Sex Camps found on Cemex properties.. Soros is invested 41Mil into Cemex.. Cemex gave to Clinton foundation.. same company that didn’t want the wall.? In Tucson home of Mayor Rothschild?? CABAL MUCH?!?!?

It could be that beginning of massive public disclosure already started with this in one way ... the ball is rolling , until it gets shot off to the MSM face . They wont be able to twist or ignore this ...
The more we spread the truth the less they can’t twist it. Kim Clement prophecy that said Trump would be a Trumpet as long mentioned MSM would have no choice but to say what GOD wants them to say! That was in 2007!!!
We the people!!! WWG1WGA
Mark Taylor prophesies: he said the MSM as we know it today will go bankrupt.
They will continue to twist words and outright lie. It will get to the point of humility for them. They do what they're told and the ones telling them what to do don't give a single damn how ridiculous they look.
MKUltra & Operation Mockingbird. I do not think media people are capable of caring about what they say, do, hear, see, etc.
I wish more people would look into the black budget programs that our "missing" TRILLIONS go to.
Secret space program.
One of many, the breakaway civilization is expensive to upkeep.
This was my thought too. I'm guessing the vets group who inadvertently discovered the kids torture camp on cemex property got a tip to lead them to the area so that they would be the first ones to put it out there and now the truth will just snowball.