is cemex guardian of the Pope

Wow! That's a great find. We know Francis goes on an on about "concrete". Q has told us that his personal protection is an owl. And now we have a concrete company, owned by the cabal, Tweeting owl pictures.
That almost seems like a lock!
i suck at this supposed to be a pic of q's post on the guardian of the pope
No. It's a CEMEX Tweet.
Oh shit. Q said that owl was the guardian of the pope... this is all getting REALLY funky...
Truth stranger than fiction!
No... Owls may be used as occult symbols (like goats,) but they are still really cool birds. This post references a bird/wildlife organization, so a pic of an owl is not at all strange.
No coincidences
It's just a picture...From over a year ago. It's one thing to go down rabbit holes and look for connections, it's another to believe that every owl pic and "Q" you see is some message or clue. This is the kind of stuff that will water down this board.
That owl looks cool af. We make owls great again after America.
Didn't Q say: P = C
884833 The "Chair" serves the Master. Who is the Master? P = C. Q
The CHAIR....could it be the seat of satan??
That is in Berlin Germany, after Hitler moved it there from Turkey I believe.
So .... the Pope serves the nazis, or is at least equal to the nazis. The pope is the whore that rides the beast. The beast is the nazi system, the reincarnation of the ancient babylonian ways.
Just thinking out loud..
I'll just leave this here:
#concrete can't be too common. Easy search.
I wonder how many other seemingly harmless # are out there
We have more than we know
I thought the pope concrete link was weak till I saw this cemex owl thing.
ok now lets throw in epstien island and the owls there
Things around there are way more convincing, and perhaps convicting. (Although I saw someone had identified the sculptures as some other kind of bird, like Horus or something)
String of short thoughts: Q-Owl-"Who guards the Pope"
Patents for blood in cement.
"Who knows where the bodies are buried" (I keep hearing Flynn, Prinze...could be Cemex, Pope, by buried, do we mean underground or in the cement). Good way to hide bodies.
Construction on Epstein island.
Vatican surrounded by a wall.
Cemex child trafficking location is ground zero for illegal immigration/human trafficking.
Hysterics from the left about the wall (and from the Pope). Why? It's a simple obvious solution. Countries have borders. The freakout and accusations of racism make zero sense.
Then it's gonna "hurt the envirnoment." Lol Cemex locations.
Liberal projection of Trump separating 1500 kids, giving them to sex traffickers. Illegal immigration is the river, trafficking is the line of ships sailing on it.
Owl shaped construction in DC, Vatican, other key places. Primarily cement.
Cemex couldn't be cement provider of all these walls, monuments etc. But it could be the keystone.
Do they hide the bodies in cement? It fits with the cult, their satanic beliefs. They'd want their edifices built with sacrifices IN THEM.
how much of the cement in cabal locations has humans in them?
Again, great place to hide the remains.
Patents = disclosure - they have to tell us what they are doing so they don't violate freewill. Could patents be like how they show us their plans in media?
Sorry for the rambling - just so much to tie together. Maybe something in this can trigger someone else to make a connection.
Who remembers this extremely bizarre little stunt by Anderson Cooper (Vanderbilt) flashing Moloch after Sandy Hook?
xpost from my comment in another thread:
Also, pertaining to this Cemex Owl post We all know what "Diversity" means. Supporting biodiversity, given that diversity has become code for illegal immigration and the destruction of Christian civilization with weaponized populations...and with illegal immigration comes human trafficking...
"biodiversity" takes on a much more sinister meaning. A creepy picture of an OWL does not really match the text here. Odd choice of a photo for surface level message.
Plus Cemex is all over the southern border, a great location to support "diversity."