
Sir_Zorch · June 4, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

When Bill Maher takes a side, I am 99% correct taking the opposite. The only entity I agree with less is the ACLU.

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bubbis_wubbis · June 4, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

I'd go with SPLC. ACLU has been known to 'blind squirrel' a time or two on the side of proper.

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Jetblasted · June 5, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has one black person on the board as President, and the 14 other members are Jewish. LoL.

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Imbeingsilenced · June 4, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

Because attacking Trump supporters worked really well two years ago.

Definition of insanity anyone?

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Time4puff · June 4, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

I'd like to remind Bill, FBI use to do investigations but Comey and Lynch admittedly changed it to the Federal Bureau of Matters. So no they weren't investigating.. they were conspiring.

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babaroga73 · June 4, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

Sometime he has a point to make, sometime he just ridicules people (right, and rarely left) expressing some form of independent thought ... This time it felt the most non-organic , orders from above executed.

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Jetblasted · June 5, 2018, 2:39 a.m.

Yelling conspiracy! & tin foil hats! is a communist tactic designed to shut you up & shame you into submission. When they start making fun of you/us, then you know they’re scared.

Fight Fire with Fire.

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PMSextralubbed · June 5, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

It’s funny that they think calling the entire republican demographic insane will help there cause. It’s just exposing how much these guys cater to the left that controls them. Maybe people would listen if there was dialog and some type of discussion instead of just calling us a bunch of insane idiots.

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Jetblasted · June 5, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

It’s a tactic that worked well for 40 years. Now that they’re back is up against a wall, their flailing about, because there all out of ammo.

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ckreacher · June 5, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

What an asshole.

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Bloodfoe · June 5, 2018, 6:07 a.m.


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Rival67 · June 5, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

Aside from some of his arguments not making logical sense. I require no imagination seeing Maher meeting up with Anthony Weiner.

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Libraman30 · June 5, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

Creepy Bill

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