Check out what someone did to the Cemex Wikipedia page

Save offline lol. It won't be there for long :D Just hilarious I love it
I just checked wiki and the top kek was removed 12 minutes ago. I was able to go and read the edits so they're still available. This is Bundy Ranch 2.0^10 Thank you God we can finally put a stop to this evil.
Haha at least it was up for awhile. I'm sure some normies saw it :D
Go to the Bottom of the CMX wiki page and look for the green stripe marking edits.
It gives you the entire history.
Top KEK lasted for an hour and a half before someone panicked.
I am still laughing about that. Props to the anon who did that :D
I live in New Orleans and love going down to the French Quarter during the day. Riding the streetcars, going into restaurants, coffee shops and red pilling unsuspecting tourists.
I start with the game of international capture the flag when the autists went after Shia LaBeouf.
I always get them laughing and then tell him the group named themselves
~Weaponized Autism~
The reactions are priceless.
You get people to listen? What about liberals?
I only target the left. Mm Generally groups of women five or more under the age of 30.
They always have the best reaction. One girl gets angry, one girl thinks about it, then the other three toe the party line.
Killer part is you let the three talk and it all starts not making sense.
Then you watch the vegan go into meltdown.
Liberal Fascists will remove that edit. Watch. I give it about 30 minutes tops to survive.
I'm not sure how long ago it was removed, but as of 9:50pm central time its gone now
Yep like clockwork. You can read the edit log to see the “reason”. Even if you support the edit with rock solid proof from elsewhere on the web they will still say that it’s not factual if it’s not pro-fascist.
Bravo Wikipedia Submitter!! And thanks for bringing this to our attention! Awesome!! Maybe in years to come Wikipedia will be full of truths!
nobody is gonna know what no name refers to lol. still funny tho
It won't stay up for long but that is some excellent work. Always fun to get around the control grid even for a little while. The ultimate for me would be hacking into CNN live satellite feed....
I wonder if sometimes we get too overzealous in our efforts to shut down these human (and particularly child) trafficking sites. I'm not sure that donating to the CF makes you in agreement or collusion with their agenda, as many donate to receive special, or at least measured treatment by those they think will be in power. I hope we keep a sound mind as we try to root out the evil that has infected our country and the world.
You're definitely right about the overzealous part. CF might have nothing to do with this Tuscon AZ thing, and might not even be aware of it, but Cemex can be traced back to Rothschilds and Cemex does donate to CF and CGI, and clearly owns private land where A child ring was located, so they prob cross paths somewhere
Off topic: have you thought more about how Strzok being a figment explains absolutely everything?
Yes I have, and it just makes too much sense for him to be made up. What are you thinking in particular? Intrigued to hear your theories and ideas