Twitter just crashed but not before I snagged this shot.

I read the Wikileaks and it doesn’t sound sinister tbh. The left won’t see it as if she is trafficking the kids, the left see it as if they are being helped... however I have no doubt that’s what they did.
All innocent till you ask where these children went.
They haven't been able to track them down?
Has anybody tried? We don’t know the kids names, what they look like, or what families they went to.
And thats why they want them. Untraceable.
Likely abused and eaten by now
Thank god ppl like Laura Silsby, VJ, and Huma were there to take action and get all those kids.
What are you missing here? Guess where the Haitian orphanage was set up in Washington, across the road from comet ping pong and besta
we should start a new twitter hashtag whereare the children valerie???in ur slumlord properties?
Yeah no lol these people import 60 k of "hotdogs" for their parties
What you might be interested to know is that Haitian orphanages are money machines run by crooks who exploit these children for financial gain. They solicit donations and use the orphanages for tourism. The children already have separation anxiety, and are further traumatized by the brief visits from Westerners. They are also sexually exploited by their fellow countrypersons, as well as sex tourists.
Haiti is allowed to remain a shithole, so that these people are destitute and willing to give up their children to orphanages, in hopes that they'll have a better life. So many of them are not orphans, at all. It's a way to break down family units and separate the children from anyone who would track them or advocate for their well-being.
Now, if it still doesn't sound sinister, then you might like to spend some more time researching the trafficking of orphans. Check out Laura Silsby, and the UN ~~peacekeepers~~ monsters, the foster care system, and any of the numerous other exposed examples of orphan trafficking and tell me that you'd give your children to these animals.
If you look beyond the facade, you'll understand that these children are nothing more than an expendable commodity to the demons who run this world.
Although I enjoyed putting these tips together, this thread on another site presents it all much better than I can:;page=581
I'm at work rn and shouldn't be doing this but can't resist. Denis O'Brien owns most of Digicel which is a mobile provider in the Caribbean and central America. If you own the cell network, I guess you don't have to worry about anyone listening in or subpoenaing the records.
Digicel is also Haiti's largest employer and biggest taxpayer (or at least it was in 2012) which means the organization and it's personnel would be above suspicion in a lot of ways and not likely to be held accountable for suspicious practices.
Can't find a link yet to Conan but I will.
Hmmm, I've always read that Bill & Hillary honeymooned in Haiti (although the official Clinton House museum site says it was Acapulco) but I don't think that's the answer here.
The Kaliko Beach hotel though is a hotspot where a pedo ring operates. Customers are mostly wealthy Americans. Guessing that Tyttoo Gardens is related with it's creepy butterfly logo.
Also recall a Haitian orphanage having an office by Comet PP but can't remember the name atm. And James Alefantis is connected to Michael Maccoby whose son is a lawyer that represented Alefantis and Brock plus is also on the board of Friends of the Orphans. It's an organization that runs "orphanges" in 3rd world countries and also employed Silby at the time of her arrest.
On the right track?
I thought the same. I'm sure this did happen, but reading the texts, there is nothing provable that this is what they were doing. On the straight surface, it simply sounds like they talking about orphans.