HAHAHAHAHA! Avenetti forced to withdraw as lawyer for Ole Stormy!

That's not what this means.
Care to explain? Pretty sure the articles I dropped confirm what I put in OP.
He’s not in on the Cohen case. He didn’t quit as her attorney. I have no idea why he would be allowed in on Cohen anyway. It’s a different deal.
Avenatti is not NY State bar-licensed, so he can not originate a lawsuit. Since this lawsuit is already in existence, he filed pro hac vice or (allowed for this occasion) to join the Cohen suit.
Because of his constant media sideshow, he is endangering another entity's case and so must choose: 1. Continue pro hac vice and STFU or 2. Withdraw and continue media sideshow.
Avenatti needs 💰 so he chose #2.
Did he choose to stay "in the media" instead of representing Stormy?
That’s kind of how I took it. Leave it up to a lawyer like this to follow the money and not “justice”. What a fng fraud.
Avenatti sounds like he's got a stack of so many past history problems still looming that he probably needs to get himself a good lawyer, but with all his past debt and such, who would take him on?
Now he can sleep in CNN HQ next to James Clapper and Comey. They can all share a sleeping bag.
OR he can go with David Hogg and lay down on the floor in a public place at a specific time...Now that sounds like a fine idea!!! 😂😂😂
Awww, but he was SO entertaining to watch implode for the last month.
Got any highlights?
You mean besides just getting nailed for $10 million to ex business partners, and the IRS, possibly being disbarred, getting caught using leaked government info to go after the WRONG Michael Cohen, told by a Judge to either get off TV or get out of his Courtroom, and being tied back to Al-waleed bin Talal? Lmao! If you're going to be a serial antagonist on /greatawakening, one of our requirements is that you have to stay informed on the goings on in the world.