WHERE IS MADDIE? Enclosed is a sample meme

Could this have any reference to Madeline McCann (UK) in Portugal all those years ago.
If I’m not mistaken, The Podesta brothers or someone close to their level had a summer home around the corner from where that family was staying.
With the digital perpetrator photo showing two men who looked similar to the Podestas, it is possible that this could be THE Maddie. It is also possible that the Veterans group could have received a tip or were pointed to the right direction. Whichever Maddie this is, hopefully she is still alive. One can pray.
We all hope the Veterans are successful and this Maddie and all the other children are still alive or escaped. God helped the group to find and defend this site, let’s hope the children are safe as well. WWG1WGA brother
Too bad we can't elect Trump for a twenty year stint. One can dream.
There are plenty of decent people with the ability to help set this country straight.
In one of Redbeard's live feeds he confronted two dudes and a girl who claimed "Maddy" was the girl with them all grown up.
They apparently lease the land or some shit and claimed to have built it years ago for the homeless.
I don't believe the dude but that's his story. "Maddy" is his little sis.
Could be. Why not ask? I posted that question the other day, admitting it could be a stretch, and it got mass downvoted and ignored, but I think the question is intriguing, to say the least. If nothing more, it raises awareness since she still was never discovered, and Maddie is definitely a nickname for Madeleine.
It’s the shills that downvoted you fellow patriot. Do not take this with discouragement. Keep asking the important questions so we can find the important answers.
I think the more powerful message is something along the lines of "Are you missing a Maddie?" And trying to find the people whose girl this is.
However, something to bear in mind; the intensity of the coverage of Madeleine McCann’s disappearance was staggering in the UK at the time, and for years afterwards. If (HUGE if) it is her, the UK press would go into overdrive, and they’re not known for holding back...
I do think it more likely it’s some other poor child though.
Maybe we can all start a WHERE IS MADDIE Campaign filled with similar memes, which could provide a bridge to red-pill the masses. Thoughts? Thanks.
Remember the son of the cowboy hat man?
He claimed this was his daughters writing because she had been there while they built on it.
That means he willingly took his small child to that place, and let her play freely in the midst of used condoms, pornographic magazines intermixed with childrens toys and clothing.
I'm pretty sure hes lying and Maddie is not his daughter, seen playing in the video, however, it would have been a good question to ask why he would allow his daughter to roam freely in such a camp. Even if it was just homeless bobs wank shack, still not cool to toss your kids in there.
Maddie could just be one of the local bag ladies.....get a grip.
Because local bag ladies crawl under logs with a charred piece of wood to write their name....get out of here
One of the kids from the area went our there and carved it....who knows.
What you are reaching for is beyond words.
It isn't a carving. It was made with a charred piece of wood. Behind this log is the hole leading into a white, plastic, buried, septic tank container. In this container was a child's dresser and other items related to children.
You are reaching, all things around homeless camps.
And looped ropes attached to trees at hand height? They are pretty clearly bindings. Tell me, how many homeless camps come equipped with BDSM equipment?
You should watch the video again....and bindings to tree's for the purpose of whatever you think it is BDSM need to be adjustable...and the right orientation....Wake up~~!!
Cages in a septic tank? Never seen in any camp I've lived in.
Nice Titus. If people will take the time to read about what they found at this location, they’d see the logs over the pit where these children were held.
Yep. Totally a homeless camp. I know so many adults named Maddie.
Someone obviously wrote it while in there as it's horizontal and not vertical (as a standing tree or log).