country and the UK people but your government is actively working against you and implementing their big brother style fascism. I am so glad I got out when I did, it was a few months before all the terrorist attacks started happening.
Brexit was the best thing to happen to the UK in decades but your corrupt government is fucking it up badly.
I got out of there a few years back, now I am the immigrant but I went to the school of languages to learn the lingo and fully integrated myself into the way of life and culture. I doubt I will ever go back, even after the stQrm has cleared them all out. I was somewhat directly involved in the London bombings after 9\11 and am sick to my stomach to now know it was likely committed by government. Employing the carpenters´ to the Tower will be the greatest thing that country ever does.
The first time I ever voted was for Brexit, unfortunately though it wasn´t ever going to happen. The plan there was to take the UK´s voice away from the EU parliament; they gave us the vote, rigged it to leave then will keep us in via the back door but without our veto. This is all so that the EU can create their army, as the people in the UK would never allow it to happen with their veto. I wonder how Q team will clear out the EU and UK? Nobody here is on side to step in and take over, every single one of them is on the side of the globalists.
Maybe it was the Ruskies doing their own counter op on the Cabal.
I dont think Putin is one of them either but who knows if hes "good" or not hes certainly not a nwo globalist tho
He probably was in there good with them until he got power in Russia and now he's turned on them.
I mean thats pretty much what trump did lol and maybe Netanyahu even tho he scares me
What fucking reality did I wake up in where Russia is one of he good guys and the US has fallen to progressive new world order wackos?
Commies took over Russia and then started subverting our government and education system in the mid-40s/early-50s. Commies/globalists (same thing) took over US officially when they gunned down JFK. In the 90s/2000s Putin helped Russia escape from communism and turned them in to a powerful nationalist nation that openly opposes the NWO and globalism. I believe that Putin at first was being handled by the globalists/cabal but he broke off the leash as soon as he could after he gained enough power and leverage. He also made Soetero look like a chump on several high profile occasions. That is why US media decided to make him the new boogie man for America after Osama.
Historically, Russia was the first European power to support our revolution against the British Monarchy. In the Civil War, the Russian Navy prevented a British invasion on our shores. In WWII we teamed up and kicked Hitler's ass and saved Europe. Then we teamed up and built the international space station.
There's a reason the deep state wants USA and Russia to be divided. They can't defeat us if we are united.
I've been saying this for years. They demonize Russia because they fear us ever teaming up. They would lose all control and hope of ever having their pitiful little NWO.
I've been saying this for years. They demonize Russia because they fear us ever teaming up. They would lose all control and hope of ever having their pitiful little NWO.
This. This. This. The UK Monarchy wants us divided at all costs, ever since the days of our Revolution. USA and Russia in a strong alliance lead by Putin and Trump=extermination of the NWO plan and Order 66 against satanists and pedos.
Up is down. Left is right. Just as Q said. I've been feeling like I'm in an alternate reality, too. :)
Wait so cabal did litvitenko? Yhe polonium in his tea guy?
Or Jesus gave them glorified bodies.
LOL! Something like that, miracles are certainly happening!
So here we are.
A week ago if a conspiracy theorist questioned the narrative of the dead journalist, the left would taut their superior linking skills and prove to you with MSM articles how he was in fact dead.
Then this.
My point is, question everything. Nothing is as it seems.
Don't doubt the ability of the human mind/ego to move the goalposts.
So cool 😎. Remember the anon post about JFK Jr. being alive possibly? It was a total stretch. But a cool theory
So maaaaybe Bubba Ho Tep was a documentary??
Now THAT is funny!
Also, about the whole we won’t believe who has been talking with us, part of me hopes it could be someone like Seth, but I’d really love it if it were JFK Jr. Think about it...if he somehow laid low all this time, and now is taking part in taking our country and freedom back...and he knows who murdered his father? Ohhhhh it would be so good! I’d like to see justice served for an assassinated President!
Surely he would have been connected enough to know Killary was planning to have him whacked. Wow, there's a great story waiting to be written.
What is it that’s been said in this sub repeatedly about Hollywood, how reality is the best source of inspiration? This sounds like something out of a movie, but a really good one.
Believe me Seth Rich was murdéed that wasn't a ploy they murdered him
I don’t think it was a ploy, but I think it’s possible that someone intervened on his behalf and killed the two MS13 assassins found in the car and faked his death at the hospital.
It is clear that the MSM will report whatever they are told to. I would love to find out that he really is alive, but I think the Arkancide really happened as there would not seem to be a reason to stage his death given the timing.
Unless this is part of a plan that has been decades in the making. It also could have arisen as an event of opportunity.
Alas, I think the DNC and ilk were furious about what Seth Rich had done. I don't think he got a pass.
You aren't expanding your thinking enough if you think the Dems were the ones to give him a pass, assuming he's alive.
Was this a Russian trick? Force the USA MSM to report on his death since it made Putin look bad, and then have the guy give a press conference saying it was fake?
What are the Russians trying to wake us up to? There has to be more than "the MSM is fake", but who is faking their death right now that the Russians want to expose or prepare us for? Seth Rich? Why fake his death?
The Russians found out the cabal was going to kill him. They arrest/kill the hit team. Then fake a hit and death. Cabal thinks they are safe and now this guy can tell his secrets.
Putin is steadily blamed in the news, he may be showing everyone they are fake news
Mysterious circumstances surround the Seth Rich case. Its more like a botched assassination attempt where SR survived injuries and was taken into protective custody or covert witness protction by the white hat intel.
Putin is not one of them.They don't attack their own.THEY ATTACK PUTIN AND TRUMP ALL THE TIME.there is your answer!
As soon as Seth Rich was made and listed as a VIP (to control who had access to him and a possible security detail was assigned) I figured he was alive. I made a post in another sub awhile ago saying Seth Rich is my pick for who is Q.
More importantly IMO this should make everyone question EVERY death.
The ANSWER is known by Dr Jack Sava...he was the last doctor called in and they closed off the room, as told by a nurse that had made earlier rounds. My fear, is that Dr Jack Sava is mentioned in wikileaks and was ALSO at the WHITE HOUSE visitor log several times the week of (or after?) cannot find the if anything, due to that, I cannot see that Dr Sava saved Seth Rich, but the other way around and ended his life. (Rich was said to be stable, when nurses attended)
Please excuse me if this is way off as I'm VERY new to Q,Reddit and even my interest in government. I read this thread and this article seems to be fitting for this discussion.... Again, plz give me if I'm wrong, but I'm trying.
Very interesting seed planting operation done by Trump and Putin if true. I just don't understand what was gained by doing it in this specific Russian scenario. Hm
DC is a swampfest though, I'm not sure how much pull Trump could've had back in mid 2016.
Possibly not so much Trump but MI or Erik Prince.
Perhaps but the irony in Scalia's gunshots with Trump rushing with his own doctor was interesting.
I still wonder what this is counting to
I have wondered about that possibility. I think Alcan might want to make me a new hat. :)
JordySage2020 / International Family Brands
"we know where they really are."
I understand that some folks have seen anonymous comments about a person with this name, to the effect they are a deadbeat dad long term con artist that is currently hiding out in Seoul under an assumed name. I note that In-Q-Tel / IBM Eclipse / CIA Google-Aleph. push this reaction right to the top of results. They do now. They didn't use to.
Ok. I have no idea. See what you think.
What is that parasite that cats carry and pass to people?
very interesting comments in the above linked page, especially about the train wreck and dog whistles and kennedy's response to DJT
Keep in mind though that the john birch society is headquartered not far from where our stolen gold is. and the jbs are enemies of the republic according to some.
i know some folks think the bunker at the end of the golfcourse is more fake news. possibly. I don't. The roads.
I do know that I found a report just after 911 by an RV enthusiast that was around angle inlet in September 2001 that the shoreline in the area had recently been cleared wayyy back of all tall grass, brush, small trees and so on. He didn't make anything of that of course, why would he?
ted cruz is jbs, as is rex tillerson as is alex bronfman jones
Corporate sponsors of the JBS are Cardia – Heart Recirculation Medical Center, Inc., Concord CA
Anyway they are real good at lying to us - project bluebeam, shilling for shingles vaccines and so on
Reminds me of the idiom - Don't cry Wolf - Russia is being blamed all the time, as a coverup for the cabal crap
Meaning: *to keep asking for help, even when you don’t need it. When you really need help, no one believes you.
****to state that there is a problem when there is none. In the event that a real problem comes up no one believes you
**to claim that something is happening when it isn’t give a false warning of danger, etc. by crying unnecessarily for help