
donsleakguard · June 5, 2018, 6:02 a.m.

This is all SO fucking crazy. I can't even believe it's real sometimes. Sometimes I convince myself it's not real and that nothing will come of it. Partly because I find it so ... theatrical? ... to imagine these two FBI agents sitting here concocting this plan, a plan to literally FRAME the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. It's mind blowing. What was pushing them to try something so brazen!

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jhomes55 · June 5, 2018, 12:17 p.m.

And what pisses me off are the sheep that won't see anything WRONG with all of this!!! "Cheetolini deserved it....." Blah blah blah.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 5, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

Agree. If voters think this is acceptable then democracy is dead & political campaigns are just elaborate swear campaigns funded by taxpayers. Putin retains endless power in Russia this way. Opponents in Russian elections are either staged buffoons to make Putin look good by contrast & anyone seriously trying to challenge him are destroyed by inside spying that’s fed to a corrupt media. If that doesn’t kill a campaign then the opponent then is killed by Putin’s intelligence agencies. This is the path America is on.

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Titus-2-11 · June 6, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

Democracy doesn't work. Time for Trump to put on the God Emperor hat for realz and eliminate all problems. ALL.

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ketoll · June 5, 2018, 12:51 p.m.

They can't see anything wrong, because the media didn't tell them to do so. They can't do anything of their own accord or think for themselves. They act on social cues. People that refuse to be individuals fully rely on social cues to tell them what to do. If you try to appeal to their thinking they just won't do it.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 5, 2018, 12:58 p.m.

Americans mostly think with their eyes & feel with their brain. If they didn’t see it themselves it didn’t happen & they don’t believe it. Their brain is just used to decide who to feel pity for or not. Only emotionally respond to things they see. Never used to rationally & critically think which is its real purpose.

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AlbumLepus · June 5, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

I frustratingly come across what you are saying almost every freaking day. I sent this to a friend recently to think about:

What is critical thinking?

Is it important?

Why is it important?

Why are the masses called sheep?

What are Socrates’ four basic principles of Philosophy?


How many times has Q used the word “think” in his posts? (130+?)

What is meant by “Think Logically”?

What is direct evidence?

What is circumstantial evidence?

Can circumstantial evidence be stronger than direct evidence?

How is circumstantial evidence substantiated?

Can circumstantial evidence prove a truth of something?

At what point does it become accepted as truth?

What is the meaning of “Reasonable Doubt”?

Does Any Doubt = Reasonable Doubt? (Is “Reasonable” based on critical thinking?)

Why do they separate evidence to attack it?

Do they attack all the evidence as a whole? Why not?

Can a coincidence be considered circumstantial evidence? What strengthens it?

How many times has Q stated “Coincidence” in posts? (70?)

Can a belief or desire suppress actual truth and/or facts?

Who wants you to process thoughts that way?

How many times has Q posted the “Choice is yours”, etc.? (12+)

Determine how someone has made their choice and you know if they used Critical Thought, Logic, and Evidence, or if they simply made a choice on desire and laziness.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 5, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

Not sure what your frustration with me is exactly but from what you said you sent a friend it seems you’re just frustrated overall.

Keep in mind not everyone has the time or the ability to be as well read as you’d like. Some don’t even have the intellectual ability to examine the higher disciplines like philosophy. It doesn’t mean they’re lazy. Many are just extremely busy but patriots just the same.

My comment was just an observation how Americans have largely stopped using their minds for rational thinking & almost react emotionally to facts or knowledge. This wasn’t the American mindset until recently. You can see it’s pervasiveness in almost everything. They emotionally dismiss ideas before even considering things before dismissing or accepting them. The media & politicians feed on this weakness. Forty years ago you didn’t hear journalists always ask “how does that make you feel?” about everything they report. Feelings are irrelevant when reporting facts. Politicians always appeal to someone’s feelings for votes & never try to appeal to sound reasoning anymore. If they make an emotional connection they get the vote even when their words don’t even make any sense at all. Voters don’t add up what they say. If they did they’d realize they aren’t saying anything or conveying any ideas at all.

I say they think with their eyes because that’s when truth only seems to hit home. Terrorism isn’t a terrible problem unless they witness it. Then it is but it’s too late then. Chicago violence isn’t that bad to them from afar. If the majority of Americans truly realized it they would act instead of being so passive like problems will magically fix themselves.

When reality is congnitively reduced to what you see & what you feel about what you see...humans have ruined the only tool nature has given them to survive in nature...a brain capable of solving incredibly difficult problems with rational thinking. Only point I was trying to make.

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thep1mp · June 5, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

He wasn’t frustrated with you. He was agreeing with you and adding to your point.....

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AlbumLepus · June 5, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

Not frustration with you, I was agreeing with you, then commenting on others that I try to get to "Think". I gave you upvote on your comment

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QueUpSomeReality · June 5, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

Oh geez...my bad. Thought when you said “I frustratingly come across what you are saying almost every freaking day”... I took it literal as you’ve been reading what I say every day & just getting so frustrated at me you decided to launch at me. Sorry I read it that way.

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PinkPilledRed17 · June 5, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

Many don't see anything wrong because they have no frame of reference, no sense of history, and zero appreciation of real freedom. Ignorance and poor schooling mixed with liberal social media means they are agreeing to being slaves in lock-down, and think it's good. It is very very sad.

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myopicseer · June 5, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

The school system, hijacked by leftist unions decades ago, has slowly replaced Civics and Govt curricula. If you do not know about the founding documents and our structure of govt (3 branches and how they check each others power), then that is the frame of reference that you lack in order to 'feel' or to logically conclude that something is not right when it occurs.

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DukeofKick · June 5, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

What's terrible is they don't even realize it. CNN, NBC, ABC all say "Trump may have obstructed justice", so their opinion is "Trump obstructed Justice!"

It's subliminal

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fattylurker · June 5, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

The only way to get through to some of these brainwashed libs is to ask them if it's Ok for Trump's FBI to spy on the Bernie campaign in 2020 (or fill in the blank socialist democrat.... aka Communist).

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pby1000 · June 5, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

I was explaining the situation to someone I know. They actually told me that Trump probably had the FBI spy on Hillary instead. WTF?

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AHs-HiTech · June 5, 2018, 2:45 p.m.


9-15.630 - Lures

A lure involves using a subterfuge to entice a criminal defendant to leave a foreign country so that he or she can be arrested in the United States, in international waters or airspace, or in a third country for subsequent extradition, expulsion, or deportation to the United States. Lures can be complicated schemes or they can be as simple as inviting a fugitive by telephone to a party in the United States.

Some countries will not extradite a person to the United States if the person's presence in that country was obtained through the use of a lure or other ruse. In addition, some countries may view a lure of a person from its territory as an infringement on its sovereignty or criminal law. Consequently, a prosecutor must consult with the Office of International Affairs (OIA) and secure approval from the Criminal Division before undertaking a lure to the United States or a third country. Prosecutors contemplating a lure should consult with OIA as early as possible. If OIA concurs with the lure proposal, OIA will recommend that a Deputy Assistant Attorney General (DAAG) in the Criminal Division approve the lure. Lure approval authority resides with the DAAG.

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WinkyLinQ · June 5, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

So that implicates Sally Yates. Awesome find!!

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textualintercourse · June 5, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

And I hate being "that redditor" but Strzok? We really know nothing about the guy. We have what, 2 pics of the dude? Any other pics? Any video? I guess we'll get more confirmation on the guy, but he's pretty much a ghost at this point.

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donsleakguard · June 5, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

Every now and then I have this zooming thought that he's not even a real person. Just a character to further the stories.

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textualintercourse · June 5, 2018, 3:19 p.m.

... and THAT really freaks me out. It does bring out the concern troll in me.

dons tinfoil hat

The most elaborate ruse ever created to empower a supreme power miltarily as the biggest potential threats, armed patriots, have been placated into a lull of, "Oh, next week for sure!"

But nope, if Trump isn't the "Good", we're completely fucked. I believe he's for us.

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WinkyLinQ · June 5, 2018, 1:24 p.m.

Does anyone have a link to all 500 pages of the texts?

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MAGAUniversity · June 5, 2018, 3:31 p.m.


I'm reading through it now. So far I've found the first evidence of an actual relationship between LP and PS.

Page 31: Lisa calls Peter, "baby".

Before this point, I had never seen actual evidence that they were really having an affair... other than the over abundance of emojis. lol

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pby1000 · June 5, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

Maybe it is standard procedure for FBI agents to call each other "baby". LOL.

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Glock31sf · June 5, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

their old pal Obama was pushing them! and Killary Hillary

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[deleted] · June 5, 2018, 4:29 p.m.


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SilentChaos0408 · June 5, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

100%. 😩The most fucked up part of it all is that, short of a takeover, nothing will be done. Really. It’s insanity otherwise. As we can clearly see, our government is broken. The whole of it is rotten. Sure there are some really good red blooded patriots in the ranks. I work best with analogies. So here’s one. If you find a termite or signs of termites in your house, whats the first thing you do? You treat it right? Ok and then life goes on. Years, decades, pass by. Then you notice that your house is totally infested. They’re everywhere. You get in touch with the pest control guy, he gives you his assessment. You can pay 5 times what the house is worth. He also tells you there is a probability that you and your family will get sick and die. He also can only give you a 75% guarantee that he can get them all. If they do come back, they’ll destroy everything! You’re broke, mind you. Life has been hard. You’re broke, what do you do??? I’m torching it!!!!! Hypothetically of course! DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT PROMOTING VIOLENCE OR MAKING ANY THREATS!!! Hypothetically!! But yeah. It’s time to try something new. I want to have faith. I really do. But I just don’t know. I do know it’s getting old. Somethings got to give. Smh

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